Wednesday, September 8, 2010

On September 16-19, 2010, people who care about peace and justice all over the world will engage in actions in support of Bradley Manning. The 22-year-old Army Private First Class has been held in isolation since May, charged with releasing classified US military documents, including a video showing US troops shooting and killing 11 people, among them two Reuters employees, in 2007.

From United for Peace and Justice:
Manning's imprisonment has resulted in an international outcry, with groups and activists throughout the US and abroad demanding his release and calling for transparency in America's war policies. Famed Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg has said that if Mr. Manning is related to the leak, then he is "a new hero of mine."

The timing of these International Days of Action coincides with the approximate dates of WikiLeaks' next scheduled document release.

Supporters of Bradley Manning are calling for his immediate release and that all charges against him be dropped, regardless of which person or persons contributed to the release of the WikiLeaks documents. Filmmaker Michael Moore, who joined the Bradley Manning Support Network's Advisory Board over the weekend, stated: "Whoever is responsible for the Afghanistan leaks is a courageous patriot who should be celebrated for bringing the truth of this war to the American people. Whether or not Pfc. Bradley Manning is the leaker, he must be set free."

Events and rallies have already been confirmed for New York City NY, Oakland CA, San Diego CA, Minneapolis MN, San Francisco CA, Houston TX, London UK, Fort Lewis WA (Seattle area), Columbus OH, and Quantico VA--near the Marine brig where Bradley is being is currently being held in pre-trial confinement.

See the Bradley Manning Support Network for details. If you can plan something in your community, no matter how small, email

To donate to Manning's legal defense: go here.

To order "Free Bradley Manning" t-shirts, stickers, posters, etc.: go here.


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