Saturday, December 5, 2009

Madame (and her awesome hat) sits with First Dude
at the book signing in Virginia

Madame had a book signing in Virginia. Her supporters were hard core, with some of them waiting for hours in the snow. More than 2,000 people came to see Madame! Plus, the First Dude has been on the tour the past few days, which has made it particularly awesome!

I know that laptops really don't have much fashion sense. We all look pretty much the same. However, I must say that I absolutely loved Madame's outfit today. Her jacket and her hat were awesome!

Tonight, Madame spoke at the Gridiron Club, and boy was she funny! She could very easily take Tiny Fea's job!

Madame said that if VP Hairplugs wrote a book it would be called Going Rogaine. She also said that she could see the Russian embassy from D.C. You can check out some more of Madame's funny quotes here and here. I always knew that Madame was a hoot, but I'm glad that everyone else gets to see her humor too.

We're off to Iowa and North Dakota tomorrow. The softy southpaws know these places as "flyover country".


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