Sunday, January 31, 2010

There are a number of players who are getting fitted for new uniforms today. Seven players are changing addresses after the Maple Leafs, Flames, and Ducks got in on some pre-Olympics player swapping. With the moves made today by three teams, it appears that there are a number of trades looming on the horizon. While I'm not going to speculate on who is going where, I will give you a look at the trade...
We've see Harper the Kitten Whisperer, then Harper as Mr. Blue Sweater and the Piano Man. Now he's becoming the Great Humanitarian. But using the world's poor as a photo backdrop to raise poll numbers at home has triggered everyone's gag reflex. And in fact, this might well backfire on Harper if his cabinet uses it to justify CIDA funding for pro-lifers.Steve V. sums up the issue:It actually makes you angry on one level, the way this Prime Minister is clearly manipulating genuine human plight...
Late last week, the US Mint released coin images for the 2010 Presidential Dollars. The images come just about three weeks before the first coin is released into circulation and two weeks before the first of the year's Presidential Dollar products goes on sale.The circulation release date for the Millard Fillmore Dollar will be February 18, 2010. This will be followed by the Franklin Pierce Dollar...

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Well, I have to say that today, the Great Opologizer made it easy for Madame to call him out. At the GOP Retreat Friday, the President made some meandering statement in which he admitted that there were "stray cats and dogs" in the bill (aka special favors and provisions). Well, at first he said that these dogs were not in the bill, then he said that they were being taken out of the bill before finally...
Today is "Hockey Day In Canada" as coined by CBC for their all-Canadian broadcast today. Each year, CBC's Hockey Night In Canada travels to some small town where the spirit of the game is strong, and the dreams of playing under the lights is a twinkle in everyone's eyes. From outdoor rinks to NHL arenas, Canadians are always associated with hockey where ever you may be on this planet. While I'm not...
Four wingnuts wearing phone company costumes were arrested the other day for trying to bug the offices of Louisiana Democratic Senator Mary Landrieu.Stupid, huh? When a Landrieu staffer asked for their ID, they said they left it in the truck.The U.S. Marshal's Service apprehended all four men shortly thereafter.Now they're saying they were actually just trying to investigate whether her phones were busy or not.Well, this explanation makes even less sense.I smell a barking fish here, or a smoking...

Friday, January 29, 2010

Rev. Paperboy calls bullshit to the decision to take away Steve Fonyo's Order of Canada and so do I:I still think this is unfair, hypocritical and just plain mean-spirited. . . .Admittedly Fonyo has not led an exemplary life since he was awarded the Order at age 18, but he was not given the award for the life he was going to lead or for his ongoing contributions to Canada - he was given the award...
A peculiar but compelling countd...
Do you know who the gentleman is pictured to the left? If you don't, that's ok. I'm here to tell you. The NHL doesn't recognize any of the records set in the WHA by any player simply because the NHL doesn't recognize its largest rival to date. The WHA was the "rogue league" - a league whose players wouldn't be included in any international event that the NHL was included in. Because of this, there...
While Madame was not at the GOP retreat today, she did offer a new post to answer the President's call to suggest other ideas for health care reform. Madame was happy to take up the offer. She wasn't retreating like other GOPers, she was reloading!And, boy did she unload on our other post tonight! She called out the Opologizer administration for their blundering decision to try terrorists in New York which they are now trying to reverse. However, Madame recognized their facade! They are trying to...
Yesterday the 2008 Annual Uncirculated Dollar Set sold out at the US Mint.The set contains the 2008-W Uncirculated Silver Eagle, satin finish 2008-D Sacagawea Dollar, and the five satin finish 2008-P Presidential Dollars. The product was first available for sale on August 7, 2008 and has been priced at $37.95 for the duration.I have written about this set on a number of occasions, in part because...
The United States Mint will begin sales of bags and rolls of 2010 Kennedy Half Dollars today January 29, 2010 at 12:00 Noon ET.The rolls will be offered as a two roll set that contains one 20-coin roll of coins from the Philadelphia Mint and one 20-coin roll of coins from the Denver Mint. The rolls are packaged in special US Mint branded wrappers which indicate the face value, date, and mint mark...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Andrew Sullivan writes a profound post about Obama's State of the Union speech and what it means for the future of the United States:I've lived in Washington for twenty years. I saw in Obama the real hope that something constructive could emerge from the corruption and decline of the recent past. I saw last night the civil tone that marks a responsible politics, rather than the glib cynicism and mock heroism that has marked us in much of the new millennium . . .Last night, I saw one of the few men...
I've always regretted that they had to call the reclusive author in Field of Dreams "Terrence Mann" instead of J.D. Salinger, though having him played by James Earl Jones instead of, say, Dennis Hopper, was what made that movie.Anyway, I love this scene in particular, and always thought this was likely what J.D. Salinger would have said, too -- "Oh my God, you're from the 60s! Out, back to the 60s, back!" Who knows, maybe he did actually say this to W.P. Kinsel...
Well, we all saw Governor McDonnell do a solid job giving the GOP rebuttal to the President's SOTU lecture, but, today, Madame wrote a 5 nightstick piece. I think if Tingles Matthews would have read Madame's post he would have said, " the whole time I was reading it I forgot she was a woman".Madame really tried to be as nice as possible by starting the post with "while I don’t wish to speak too harshly about President Obama’s state of the union address"but here's a list of all the crap you've done...
THE STATE OF THE UNION:At this present time in our history, are we facing a "constitutional crisis"? You bet your butt we are; but it did not start with Barack Obama or the Democrat Party. Everyone in government takes an oath to uphold the Constitution, but few do so. The people we have been sending to Washington do NOT recognize any limits today on Congress's power to legislate, the only thing they...
This is how I grew up watching hockey. The two men on the covers of their respective issues of Sports Illustrated were the dominant forces in the game, and they electrified fans where ever they went. But perhaps the most notable part of those pictures are the jerseys being worn by Gretzky and Lemieux. You see, home teams always wore white when I was growing up with hockey, and you didn't have the...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Well, the Great Opologizer gave his State of the Union address. I knew it was going to be a long speech so I preemptively sent TOTUS a case of Red Bull so that he could stay awake. I'll summarize the speech for you all. Blame Bush. Condescension. Spending freeze. Continued crazy ideas on health care reform and climate change. Criticism of the Supreme Court. Hypocrisy. Disconnect. Etc. He even plagiarized Madame and spoke of common sense. Grr!!If you didn't have the chance to watch it, I'll have...
While collectors are still awaiting the final design announcements for the 2010 America the Beautiful Quarters, the Commission of Fine Arts (CFA) and Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee (CCAC) recently reviewed the 2011 design candidates provided by the US Mint.Based on the US Mint's design selection process for the American the Beautiful Quarters Program, these candidates were prepared based on source...
This post will conclude the coverage of the Mint News Blog reader survey. This survey was available during the first week of January as a way to wrap up the old year and start thinking about 2010 coins. The survey covered US Mint products, circulating coins, precious metals, and related topics.With the coverage of the survey concluded, I wanted to once again thank all of the readers who completed...
Antler Banter returns today with a severe case of triskaidekaphobia. The Manitoba Moose rolled into Hershey, Pennsylvania for a couple of games against the AHL-leading Hershey Bears, and there were some definite questions as to how the Moose would respond after a couple of blow-outs against the Milwaukee Admirals before the AHL All-Star break. Injury news returns today as the Moose see a few players...