I am not anti-semitic, I am anti-bullshitic!Something has been hitting me in the head from time to time. It's never usually enough to warrant a blog but the buildup over the years brings me to mention and remind people of something.JUDAISM IS NOT A RACE. IT'S A RELIGION.Why do I feel the need to mention the obvious? Simple! How many times have we heard the FALSE term - half-jewish? Honestly, I am sick and tired of hearing that shit as if you can be half of a religion. People don't walk around saying...
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Monday, December 11, 2006

U.S. Immigration THrough Investmentby: Maury D. BeaulierApproximately 10,000 immigrant visas per year are available to qualified individuals seeking permanent resident status on the basis of their engagement in a new commercial enterprise. Statistics on the EB-5 program show, however, that actual usage of this preference category has never come near the annual allotment of 10,000 visas for the program.Eligibility RequirementsForeign investors seeking permanent residence in the United States fall...
Thursday, November 16, 2006

This whole issue of folks coming to the US and not learning a lick of English is getting out of hand.So check this out. I am hungry as hell. It's late. But, I am hungry. Also, I need money. I hate not having shit in my pocket. I had some dollars hanging around somewhere but I didn't feel like looking.I decide to drive to the bank. As I come out of the bank, this taxi cab pulls up next to me. The driver, a Dominican fellow, needs some directions. I mute the radio to try to hear him clearly. I still...
Monday, June 26, 2006

First of all, let me begin with the court date I never mentioned. After the call about the ACD as described in the other post - My Case: Part Three: The ACD, I had to appear in court again. This was basically the point where my lawyer would fight for a complete dismissal since they offered the ACD. But, one thing we all must remember is that if it isn't on paper, it does NOT exist. Let's repeat that... IF IT IS NOT ON PAPER, IT DOES NOT EXIST. So, when we got into the court room, the individual...
Friday, May 26, 2006

Yesterday, May 25th, 2006, my lawyer gives me a call to let me know that the DA has offered a deal called an ACD. ACD stands for "adjournment contemplating dismissal". Basically, this means that if I don't get arrested for 6 months, they would dismiss the case. My lawyer describes it as "if you were never arrested." Most people would take such a deal. It expunges all records and you can act as if nothing ever happened. However, I am not most people and I did refused the offer.The problem with an...
Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Oh well. The so-called officer did NOT show up to the court room. The assistant district attorney has been trying to at least investigate the case which is a good thing but this officer is obviously NOT cooperating. Since it's not some big trial, they had an adjournment until next week on the 31st. At least my lawyer won't be charging me for the next appearance. LOL. So that's what happened.Here are some more interesting parts. My lawyer spoke with the ADA and she seems to want to move to dismiss...
Monday, May 22, 2006

The case is tomorrow. In case you have no idea what I am talking about... What you in here for? I am very anxious about it! But, let me fill you in on something that happened about two weeks ago. On Wednesday, May 10th, my lawyer got me a meeting with the assistant district attorney who was assigned to my case. Supposedly, this is a big issue because normally you don't get a chance to speak with the ADA. Obviously, all she has to go on is the police report which is just rife with lies and impossibilities.Anyway,...
Tuesday, April 4, 2006

So, I sit here bored out of my mind, desperately trying to fall asleep. My mind races over what's been, what is, and what might be. I decide to change my security camera position under the window sill. It's been bugging me for the last few days because I wanted a new position. I like to watch what's happening on the street below me. A new position would give me a new perspective - maybe.As I stand up to do so, I notice, out of the corner of my eye, possibly out of the deepest corner of my peripheral...
Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Ohhhhhhhhh my god, I swear I have told this story a million times already and I think I have. Anyway, here it goes. Yesterday, March 28th, 2006 at around 5pm I am sitting on my lazy ass watching some Quantum Leap on the Sci Fi channel, and chatting with my homegirl Kym. Outside of my window, I hear some scuffling and someone sounding like he in pain. I told Kym, "Oooooo fight! brb!" Now, I live on the second floor of my building so I can see them pretty well. I go to the window to see undercover...
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