There are some things that just stick in my craw and it is now time to empty it:
First, there is the phenomenon of Ted Kennedy, ALL DAY, EVERY DAY until he is planted.
I'm sorry, but I just cannot shed any tears or offer false platitudes over his passing. All I have been hearing all day long is how wonderful Teddy was and how great the Kennedy Family is. The Kennedy family is a prime example of all that is wrong in America today. Wonderful, so they came from a family of privilege, but people forget that the Kennedy family and the Fitzgerald family, made their money and got their "privilege" through bootlegging and political strong-arming and other questionable practices.
It is often mentioned how the Kennedy's are long time devote Catholics. Well, WHOOP-DI-DOO! If being a devote Catholic means that you support homosexuality, abortion, changing wives more often then you change your underwear, being a womanizer and drunken sot, drive your car off a bridge killing an innocent woman and not reporting it until the next day, then getting away with it, and soothing your conscience by giving huge sums of money to the Church, well if that is what being a devote Catholic is all about, then you can have it.
I find nothing honorable about Kennedy. So many of the legislation that he pushed and voted on has led to the shoving of the United States toward socialism and a loss of many of our freedoms and the utter disgrace of our education system. But in today's America, if you have tons of money or you are a good athlete or entertainer, then that excuses a multitude of sins and no matter what you do, you are held in high esteem.
To add insult to injury, Chris Matthews (of "Obama sends a thrill down my leg" fame) now claims Obama is the "Last Kennedy brother" (could be with all the womanizing that was going on).
SECOND: I don't know how many of you saw McCain's town hall yesterday, but once again, McCain's inner RINO surfaced. When one woman questioned McCain about the constitutionality of Obama's actions, rather then answer the question, McCain repeated a couple of times how he honestly believes that Obama is sincere in his beliefs as to where he wants to take this country and how Obama believes in the Constitution. Hey McRINO, sincerety in one's beliefs does not give them the right to violate the Constitution of the United States, even if they are the president. I also believe that Obama is a sincere socialist/communist, but that does not make it right or legal to turn this nation communist against the will of the people. That is NOT what he was elected for.
THIRD: I am getting sick and tired of listening to our elected representatives and senators complaining about how rude their constituents are at town hall meetings because they keep shouting them down.
Well, you thick headed morons, did it ever dawn on your pea sized brains that you were elceted to work for us? The town hall meetings are supposed to be a venue where you listen to us, your employers. You get shouted down because you refuse to listen to us. We the People keep telling you; "WE DO NOT WANT ANY HEALTH CARE REFORM THAT CONTAINS A 'PUBLIC OPTION', 'PUBLIC CO-OP', or any other kind of loop hole that will allow the government a foot-hold toward eventual government take-over of the health care system." But you refuse to listen, instead you want to keep telling us how you support a 'Public Option'. We keep telling you that we do not want a national health care plan that extends health care benefits to illegals or that uses taxpayer money to fund abortions, or that has government mandated "end of life" counseling and we dam sure as hell do not want a national health care that puts bureaucrats between us and our medical care decesions. You continuously lie to us telling us that those things aren't in the bill, but they ARE. Besides, how the hell would you know when you folks not only don't read the bill, you don't even write it.
So, if you refuse to listen to us, then what else can we do but shout you down?
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