7:38 PM
2010 AND BEYOND: This evening, on his show, Glenn Beck laid out a plan of action for We the People to take to fight back against those who seem dead set on transforming our beloved nation into a socialistic/communistic nightmare, and his plan does not require the use of guns. I am all for giving Beck's plan a try. Watch the two videos below and make up your own minds. Beck 8/28/09 – Part I Beck 8/28/09 – Part II Here they are, the Five Pledges. Send these to your state's Representatives and Senators, no matter what party they belong to, along with the various questions that Glenn Beck posted all week. Let our elected officials know, in no uncertain terms, that if they are NOT part of the solution then they are part of the problem and We the People will NOT put up with it any longer. Let them know that if they insist on violating their oaths of office and the Constitution of the United States, and if they insist on passing unconstitutional laws, then We the People WILL consider them to be TRAITORS to the United States of America and they will be treated accordingly. We MUST also inform Barack Obama that we will NOT allow him to usurp powers that do not belong to the Office of President, nor will we continue to allow him to be having known communists and leftist terrorists as Czars or presidential advisers, nor will we allow ACORN or any other questionable organization to write the bills that Congress votes on. In the future, We the People must demand changes in our election laws and how campaigns are financed. We must demand that special interest groups and political action committees (PACS) no longer have the right to pour huge sums of money into the campaigns and to buy influence with presidents, senators or representatives. We the People demand to have OUR voice back and heard in our government. We must demand and take back State's Rights and bring back our Constitutional Republic. We must DEMAND a smaller centralized federal government. I don't care what the late Ted Kennedy or other leftist senators and representatives pushed for (a larger and stronger central government). If the above demands don't work, if our elected officials continue on their path of ignoring the will of the people, and if they insist on marching toward socialism/communism, then We shall have no choice but to engage in open revolution and or secession from a federal government that has broken faith and union with We the People and provokes us into rebellion. That is our God given right and duty.
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