A true miracle took place the other day and nobody seemed to notice.
If you will remember back to the days of the campaign, when Obama was being interviewed by Rev. Rick Warren of the Saddleback Church, Warren asked Obama (who strongly supports abortion rights) "At what point does a baby acquire 'human rights'." Here is what Obama had to say: "...whether you're looking at it from a theological perspective or a scientific perspective, answering that question with specificity ... is above my pay grade."
Just in case you may have forgotten it, you can check it out in the following video:
But that was then, this is now and miracles do happen, Obama is now God's partner. Apparently Obama has had a vision from the Most High, informing him that He (God) is on his side and against the American people in Obama's stampede for total government take over of our health care system. Apparently, during a morning conference call with about a thousand clergymen from across the nation, Obama said: "I am going to need your help in accomplishing necessary reform." He went on to say: "We are God's partners in matters of life and death." Wow! Who knew that God is pro-abortion. Can anybody say "DEATH PANELS?" And all this time, the liberals thought that the Conservatives wanted to force a theocracy on America.
Shhhh! Did you hear that? That is the deafening silence from the ACLU and other anti-religious groups. It seems that they don't give a hoot if a radical left-wing leader like Obama steps over their make believe line of Separation of Church and State as long as Obama has fashioned his god in his own image rather then the other way around.
Well, it is official, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has jumped on the homosexual bandwagon. They have decided to allow sexually active openly homosexuals to serve as priests within their church.
If this is happening in Texas, how many other states will stand up in the same fashion?
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