Well, it looks like it is beginning to hit hard and heavy, and I hope that Conservatives have the guts to keep it up.
The following are some talking points and questions to bring up with your Senators and Representatives if you can get to any of their Town Hall meetings, assuming they have any Town Hall meetings. If they don't, then you can at least send it to them in an email, to keep up the pressure.
1.) Congress and Obama are rushing to get the Health Care Bill pushed through. Ask your Congressman and Senator:
"Why is it so important to push this through that no body will even take the time to read it first?" Also, "Why do we have to have a complete government take over of the health care system, when there are other more better ways to improve the system with a government take over?"
2.) NARAL and Planned Parenthood are pushing to have abortion covered under the National Health Care Bill. Question for your Congressman:
"Will you oppose any health care reform bill that uses my tax money to pay for abortions?"
3.) In a recent New York Post column, former New York State Lieutenant Governor and health care expert wrote:
"One troubling provision of the House Bill compels seniors to submit counseling service every five years (and more often if they become sick or go into a nursing home) about alternatives for end-of-life care..."
This is for the purpose of urging the elderly to either kill themselves or have themselves euthanized 'for the good of the country' so that the government won't have to spend money on caring for them. This is supposedly to keep health care costs down, yet the government insists on providing health care to illegal immigrants. Question for you Congressman:
"Will you oppose any health care reform bill that in any way promotes euthanasia and that calls for covering illegal immigrants?"
4.) The United States is facing a debt crisis. According to Senator Judd Gregg, the Obama budget will generate an $11 trillion debt at the end of five years and $17 trillion at the end of ten years. Question:
"Why is Congress and Obama pushing through a health care bill that will cost another trillion dollars over the next ten years? Shouldn't you concentrate on getting the debt under control first?"
5.) According to a July 15th report by The Hill, the House bill would be paid for by roughly $500 billion in Medicare and Medicaid cuts. These cuts will come at a time when millions of Americans will be retiring. Logic tells us that cutting billions of dollars from Medicare and Medicaid means that health care will have to be rationed to accommodate more people and seniors would be most affected by the Medicare cuts. Also, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel (brother of Rahm Emanuel) has also suggested that health care should be rationed to certain individuals. Question:
"How can the government promise to do more with less? Will you oppose any reform health bill that in any way limits my access to health care or medicines recommended by my doctor?"
6.) The Congressional Budget Office estimates that new technology accounts for about half the increase in health care costs over the past several decades. For the most part, this is a good thing. Adjusted for inflation, health care spending per person is six times what it was 40 years ago, but I doubt that anyone would want to go back to 1960's style health care. Question:
"Why are you trying to force us in the direction of more government involvement in health care, when every where government run health care has been tried, quality declines and care is rationed?"
7.) According to this bill, the government not only mandates coverage for every individual, but also says that the government will have real time access to every ones bank accounts, new mothers will have health workers enter their homes and dictate how they raise their children, and even ACORN will play a role entering homes to check on peoples weight and what sort of diet they eating. All of this is an invasion of our privacy, so is the fact that the government will have unlimited access to our private health records. The government will also have the final word as to what kind of and how much health coverage a person can have. there are many more things in this bill that violate our rights and freedoms. Question:
"Why do you believe that government bureaucrats can make better decisions then me as to what kind of health insurance I should have. Or what makes you think the government is better at raising our children then we are? Will you guarantee that any health care reform bill passed by Congress will always allow us to choose our own doctors and make our own health care decisions? And that none of the other mandates that invade our privacy are allowed in the bill?" "Also, can you guarantee that we will NEVER be forced into a 'single payer system' that will force private health insurance companies out of business?"
Remind your elected officials that the federal government has NO Constitutional right or power to get involved with health care and if they answer in the negative to any of the above, then we the people will vote them out office, and they can find themselves a new line of work. Also remind them that they work for us We the People, not for Obama, not for Harry Reid, and certainly not for Nancy Pelosi.
It Looks Like Arlan Spector Almost Caught Some S^#T!
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