Thursday, November 27, 2008







Wednesday, November 26, 2008

At the bottom, people fight for everything and anything is worth your life. At the top, in government and business, there are forbidden words for how people get things done: spy, espionage, sabotage. All the masses in between vie for a piece of the pie in some way: backstabbing, theft, sex, deceit, nepotism and favoritism, libel, malice, cheating.

It's a dog eat dog world. Sometimes we have to run with the devil.

What's that mean? How do you run with the devil?

Simply put, running with the devil is when you do bad things with selfish intent. Sometimes we face choices or obstacles that are difficult to solve. So, you take the easy way out. You know it's wrong but you do it anyway. You sell a little bit of your self and your soul to get ahead. It's not quite a full selling out which is why I call it running with devil.

How far can we run with the devil before we've sold out?

There comes a point in time when it all comes to a head; it's ready to burst. There's only so much you can do or take in this world, a limit to everything. Eventually it all catches up with you. You've been running with the devil for a long time now.

The boss finds out you've been taking credit for ideas that aren't your own. Your wife gets a phone call from your recently pregnant girlfriend. The police caught you with a kilo of powder cocaine. You've told a man he's the father of your children. The accountant has caught you stealing money. You violently assaulted an already handcuffed suspect.

And, there's that point. The devil wants his payback and you will pay. He won't run with you anymore. You've got two options: sell your soul or let the devil take that bite.

What if you sell your soul? You come up with the ultimate solution that will in some way preserve your current happiness. What if you let the devil take his bite? You face your demons and you accept whatever fate the future holds.

We all run with the devil in some way. The only issue is how much running can you do before the devil wants a return on his investment.

For those who run hard, keep running hard and good luck.
For those who run medium, let the devil bite and try to be happy.
For those who run soft, play your cards smart and don't push your luck.
For those who don't run at all, I feel sorry for you because you're only lying to yourself.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Marijuana Mondays
The big thing in marijuana is medical. Now, I won't act as if I am some debilitated, terminally ill individual that uses marijuana medicinally to relieve insurmountable pain. However, I am an insomniac which affects everything else in my life. Sometimes, I could stay up 36 hours before I finally crash and the most I've slept is about 6 hours which is an oddity for me. However, while smoking marijuana I get regulated to a degree. Depending on how I use, I can get varying and helpful effects. Overall, I enjoy the high. So, I want to tell two short stories about the best marijuana I've ever had.
Check the last episode: Marijuana Monday Ep 13: Education is Legalization

Brainstorm (aka Hempstar)
A few years ago, I purchased this marijuana called Hempstar from my connect (dealer). It was in the first few days of me getting top quality bud and not that crap on the street - the discovery phase, so to speak. The Hempstar was funky, stink in a good way. It was packed with little "diamonds" or trichomes which is where the THC is manufactured in the plant. Basically, in looks and smell, Hempstar was just very good.

I got home with this new marijuana and rolled a good sized blunt, chocolate philly (which is easier to roll that most people think). As I began to smoke, I got upset. I was watching tv and I felt nothing. Ok I am never getting this marijuana again. I wanted something to drink. As I got up to go to the kitchen, I wobbled a bit and fell right back down. Whoaaaaaaa! I looked at the television, it began to rotate ever so slightly. WHOAAAAAA! Eventually, I made it to the kitchen on those wobbly legs and got some cold water.

When I made it back, I laid down and woke up. No. I didn't go to sleep. At least, I don't remember going to sleep. All I remember was waking up about three hours later. And, I was HUNGRY. My appetite was monstrous to say the least, super munchies. After I fed the munchies, I looked up Hempstar online. I found out it's bred by Dutch Passion and found out they changed the name from Hempstar to Brainstorm. The site says that the line was updated. That's a lot to explain so I won't.

The next day, I found out my boy Will was coming from NJ. I don't miss those occassions to hang out with friends, I don't get to see often. And, I had to share the Hempstar. It's only natural. I rolled a Honey Dutch which I only smoked a third and would smoke the rest with my boy. And, I threw in a little bit of the Hempstar on the side for when he got home. The plan: Will would come over, smoke a little, head to the movies, then to my friend Fred's spot. After Will smoked that first few puffs, it was the same story. He didn't feel anything but when he went to the bathroom, he wobbled slightly.

I don't remember what we watched at the movies but after about 45 minutes into it, I smelled the Hempstar. Mind you, Will had the marijuana including a half-blunt on his inside pocket. On top of that, he was layered because it was cold. I asked Will if he could smell it. At first he said no but confirmed it 15 minutes later. Then, this loudmouth hoodrat about 5 seats away screeches, "I SMELL MARIJUANA." I had to laugh. The guy the girl was with was trying to quiet her down. Will apologized for the marijuana being so strong.

We get to Fred's spot and they smoke the rest of the blunt. I didn't want anymore. I know my limitations. We did get the munchies later on. Just when we were about to go to the store, Fred throws me his keys. Why? He says, "This shit got me couchlocked!" He really didn't want to get up to open the door when we got back. Will turned quiet as his high settled in. He couldn't really go to sleep but I could tell he was going down. He ended up going back home a little early.

Hopefully, the US will legalize marijuana for all and I can get some seeds and grow these out.

Stay tuned for next Monday.
There's another story about another strain that's the best ever for me. It's called Hush (pronounced hoosh). I'll discuss the difference between Hempstar and Hush and tell you why I don't think that many people know about Hush. Hint: This strain is too new for the streets.
Marijuana Media: Nice Bong Hits

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Where I Stand
First of all, let me explain where I stand on a few things and you'll probably guess where this post is going. You'll definitely understand my attitude and rational.

I don't like homosexuality. More specifically, I don't like male homosexuality. The idea of two hairy men coming together to "smash" each other disgusts me. And, that's why I don't do it. There are a lot of things I can't, don't, and won't do - crack, heroin, fellatio, door-to-door sales, necrophilia, etc etc etc. At the same time, there are a lot of things I do that others won't do - eat meat, watch girl-on-girl pornography, cunnilingus, smoke marijuana, etc etc etc.

The point is that we all do things that others may or may not do. But, what does it matter? As long as what I am doing doesn't hurt you and what you're doing doesn't hurt me, why should either one of try to prevent or prohibit the other from doing it. Homosexuality doesn't affect me. It doesn't affect anyone but the people who engage in it. So, I don't see myself supporting any measure that treats homosexuals as second-class citizens.

We are all human beings first. Any categorization after that is arbitrary as it pertains to society as a whole.
Arguments Against "Gay Marriage"
I recognize there are two arguments against gay marriage. These are not separate arguments but different arguments in their intent to shape gay marriage. The first stems from outright hate of homosexuality altogether. This argument is against anything that would promote or even accept the concept of homosexuality. The second fights over the definition of the word itself: "Marriage is the union between man and woman." Supposedly, they don't mind civil unions but they don't want to "share" their definition of marriage. Neither argument is of any real relevance as both are based on ignorance and stupidity.
America's HIV: Blending of Church and State
The very reason there is a separation of church and state is because our forefathers were sick and tired of the twisted ways people, specifically the royalty of England, use religion to limit and/or pervert an ever changing and growing society. Examples of this perversion include justifications for slavery, rape, incest, murder, torture and more. President mis-elect George W. Bush said that God told him to do certain things. Those things lead up to well over 4000 American military troops dying along with the senseless slaughter of near 1,000,000 Iraqi and Afghan people. Bush is a prime example of someone who is religiously perverse and wielding the power of the presidency of the United States.

It's this same limitation and perversion of religion coupled with an unconstitutional blending of church and state that gives life to the "sickness" this nations suffers. It's like the AIDS virus, corrupting and distorting the cells one by one until eventually the body turns on itself in a vicious civil war shutting down organ by organ until the entire body falls. One ramification of this nation's "sickness" is the persecution of gays through the denial of marriage. While I will not assume our forefathers anticipated this specific issue, they did anticipate these types of issues. By separating church and state, they give the future the freedom from this "sickness" to decide their respective present.
Marriage vs Civil Union: The Solution
The United States government should recognize civil unions in general and disassociate itself with any religious concept of marriage altogether. That is, all marriages, heterosexual and homosexual, are civil unions and will be respected as such. Civil union should be, and are, considered legal agreements between two people to share a life together. Marriage, as it is defined by any church, will not have any respect with the US government.

Allow me to introduce a possibly new concept. All civil unions should be agreements that are decided upon before the marriage takes place. In other words, just as two people sit down to settle terms for a divorce, they should sit down to settle terms for a civil union much like a prenuptial agreement but for ALL civil unions. There would be an absolute default civil union option. While Congress should define it, I am thinking something along the lines of a 50/50 split is said civil union fails in divorce.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Marijuana Mondays
Education is proving to be legalization in the United States. For far too long, Americans have been lied to about marijuana by various entities feeding off of other entities. The DEA has led the charge in misinforming the American people about marijuana. This campaign of misinformation is like the misinformation that put American voters behind Bush when he decided to go to war in Iraq. Usually people are afraid of what they don't know. But, the DEA uses misinformation to promote and grow that fear of marijuana. Just as we, as a people, were educated that the War in Iraq was based on a lie, we are also realizing the War on Drugs is based on numerous lies. There is nothing wrong with questioning our government. Doing the right thing is the obligation of any citizen but we must know the full truth to do THAT right thing.
Check the last episode: Marijuana Monday Ep 12: Oh, Happy Days!

Pot Mumblings

Medical marijuana could ease economic pains
"There is a great opportunity here for the government to collect significant tax revenue currently being lost to the street market," Nash, one of the best-known legal cannabis producers, enthused.
Although this article is from Canada, they have some of the same problems that we have here in the US in regards to marijuana. That is, rampant ignorance of marijuana leading to irrational policy making by an out of touch government controlled primarily by corporate/business interests that are frightened of the competition from marijuana (alcohol, tobacco, pharmaceuticals, lumber, and so on). The point of the article is to alleviate the economic burden of marijuana prohibition on a society that is suffering financially.

The problem around the world is the lack of education which needs to be addressed first. People still believe that marijuana is some evil substance. It's interesting when hundreds of thousands of people die each year from consumption of alcohol and cigarettes while they decide the fate of a plant that is about as toxic as a cold glass of water. Something to think about here in the USA.

Marijuana Advocates Look to National Agenda
A bill introduced by Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) that would decriminalize possession of up to 3.5 ounces of marijuana in the U.S. is cited as a starting point for hearings and discussion of the issue on a national level.
Those crazy folks in Massachusetts are trying to go national with their successful campaign. Although the effort is already nationalized, there's something to be said about whatever they did in Mass. because all 83 counties voted for marijuana decriminalization by a margin of 2 to 1. That's resounding success. I don't know exactly what they did but the only way I could see it working is if they were out there educating people on marijuana. We have to undo the fear factor taught by the DEA and other groups and agencies that ignorantly peg marijuana as a bad substance.

Carl Olsen v. Drug Enforcement Administration - 2008

Here is an individual trying to get marijuana reclassified in the schedules of the Controlled Substances Act. Marijuana exists in Schedule 1 (or section 1) of the CSA.
Schedule 1 of the Controlled Substances Act
(A) The drug or other substance has high potential for abuse
(B) The drug or other substance has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States
(C) There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision.
It has this distinction because the DEA (no one else makes these decisions) decided that marijuana fits it. But, anyone who knows anything about marijuana knows that it doesn't fit at least one of those requirements. But, here's the truth about it:
  • (A) Marijuana is not addictive and can't be abused. (Then again, anyone can abuse anything. Fat folks abuse Big Macs. This doesn't mean that Big Macs should be a Schedule 1 narcotic.)
  • (B) 13 states along with many medical associations agree that marijuana has incredible medical value.
  • (C) Marijuana is nontoxic and can not kill therefore there is NO safety issue
The DEA knows that if people are educated on the truth, they're job gets harder. It gets harder because marijuana is too easy to get. You can see plants growing if they're outside. Dogs can smell marijuana through anything. It's the most widely used "illegal" substance in the US so there's no shortage of "criminals" to catch. Marijuana makes the DEA look like a capable and functioning agency when you hear they've pulled up millions of plants per year and arrested hundreds of thousands of people. It looks good on paper because of the high numbers.

You take marijuana away, they'll HAVE to concentrate on fighting REAL drug crime - cocaine, heroin, meth, extasy, and so on. These chemicals cost much much more than marijuana so they come in smaller quantities and they don't stink like marijuana. Dealing with addicts are much more violent and likely to end in violence. Let's be honest, what kind of danger can someone high on marijuana pose when they show smokers "deflated" on a couch because marijuana makes you "boring and lazy". Do you really need no-knock raids and assault weapons for a marijuana smoker?
Green Tip of the Week: Anthony's Reminders
Reminder: Roll tighter to decrease air flow so that the blunt or joint doesn't burn faster.
November 1st is the official day that I started back smoking marijuana. I'd chosen June 1st as my official stop smoking day although I had stopped somewhere in mid-May after a food poisoning. After 5 months of not smoking, I lost a bit of my skill in rolling. I found myself rolling blunts too tight. Anyone who knows me knows that I roll just a little tight to control air flow. The more air flowing, the faster a blunt burns down.

Reminder: If you're going to roll a blunt, use enough marijuana to get a good roll
Although on Nov. 1, I rolled perfectly the first time back, I had some trouble over the weekend. Serious medical aid was needed. I rolled it way too tight. But, it didn't dawn on me why I rolled so tight until I got home. I forgot something important. My boy is very cheap when it comes to weed. I remembered that unless I put in more of my own, we're gonna end up on some little skinny shit. The problem is that my natural rolling style is to feel for a proper roll with my fingers; I stopped looking a long time ago. If there's too little marijuana, the roll is going to be too tight.

Reminder: Use a tip or "filter" for your blunt
Finally, the one thing that I do which I forgot is to use a tip. Most people use rolled up pieces of paper which they'll call a "filter". I use quotes around the word because it doesn't filter out anything but marijuana that might fall out or be pulled out when you inhale. However, the tip I use is actually from the stem of a plant. And, I forgot to use it until I saw it in my kit and remembered why I use it. See, plant stems are hollow to help aid in water transport within the plant. On top of that, it keeps the back from collapsing which is helpful. It definitely helps.
Marijuana Media: Medical Marijuana Testimonies via MPP [site]

Saturday, November 15, 2008

On November 15, 2008 at approximately 12:30pm, United States Park Police officers responded to the Baltimore Washington Parkway south of Powdermill Road for the report of a serious personal injury crash.

Preliminary investigation revealed that two vehicles, a blue Chevrolet 4 door with Virginia registration and a black Chevrolet SUV with Maryland registration, were traveling northbound on the Parkway when they made contact. The black Chevrolet lost control after contact and drove into the center median causing it to flip and enter onto the southbound lanes of the Parkway. The black SUV collided with a maroon Ford 4 door which caused the Ford to drive onto the right shoulder and into the tree line where it came to rest against the trees. The SUV came to rest on its own hood in the right southbound lane.

The 2 occupants of the Ford were transported to a local hospital in serious but stable condition. The lone occupant of the SUV was airlifted by United States Park Police ‘Eagle’ helicopter to a local hospital with life threatening injuries.

Anyone with information about this incident, please call the United States Park Police, Criminal Investigations Branch on (202) 610-8737.
Barack Hussein Obama deserved to be elected President of the United States of America. Obama helped a total stranger 20 years ago. And this was during a time Obama was just holding a low salary job and when USD100 was still a lot of money. Here is the story which I obtained from a email forward:

It was 1988, and Mary Andersen was in line at the Miami airport checking in for a long flight to Norway to be with her husband. When it was finally Mary's turn, she got the message that would crush her bubbling feeling of happiness.

"You'll have to pay a 103 dollar surcharge if you want to bring both those suitcases to Norway," the man behind the counter said.

Mary had no money. Her new husband had travelled ahead of her to Norway, and she had no one else to call.

"I was completely desperate and tried to think which of my things I could manage without. But I had already made such a careful selection of my most prized possessions," says Mary.

As tears streamed down her face, she heard a 'gentle and friendly voice' behind her saying, "That's okay, I'll pay for her."

Mary turned around to see a tall man whom she had never seen before. He had a gentle and kind voice that was still firm and decisive. "The first thing I thought was, Who is this man?"

Although this happened 20 years ago, Mary still remembers the authority that radiated from the man. He was nicely dressed, with brown leather shoes, a cotton shirt open at the throat and khaki pants, says Mary.

She was thrilled to be able to bring both her suitcases to Norway and assured the stranger that he would get his money back. The man wrote his name and address on a piece of paper that he gave to Mary. She thanked him repeatedly. When she finally walked off towards the security checkpoint, he waved goodbye to her.

Who was the man?

Barack Obama.

Twenty years later, she is thrilled that the friendly stranger at the airport may be the next President and has voted for him already and donated 100 dollars to his campaign:

"He was my knight in shining armor," says Mary, smiling.

She paid the 103 dollars back to Obama the day after she arrived in Norway. At that time he had just finished his job as a poorly paid community worker in Chicago, and had started his law studies at prestigious Harvard university.

Mary even convinced her parents to vote for him: In the spring of 2006 Mary's parents had heard that Obama was considering a run for president, but that he had still not decided. They chose to write a letter in which they told him that he would receive their votes. At the same time, they thanked Obama for helping their daughter 18 years earlier.

And Obama replied. In a letter to Mary's parents dated May 4th 2006 and stamped "United States Senate, Washington DC' Barack Obama writes:

'I want to thank you for the lovely things you wrote about me and for reminding me of what happened at Miami airport. I'm happy I could help back then, and I'm delighted to hear that your daughter is happy in Norway. Please send her my best wishes. Sincerely, Barack Obama, United States Senator'.

The parents sent the letter on to Mary.

Mary says that when her friends and associates talk about the election, especially when race relations is the heated subject, she relates the story of the kind man who helped out a stranger-in-need over twenty years ago, years before he had even thought about running for high office.

UPDATE: Also, remember this was 1988, when 100 dollars was quite a bit of money, compared to today's value.

Truly a wonderful story, and something that needs to be passed along in the maelstorm of fear-and-smear politics we are being subjected to right now.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Marijuana Mondays
Yes folks. Happy Days are on the way for marijuana legalization effort. We've got a new president in Barack Obama, a former marijuana user (and so much more). While there is no comprehensive change in marijuana policy at the federal level, various votes at the state level are sending a signal to the people and the government that it's time to take a smart approach to drug policy in general and marijuana policy specifically. I think the possibility that marijuana may be legalized in imminent, within two years or by the end of 2010. And, that's my prediction.
Check the last episode: Marijuana Mondays Ep 11: Deprioritizing and Lacing

Pot Mumblings

Americans Reject Bush Drug War Doctrine
  • Massachusetts is the thirteenth state to approve marijuana decriminalization after Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, Ohio and Oregon.
  • Michigan approves a medical marijuana initiative much like California's marijuana policy. And, Wisconsin may be next.
  • Arkansas voters in Fayetteville have voted to tell police to deprioritize marijuana which is an effort to tell police that they're wasting too much time on petty arrests. The people are not happy with their performance. We can only hope they pay attention to their employers, the people
  • In California, they defeated a measure which would put arbitrary limits on the amount of marijuana needed by patients. People still don't understand enough about marijuana to start throwing limits on it. Some folks can literally go through an ounce a day which is a lot even for a burner like me.
The thing that bugs me about these state-level changes is that they do not fully address the manufacturing and trafficking, or in less criminal terms - growing and distribution, of marijuana. They only cover the possession of small amounts. We need a more comprehensive policy at the federal level along with proper regulation of the potential industry. They're steps in the right direction. However, it's all still a crime which creates more criminals and, sadly, incentive to deal with unregulated criminal elements.

The good thing is that Barack Obama is going to be the new president. This is not some tight wad prick. He's a former marijuana user, at least. He knows marijuana isn't dangerous and he knows it's not addictive. He's a very common sense kind of individual. I have a feeling he'll replace the drug czar immediately with someone who's going to completely revamp drug policy in favor of a legalized and regulated industry.
Cannabis Q&A
How has the bad economy affected your consumption? Have the prices gone up?
The economy has definitely lowered my consumption and caused me to cut down a bit. The smart move right now is to put your money in the bank account and try not to spend too much. Prices have gone up but in a backward sort of way. Instead of actual prices going up, quantity has gone down. So, we're paying the same price for a lot less. When a full eighth, 3.5 grams, used to be $50, we're now getting less than 2.5 grams for the same $50. You know what it is when you walk around with a digital scale.

But, as I always say, the future of marijuana is in personal growing (if it isn't legalized). Plants can be kept small. You don't always need a lot of space. People are growing in small boxes [source] and PC cases [source].
Green Tip of the Week
Moisturize Your Smoke
While this is a tip that everyone should know about, many people still don't. Sometimes we get marijuana that's dry. Dry marijuana will do the trick, just more harshly as the dry smoke dries out your mouth and throat. Marijuana that has a little moisture in it, will be a little bit better on the throat. To put moisture back into your marijuana, place something moist in the same container with whatever marijuana you're about to smoke. That "something" could be a piece of fresh lettuce, small slice of orange peel, or wet a small piece of tissue and leave it locked in the container. The moisture from the tissue will begin to humidify the container and the marijuana will soak up whatever it can get. Give yourself about two hours for this process to take place. In the end, you want your bud to be spongy feeling. When your squish it, it won't turn to dust but instead show some elasticity. Also, the stickier the better.
Warning: Be careful not to put too much moisture in the container for a long period of time. Mold will form on the bud. Smoking mold will kill you. The best way to prevent mold is to keep your marijuana in a cool dry place. The refrigerator works very well.
Marijuana Media: Law Enforcement Against Prohibition [site]

Thursday, November 6, 2008

This Blogging While High episode was brought to you by Northern Lights.
Read Blogging While High Episode 1: What happen to the story in porn?
This is something I've been thinking about for quite some time now. It sort of came to me backward in the sense that I understood the answer before I knew the question. The answer came about when I was having my troubles believing in God. It's not that I am atheist completely. I consider myself a realist, a rationalist, and a naturalist. I think there is a god but not a Christian god nor a Muslim god nor a Jewish God nor the bunch of other gods out there. It's only just now that it hit me did I realize the question. If Christianity didn't have the strong faith of a God behind it, would Christianity be better?
I believe the problem with Christianity is in the the Bible's strict and tight connection with God. If you believe in a god, any god, then the stories attributed to that god become real for you. Some part of you has to believe in the mythology of the Three Kings following a star to baby Jesus, Moses parting the Red Sea, the Ten Commandments, and Noah building an enormous ark for two of each animal. That's some incredible shit to pull off.

But, let's try to separate God, or the strict belief in God. Let's read the bible and view the stories as if God were just the connecting character in a series of short stories, poems, and songs written by different people at different times. What if Moses was part of a larger group and Exodus was in one of those raids to free slaves in Egypt? He had a few rules and didn't want anyone getting in the way. And, Exodus, being the poet/writer, wrote the story and decided to embellish it a lot. So, wading through some water or taking a boat became "parting the Red Sea" and those simple rules of Moses' original group became the Ten Commandments. They stuck simply because they're a damn good set of rules. And, Moses isn't necessarily chosen by God, but instead was lucky enough to carry Exodus to freedom.

The scenarios can get crazy in describing how the bible came about. What if God was a real person? He was just telling some great stories and someone decided to write them down. That would explain the whole, "as told to me by God" issue. My point, with the Ten Commandments, is that the message can still be delivered without believing that it came from a higher omnipotent being.
In separating God from Christianity, I reject the frivolity and think more dynamically about the stories. I take lessons from them and at the same time keep away from the rabid fanaticism. I truly do believe in, "Thou shalt not kill." However, I am not "faithful" enough to sit quietly and "accept God's will" or pray for a different outcome. I don't believe in God. So, if I have to break that commandment, then so be it.
Sober Update
I have to say I agree. Christianity, through the Bible, does offer a lot of good guidelines to living. However, there are some concepts and ideals that are taken too far. It's my ultimate opinion that it's the strength that people give to a god that allows them to take the stories of the Bible too far. The Bible is a book of parables or fables. We should learn from it, not force its stories into reality.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Marijuana Mondays
In news, the good people of Fayetteville, AR want the police to deprioritize marijuana persecution enforcement. Of course, the general policy makes sense but it's half-assed on the part of the people. And, marijuana is once again being laced with something. If you're ignorant, you'll think this is a reason why marijuana is not safe. I got a great Q&A regarding the longest time I've been without marijuana. The tip of the week has to do with finding a paraphernalia. Lastly, I found a Youtube video by Remo, the Urban Grower. Email me your questions, issues, or concerns about marijuana.
Check the last episode: Marijuana Mondays Ep 10: Puff Puff.. No Pass??

Pot Mumblings

Will Fayetteville Become The Next City To ‘Deprioritize’ Pot?
This seems to be the trend in many cities where the people have finally figured out that the prohibition of marijuana is worse than the marijuana itself especially since marijuana is nontoxic. The problem with deprioritizing marijuana is that it doesn't address marijuana legislation. All they're doing is asking the police to be more efficient when it comes to crime.

The problem is that police officers like to get into the kind of ignorance that prohibition causes. Police officers like to fight; they do it for the rush. So, stopping some poor sap for jaywalking (an already police-initiated deprioritized crime) isn't as much of a treat to their ego. However, giving a guy a hard time over some weed is really something they like to do. This is how they have fun and take breaks - harass marijuana users and use the time to prepare paperwork as a lunch break.

Is cannabis being doped with Viagra?
This is truly an issue of legalization and regulation. During the days before meatpacking plants were regulated, people would find all amounts of other stuff in their canned meat like rats and rat feces. This is the same problem with marijuana today. Since it's not regulated like a meat market, people don't care what they lace marijuana with. Back in the day, marijuana may have been laced with cocaine or even heroin. Lately, it's been laced with sand or metal shavings to increase weight so it would sell for more.

Now, we have reports of people lacing marijuana with viagra in hopes of getting the aphrodisiac effect of marijuana. However, for some people, it's more profitable to sell something dirty. Legalization and regulation would require that marijuana not be laced with anything. Or better yet, freedom to grow your own would be better in the long run.

Yes, there are some strains of marijuana that have some aphrodisiac qualities like Mikado, La Nina, Cinderella 99 (really good), Love Potion, and so on.
Cannabis Q&A
What's the longest you've been without marijuana?
Officially, five months. I'd stopped smoking marijuana about mid-May. I had just come down from some bad food poisoning. So, I didn't smoke anything for two weeks. When I tried to smoke again, it just wasn't the same for me. So, I lost the urge and just didn't smoke again. I wouldn't say I quit but then again, I can't really say I took a break either. I just didn't have that urge. That is until November 1, 2008. I was just happy for two reasons. Two of my friends were having some troubles of their own. So I hadn't seen them in months - one since February and the other since June. That's a long time to not see your close friends. Then I found out my friend from Cali was in town. I was just happy to see these people come back in my life. I felt it was time to bring Mary Jane back in my life. I was going to do so eventually. It was just a matter of time.
(Check back Wednesday for more on this)
Green Tip of the Week
Best places to find smoking paraphernalia
The first spot you want to look is the store. You can always find some papers or cheap cigars at the corner store. It may be crude but it's short notice and easy to find.

Sometimes, you want something more than paper. Well, anything that can be used to smoked tobacco can be used to smoke marijuana. So, you want to look at tobacco/cigar shops. Although, all "head" shops, or pothead shops, are tobacco shops, not all tobacco shops are head shops.

Finally, we have flea markets. If you should ever be lucky enough to come across a flea market, check it out thoroughly. Some flea markets have incredible stuff - glass bongs, small pipes, incense, papers, grinders and so on. The great thing about flea markets is that they're cheap.
Marijuana Media: Urban Grower

Sunday, November 2, 2008