Because of their importance I have posted two separate blogs tonight. Following this one, is a special Public Service blog on asbestos and mesothelioma cancer. The article was sent to me by Jesse Herman of the Mesothelioma Cancer Center with a request to post it. Please be sure to read it.
Now for this posting:
I am urging everyone to please tune into the Glenn Beck Show on the Fox News Channel all this week. Beck is doing an expose on Obama's so-called czars, and who is actually running our country (it sure ain't you and I).
On today's program, Beck Showed how the stimulus package funneled billions of taxpayer dollars to ACORN.
Not only didn't any member of Congress read the stimulus bill before voting on it, but nobody in Congress even wrote it. It was written by the Apollo Alliance, a far left communist organization which has strong connections with Van Jones, one of Obama's newest czars and an avowed communist with a record of arrests. We then have to wonder how an avowed radical communist like Van Jones became a special adviser to the president of the United States and how did he pass FBI muster (apparently, the FBI is now firmly in the pocket of Obama, since just this morning Obama signed an order creating a special department of the FBI that would be in charge of all interrogation of suspected terrorist detainees picked up on the battle field, and they will be answerable directly to Obama. So where does this leave the CIA?). So far, the stimulus bill has been nothing more then a raiding of our National Treasury with the bulk of the proceeds going to special interest far left groups under the control of ACORN and/or George Soros. It was actually Van Jones who came up with the idea of "Cash for Clunkers" program, which also used taxpayer money. I would also strongly urge each of you to do a Google search of Van Jones, it just might wake a lot of folks up.
We MUST ask ourselves, "If the politicians aren't writing the bills and aren't reading the bills, do they have any idea what these 1,000 page plus bills actually impose on the American people?" Then we must also ask; "Is using the economic crisis to rush legislation through Congress what Rahm Emanuel meant when he talked about not letting a crisis go to waste?" Is it just a coincidence that Obama's entire cabinet and all of his czars reads like a 'Who's Who in a rogues' gallery?
As Glenn said on tonight's show, "We MUST PREVENT Congress from passing any more bills untill we get some real answers." While we sit around and scratch our heads in wonderment and ask each other just what the hell is going on, our country is being stolen right out from under us. Yes, we MUST prevent Congress from passing any more legislation, even if that means a full blown REVOLUTION! It is NOW time for action, we must put up or shut up. The time for talk is over. Either we have a full blown revolution now or we get as many states as we can to secede from this rogue union and take back our Constitutional Republic. If we wait much longer, all will be lost.
Now for this posting:

On today's program, Beck Showed how the stimulus package funneled billions of taxpayer dollars to ACORN.
Not only didn't any member of Congress read the stimulus bill before voting on it, but nobody in Congress even wrote it. It was written by the Apollo Alliance, a far left communist organization which has strong connections with Van Jones, one of Obama's newest czars and an avowed communist with a record of arrests. We then have to wonder how an avowed radical communist like Van Jones became a special adviser to the president of the United States and how did he pass FBI muster (apparently, the FBI is now firmly in the pocket of Obama, since just this morning Obama signed an order creating a special department of the FBI that would be in charge of all interrogation of suspected terrorist detainees picked up on the battle field, and they will be answerable directly to Obama. So where does this leave the CIA?). So far, the stimulus bill has been nothing more then a raiding of our National Treasury with the bulk of the proceeds going to special interest far left groups under the control of ACORN and/or George Soros. It was actually Van Jones who came up with the idea of "Cash for Clunkers" program, which also used taxpayer money. I would also strongly urge each of you to do a Google search of Van Jones, it just might wake a lot of folks up.
We MUST ask ourselves, "If the politicians aren't writing the bills and aren't reading the bills, do they have any idea what these 1,000 page plus bills actually impose on the American people?" Then we must also ask; "Is using the economic crisis to rush legislation through Congress what Rahm Emanuel meant when he talked about not letting a crisis go to waste?" Is it just a coincidence that Obama's entire cabinet and all of his czars reads like a 'Who's Who in a rogues' gallery?
As Glenn said on tonight's show, "We MUST PREVENT Congress from passing any more bills untill we get some real answers." While we sit around and scratch our heads in wonderment and ask each other just what the hell is going on, our country is being stolen right out from under us. Yes, we MUST prevent Congress from passing any more legislation, even if that means a full blown REVOLUTION! It is NOW time for action, we must put up or shut up. The time for talk is over. Either we have a full blown revolution now or we get as many states as we can to secede from this rogue union and take back our Constitutional Republic. If we wait much longer, all will be lost.
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