Are We an Uncontrollable Mob Under the Thumb of the GOP or are we the True American Patriots?
Folks, things are really heating up, and the Congress is showing no signs of listening to we the people. According to them, we are nothing more than an uncontrollable mob. We are the unwashed masses under the control of the GOP.
Obama and his "Chicago Mob" are demonizing We the People. They are claiming that we are spreading lies and falsehoods about what is in the National Health Care bill that Obama is trying to force down our throats, and they are claiming that we are a threat to our democracy, when in fact, it is they who are the threat to all of our freedoms and constitutional rights.
Those on the left are using out right lies and half truths to demonize those of us on the right who do not like the socialist/communist direction that they are dragging our country.
So many members of the Congress, both houses, are now refusing to hold Town Hall meetings, while they are in recess, because they fear facing their constituents and because the know damn well that they plan on ignoring them anyway.
Just today on the Fox News Network, it was announced that Obama says he will have his National Health Care reform passed before the end of this year, even if it has to be done with just Democrats behind it.
Here is what I have to say about that: "If the National Health Care Bill that is presently before Congress gets passed, despite what the majority of We the People want, I urge everyone, from both parties, who are against this bill, to rise up in mass, take to the streets and shut this government down. Yes, there will be a cost, but believe me, if we sit back and allow this bill to pass, the cost to your freedoms and your country will be so very much more. You cannot afford to remain passive. If you are willing to roll over and go belly up on this one, then you would be willing to roll over for anything else the governments wants to do to you, and the government knows it.
What really bothers the hell out of me is the fact that even the AARP, the organization that is supposed to be looking out for the best interests of senior citizens, is supporting this health care legislation. I received an email this evening from a Barry Jackson representing the AARP, urging me to support Obama's bill. Jackson claims that rumors about the bill are getting crazier and that he can debunk some of them, such as Medicare will not be ended, and no benefits or services will be cut. Jackson says, "Your services will not be ended, nor will your benefits be cut." yea sure, forget the fact that Obama himself says that he will take millions of dollars from both Medicaid and Medicare to help pay for the National Health Care. He goes on to say; "No legislation currently in Congress would mandate the rationing of care." Of course, the operative word is 'CURRENTLY'. Any moron knows that if you are going to force more and more people into the system, health care WILL have to be rationed, and the elderly and chronically ill would be the first to be rationed.
If any of you receive such an email, may I suggest that you reply as I did, say: "I wouldn't be so quick to brush off what people are saying about the health care bill that is making its way through Congress. Obama is on record stating that he plans to eventually put all private health care insurers out of business to force everyone in the country onto the Government Health Care plan. He does also plan to take millions of dollars from both Medicaid and Medicare to help pay for the National Health Care system, which means drastic cuts to Medicare.
There is no way that the government can provide health care to everyone in the U.S., including illegal immigrants, on less money. It stands to reason that the government will have to raise everyone's taxes and there WILL have to be rationing and one of the first groups that will have to face rationing will be the elderly and those with chronic illnesses."
Consider yourselves warned.

Hey Lady, I just bought a Quarter Horse,
I really think it is winner!
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