Friday, August 29, 2008

There's this idea floating around the United States (of America, not Anthony) that Obama's nomination will be the end to "Black Politics." In other words, African Americans will not be able to "complain" about inequalities in the United States. If this is why some people are voting for Barack Obama, they've messed up in the worst way imaginable.

First of all, the realization of a President Barack Obama does not magically end inequalities in this nation nor is it proof that we're beyond the problem. Inequalities still exist across the board. The problem with this nation is tokenism. Too many people believe that just because there's one person in a specific area, it's the end of inequality in that area. One token does not equate to general equality.

Take a stroll through any corporation in this nation. You'll find plenty of African Americans. The question is at what level in the company are we going to find them. Janitors, cooks, and repairmen make up the bulk of African American positions in corporate America. We haven't even gotten to the actual corporation yet. Climb up the corporate ladder and even from the first step, the air is thin for African American lungs. And, It only gets thinner the higher you go up. Is a Barack Obama presidency going to equalize corporate America?

Let's just take a look at the (lack of) justice system. If we relied on statistics alone, African Americans would be some of the most vicious people on this planet. What's funny about this is that there are non profit organizations that are dispelling this myth by exonerating wrongfully convicted persons. In those exonerations, they've uncovered rampant wrongdoing - racism, cover ups, brutality, evidence fabrication, lies, deceit. Even when African Americans are truly guilty, the punishment is by far the worst. Sentencing for crimes is outrageous. Just look at the Rockefeller drug laws in New York City. African Americans were serving huge amounts of time in prison compared to whites for the very same substance but in a different form - crack cocaine vs powder cocaine. Is a Barack Obama presidency going to equalize this broken justice system?

We can go on and on and on about inequalities in this nation. It doesn't just exist for African Americans. Women suffer. Latinos suffer. The disabled suffer. The elderly suffer. And, yes, whites suffer as well. I say this because there exists an inequality in economy. Travel to the Appalachians where whites are just as poor and disenfranchised as anyone else. The rich of this nation have sapped those communities by sending jobs overseas. They increase their on profits at the detriment of hardworking Americans all around this nation.

Inequalities affect us all. We can't start putting different groups in more favorable positions only to appease our own misperception of reality. It's arbitrary, unfair, and still unequal.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

When I found out that TVOne was covering the Democratic National Convention in Denver, I was immediately on board. I marked it on my calendar and I make sure to set the timer every night. It was necessary that I watch the DNC through this intelligent, educated, African American lens. Switching between CNN and TVOne, I found the personality and colloquial attitude of the show more appealing than the straightforwardness of CNN. And as I watched the DNC through TVOne, it made me feel proud to see so many African American men and women reporting and commenting during and after the DNC.

Here are some of these great people:
  • Jacque Reid "brings a wealth of experience and talent along with a stylish, contemporary presence to the Party. The former CNN and BET correspondent will help the Dyson's keep a gang of celebrities in order as they get loose and keep it real."
    Note: I specifically remember Jacque Reid from the BET Nightly News, of course, before they took the Nightly News off the air. I have had a crush on this woman since then.
  • Dr. Michael Eric Dyson "is one of today's most respected intellectuals, authors and speakers who has been praised by hip-hop superstars like Jay-Z and Nas."
  • Hill Harper "brings his good looks, charm, and knowledge to the After Party. Who better to reflect on the DNC events then Harper, who attended Harvard with Barack Obama himself?"
  • Sheryl Underwood is "a 20-year comedy veteran, Sheryl is sure to keep this historic moment funny and funky. Sheryl's sense of humor is sure to help politically uptight guests to loosen their ties and live it up at the After Party."
And there are many more hosts and personalities that will show up during the show. Day 3 included Micheal Baisden, Chuck D, Tatyana Ali, and John Legend. Of course as black folk do, they got John Legend to sing a song for free while G. Garvin danced with (my woman) Jacque Reid.

Anyway, I'll be catching the final day of the DNC through TVOne. Since, I've got DirecTV, I am good to go. But, I know TVOne still isn't broadcast everywhere and many people can't see it. You can at least catch the DNC Live After Party with all of those people online.

On another note, has anyone compared TVOne with BET? Here is how I compare the two:
  • TVOne is like a beautiful woman that talks back to you while BET is like an ugly chick that says, "HEY BOY! YOU CUTE!" and chases you down 42nd Street. (true story)
  • TVOne is like a delicious homemade meal while BET is like a chicken box with a missing piece.
  • TVOne is like a newborn baby, smelling all newborn baby fresh while BET is like a partial birth abortion.
  • TVOne is like a hug from a loving mother while BET is like that foster mother from Antwone Fisher.
  • TVOne is like a police officer letting you off with a warning while BET is like getting shot in the back by cops.
  • TVOne is like a new comment on my blog while BET is like no page hits in two days. *AHEM*
  • TVOne is like Barack and Michelle Obama while BET is like Whitney and Bobby.
  • TVOne is like ME while BET is like.. nobody I want to even be associated with.
TVOne makes you proud of African Americans while BET makes you want to date far outside of your race (like are there any aliens around?)!

No, I do not like BET at all!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First of all, let me say that I am jealous of Barack Obama. He is the man right now. He's an educated man with a Bachelor's from Columbia University and Juris Doctor from Harvard Law. He's had crazy career success resulting in nomination for President of the United States of America. He's got two beautiful children. But, what I am most jealous of is that he's married to one of the hottest women in the nation, Michelle Obama.

As I watched Michelle Obama speak at the Democratic Nation, she made me think about all of the things that I wanted in a woman, a wife. Beauty. Intelligence. Black. Strength. Courage. Education. Style. Grace. Fire. Michelle Obama is going to redefine the meaning of First Lady from this point on.

The United States of Anthony needs a First Lady. Hey, I am the President!
Potential future First Ladies, please email your resume, two pictures (head shot, body shot), and a short explanation of how you would serve as the First Lady of the United States of Anthony.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Well, ladies and gentlemen, this is the first episode of Marijuana Mondays. If you don't know what I am talking about it, read this: Marijuana Mondays. Being this is the first of many episodes, I have to come up with my own topic for discussion. Don't make me do that anymore people. Email me your questions, issues, or concerns at anthonytaurus(at)

What's in the news?
Pot Grow House Bust At Mall Of Americas
Someone decided to set up a pretty good marijuana farm using retail space at a mall in Miami, FL.

Of course, the DEA, in typical fashion, overinflated value of the marijuana found along with a not-so-surprising statement of, "[We've] never seen anything like this before." It's the DEA! They've been happily destroying families since 1973. If they haven't seen anything like that before, who's been busting all of these grow houses over the years? You've gotta love it when they lie like that!

On another note, the future of marijuana cultivation is small and personal. This means, if you're a user, you should invest in a safe way to grow your own marijuana. If you're on the sales end, you should be selling grow boxes and, possibly, providing seeds and/or cuttings.

Park County judge orders marijuana partners to split assets...
This is an interesting article regarding two medical marijuana providers in Livingston, Montana.

Due to some dispute they've chosen to not be business partners anymore. So, what did they do? They went to court to have a judge settle the business dispute. So, what's so interesting about this? The benefits of legalizing marijuana!

Imagine these were two criminals splitting up their marijuana organization. Who's going to get the customers, the location, the equipment, and so on? How is that dispute settled? VIOLENCE. That means someone's got to die. And that someone just might be your child as he plays in the park or she sleeps in her bed! Marijuana doesn't bring crime and violence.

History has taught us that prohibition brings crime and violence. I point to alcohol prohibition which lasted from 1920 to 1933. Remember Al Capone? Remember Eliot Ness and the Untouchables? The period of alcohol prohibition were some very bloody times with lives lost unnecessarily on both sides of the law. Since the end of alcohol prohibition, when have we heard of anyone fighting over alcohol? NEVER.
It's time to end this stupidity.

Today's Q&A
During my first two years as a marijuana smoker, I was dealing with mostly street-level dealers. These guys usually all have the same marijuana - seeded, poorly grown, poorly harvested, old and usually from Mexico. To try to stand out to people, they'd claim they had 'dro or hydro! 'Dro was supposedly a better strain of marijuana as compared to the Mexican stuff. Well it isn't and while I am sure many people know this, many more people do not!

So, what exactly is 'dro? 'Dro or hydro is a shortened term for hydroponic. This is not a strain of marijuana. It's a way to grow marijuana, without soil! Street-level dealers use this term to sell the same substandard marijuana. Some are saying it just to sell more and others are doing it to raise their prices. There are people who've been smoking marijuana for a long time and even they fall for the "'dro pitch". Don't feel bad if you didn't know.

The best way to get over this issue is to connect with a good dealer.
A good dealer isn't going to be soliciting anyone on the street. So, your typical street-level dealer is out of the picture. A good dealer will have a variety of different strains and be able to tell you just about everything you want to know each kind. You will see the difference in quality compared to your typical street-level dealer. You'll never get 'dro from a good dealer because 'dro/hydro/hydroponics is nothing to advertise.

Tip of the Week

If a police officer asks to search you, say "No, I do not consent to searches!"
Even if you don't have a thing on you, say, "No, I do not consent to searches!" Why? First of all, if the officer has to ask you, it means he doesn't have enough reason, or probable cause, to search you. You think a police officer will ask to search you if he's got "reason" to take advantage of you? Nope!

If you do have something illegal on you, recognize and take this opportunity to NOT be searched. If you are searched anyway, it's an illegal search and whatever is turned up can't be used against you in court. If you don't have anything on you, evidence might be planted on you. It's happened before. It still happens today. It can happen to you.
Why take that chance.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Well my faithful readers, all three of you, I've decided to start this little series in the United States of Anthony where I will do my best to answer any questions, respond to any issues, and offer any advice about marijuana.

Who's going to be providing these answers, responses, and advice?
Your most awesome president, Anthony Taurus. With much knowledge gained and plenty of experience in many facets, I am in a position to discuss anything marijuana related with intelligence. Take an opportunity to read some of my previous marijuana blogs - some fun and some insightful.

Life's Funny Little Things
Marijuana Smokers: Tell me about your first time!
Blogging While High, Ep 1: What happen to the story in porn?
Grinders & Glass: Four Levels of Marijuana Smokers
Grinders & Glass: Essential Tools of a Marijuana Kit
Should Ted Kennedy smoke marijuana?
Marijuana Strains and Potency

What are you going to be discussing?
Anything and everything. Many people have the misconception that marijuana exists only with thugs on inner city street corners. But, there's so much more to it - botany, science, political, medical, legal, cultural, religious, industrial and so on.

When and Where will you be enlightening folks about the issues?
Every Monday, take a trip to the United States of Anthony and see what marijuana issues have presented themselves.

Why should I waste my damn time reading about marijuana?
Because you should be informed about a substance that you may not know can impact your life negatively or positively. Why stay ignorant of it? The great thing about marijuana is its versatility and controversy. Marijuana is used by many people all over the world for a variety of reasons. It's not about just getting high or being inebriated. You never know when you'll encounter marijuana. Be prepared to deal with anything.

How will you go about dispensing information about marijuana?
I want your questions. I want your concerns. I want to know your problems.
Send me an email: anthonytaurus(at)
Since I am just starting this monthly thing, I'll be grabbing questions and providing my own answers.

Friday, August 22, 2008

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
That, my friends, is the Preamble of the Constitution of the United States - the supreme law of this nation, the United States of America. Excuse the verbosity. In my opinion, it's the most important, yet overlooked and underrated part of the Constitution. It defines the architects of the supreme law of the land - we, the people, that is, the citizens of this nation!

So, it pains me to see when our rights are constantly and consistently eroded for the benefit of this faceless fascist ideal to control the people as if we're all a bunch of children. And, I have to blame the very same people because we don't take the opportunities that we do have under the law to maintain our own rights. Police officers stop us in the street and we allow them to illegally search us, without question, because we don't know our rights. The president illegally wiretaps us and we take years to react because we don't exercise our rights.

And yes, it is easy to talk about. But, I can't do anything about it by myself. The preamble says, "We the people..." not "You, by yourself...." So, I will continue to talk about it and hopefully motivate people to action. Join these political action networks that bring people together and inform you specifically about the issues that affect you. Get to know your assemblyman. Do you even want that person in office? Does your district even have an assemblyman? For example, there are three districts in the State of New York that are UNSEATED - 40th (Brooklyn), 86th (Bronx), and 118th (North NY). Who is going to fill these seats besides one of "we, the people."

Beyond that, two of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal, as common citizens, are the right to vote which is tied into the other tool, the duty of all citizens to serve on the jury. The right to vote is obvious. We know all about it even if too many of us don't make the effort to exercise it. I have some problems with our right to vote but I'll save that topic for another day. Individually, we need to REGISTER TO VOTE and actually go vote.

It's the duty of service on the jury that concerns me greatly. In fact, jury nullification is more along the lines of what I truly wanted to discuss. Let's get a grasp of it from the almighty Wikipedia:
Jury nullification means making a law void by jury decision, in other words "the process whereby a jury in a criminal case effectively nullifies a law by acquitting a defendant regardless of the weight of evidence against him or her."

Jury nullification is more specifically any rendering of a verdict by a trial jury, acquitting a criminal defendant despite the defendant's violation of the letter of the law. This verdict need not disagree with the instructions by the judge concerning what the law is, but may disagree with an instruction, if given by the judge, that the jury is required to apply the law to the defendant if certain facts are found.

Although a jury's refusal relates only to the particular case before it, if a pattern of such verdicts develops in response to repeated attempts to prosecute a statutory offense, it can have the practical effect of disabling the enforcement of the statute. "Jury nullification" is thus a means for the people to express opposition to an unpopular legislative enactment.

The jury system was established because it was felt that a panel of citizens, drawn at random from the community, and serving for too short a time to be corrupted, would be more likely to render a just verdict, through judging both the accused and the law, than officials who may be unduly influenced to follow merely the established law. Jury nullification is a reminder that the right to trial by one's peers affords the public an opportunity to take a dissenting view about the justness of a statute or official practices.

Despite perceived righteous applications of jury nullification, this verdict anomaly can also occur simply as a device to absolve a defendant of culpability. Sympathy, bias or prejudice can influence some jurors to wholly disregard evidence and instruction in favor of a sort of "jury forgiveness."
So, once again we find ourselves, "we, the people", in a position of power to do more than just be a victim of a system that, I find, is being turned against us. Laws are being enacted, and carried out, without any consideration for the rights of the people. But, the great thing about the Constitution is that it provides way to fight unjust laws and those of tyrants.

Remember the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution were written, at least partially, in response to the tyranny of (not so) Great Britain. This is why the 2nd Amendment is important. Our forefathers expect that people bestowed with great power will at some point become corrupted. The people have a right to fight back. But, we have so many ways to fight back before we grab arms and have another bloody Civil War.

"I consider trial by jury as the only anchor yet imagined by man by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution. ”
-Thomas Jefferson
“The jury has the right to judge both the law as well as the fact in controversy. ”
-John Jay

Thursday, August 21, 2008

On Thursday, the 21st of August, 2008, at approximately 5:09 a.m., the United States Park Police were notified of a multi vehicle collision on the Baltimore Washington Parkway, south of Powder Mill Road.

Initial investigation revealed a sedan bearing DC registration was traveling north and crossed over the median into the southbound lanes striking at least one vehicle. Four vehicles may have been involved in the southbound lanes to include two pickup trucks, a sedan and a motorcycle, all with Maryland registrations. All vehicles were occupied by one male adult driver.

There are two fatalities, one person transported to a hospital in stable condition, and one injured person treated and released on the scene. The identities of the victims are being withheld pending notification of next of kin.

All traffic traveling southbound is being diverted onto Route 198. All traffic traveling northbound is being diverted onto the beltway. The United States Park Police Crash Reconstruction Team and Detectives are investigating the collision.


At approximately 10:35 a.m., all lane of the Baltimore Washington Parkway have been reopened.

The deceased operator of the Mitsubishi Laser bearing DC registration is identified as 60 year old Leroy Tyler, a resident of SE Washington DC.

The deceased operator of the Harley Davidson motorcycle bearing Maryland registration is identified as 48 year old Ronald Wayne Meader, a resident of Severn, Maryland.

Anyone with information about this incident, please call the United States Park Police, Criminal Investigations Branch on (202) 610-8737.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

So, the time for the Black Weblog Awards has arrived. I thought I'd say who I voted for along with some bitching. First of all, I got a serious headache from looking through the list. Some folks really need to learn how to fix the colors on their sites. What the fuck? I saw one page that had reds and oranges on a dark background. It was like neon lights. i couldn't do some of those pages.

Secondly (will come up later)...

I obviously couldn't read, nor watch/listen, to everything but I at least gave it a look and a read. So, I did my best to cover it all. Here are the blogs I voted for:
...I'm gon do some hating. That's right. Say hello to the hater! Hi me!

Damn it, where's my nomination for "best blog to watch"? LOL. OK, I know I just opened up myself to blogging recently, August 4th I think. Of course, I haven't been able to get around as much yet. But still. Have you seen what was nominated in that category. I won't get into it. I voted for.. I forgot exactly who. But, I know my blog was better than the three available options. Now, I gotta wait until next year and by that time I won't be the best blog to watch because everyone will be watching by that time. Woe is me, woooe is me!

.end rant

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Oh, I know I am going to piss off quite a few women with this concept.

Men who "father" children should be given an option to be considered sperm donors!

I came across this website regarding deadbeat baby daddies. Just do a search; there are quite a few angry women out there who aren't getting their state-sanctioned handouts from the men who impregnated them. I understand, agree, and sympathize with many of those women because they were in loving relationships. They were with guys who basically played the role of a good man, were persuaded and subsequently hoodwinked and bamboozled.

Personally, I feel men like that are in the same position as rapists. They sneak up on unsuspecting women and take advantage of them. What's the difference between that man taking his time to take advantage or just taking it forcibly right then and there. Should a con man keep $50,000 he swindled from an old lady over a thief who snatched a purse for $20? It's the same thing! The process doesn't make it different.

So enough of being on the woman's side because it's not all the man's fault.There are some women out there that I call predator bitches. They will do whatever they can to get and trap that man with a baby.

The most notable, and extreme, examples are the ones that occur with sports figures or rich men in general. They are the most chased after commodity. We've heard the stories. These women just won't quit. They're the ones that plan and plot, get through security, and make it to that guy. Then you've got the regular guys who have good jobs. They don't make mistakes until one is made for them in the form of hole poked in a condom or the customary lie, "I am on the pill!" Finally, you have the casual encounters and one-night stands. No one wants to have a baby but people just don't learn!

So, all is said and done and the baby is here. The "father" doesn't want to be a father. He never wanted to have a baby and even if he did, he didn't want one with a predator bitch. What are his rights when the woman has complete control? Exactly. Complete control means he has NO RIGHTS. I think that ought to change.

Just as women have the right to have the baby, men should have the right to NOT have the baby. I don't mean women should be forced into having abortions or to even be forced to have that baby. I am pro-choice. But, my pro-choice stance includes the rights of the "'father" to NOT be responsible for that child.

Think of it like this. There are thousands of women, single women, that pay thousands of dollars for artificial insemination. This means that they've chosen to have a baby without a man. Where are the men's rights in all of this? Signed away when they gave their sample. They get paid $50, more or less, to give some sperm. Then some doctor gets all the money, thank you's, and glory. And the women don't go chasing the man down for his identity or child support payments.

So, I wonder, when it comes to having a child, what's so different about a one-night stand between two random strangers? What's so different between some NBA star giving his sperm to some predator bitch? Is there some sort of rule that states if there are no doctors involved then the man, if identified, has to be a father to that child, at least in the form of child support payments. Absolutely not.

NO, NO, and NO! There is no difference. If the woman wants to have the baby, that's her choice. I feel that if, and only if, a man and woman are in a loving relationship and they both have agreed to have a child, the man should maintain his responsibility in perpetuity (that means forever). If the man doesn't want to be involved, that SHOULD be his choice and he should not be forced to have any involvement.

In fact, I think men, of specific stature - sports star, handsome celebrity, intellectual - ought to be paid for their services as a sperm donor to a woman who's willing to bear his children. There should be a minimum fee for the sperm alone plus insemination costs if conception occurs. Women who get to bear those children ought to be proud to have that good stock in their gene pool.

I also believe that if such laws were passed, there'd be a lot less predator bitches out there hunting down rich men. There would definitely be a lot less children being born as women would realize that the chances of a man sticking around were truly next to zero. Predator bitches would have to GET A JOB. And, all of those other women would have to be a bit smarter with who they have sex with. At the end of the day, the woman holds the access and she should be smarter with whom she gives access.

If a man has chosen to declare himself a sperm donor, he should STAY that way. If you don't want to be a father, don't come back 20 - 25 years later because you've found out your son or daughter has become a multimillionaire or you need some bone marrow. No! You wanted to be a stranger, STAY A STRANGER.

On a final note, it's not the children's fault. He or she is an innocent victim of circumstances and ought to have full access to the truth of their situation. If the truth is that your mother was a predator bitch chasing after some major league baseball player, then his mother should say, "My child, I was a predator bitch!" Don't badmouth a man to anyone for not living up to your own twisted perception. You weren't used or misled into believing anything. You did all the dirty work.

Friday, August 15, 2008

This particular blog is simply an effort to tie in 5 other blogs that I wrote between March and June of 2006 regarding my run-in with the 48th Precinct of the New York Police Department in the Bronx. Click the titles to take you to the specific page.

What you in here for?
This blog details the events of what occurred from me witnessing the 48th Precinct officers brutalize a young man after he was already handcuffed, their false arrest and false charges of myself, and the day I spent going through the "justice" system. It's quite a long blog, but I wrote it immediately when I got home while the information was still fresh in my mind. So, I got EVERYTHING down! That's why it's so long.
Update on my case!
This blog describes what occurred during a meeting that my lawyer set up with district attorney. I think it's important to note here that speaking directly to the prosecution in such a matter is a smart move. It gives the prosecution and idea of who they are dealing with. If you present yourself properly, as I did, it'll shake the confidence they have in pursuing the case against you.
Update on my case. Part 2
Simply put, the sissy of an officer was supposed to show up at the hearing against me. He didn't show his face. So, the case was adjourned until next time.
My Case: Part Three: The ACD
ACD stands for "adjournment contemplating dismissal". This is what they tried to offer me instead of an outright dismissal. I didn't accept it, of course. It's simply not good enough.
Case Dismissed
My lawyer calls me to tell me that everything is pretty much over and done with. It's funny though. So, read up on it.
Just for good measure, read my other blog on How to Beat the Police. It isn't hard to do. Keep in mind that the police aren't anything more than a bunch of barely high school educated idiots and most likely sports rejects that were too scared to join the military. In the military, PEOPLE SHOOT BACK. Simply know your rights, understand the law, and you'll be able to maneuver the system easily. The great thing about understanding the law and knowing your rights is that if you do live the criminal lifestyle, you can adjust your activities accordingly to minimize your own risk and exposure. Many people believe that the police always get their man. They only get the dumb ones.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Tommy Chong of Cheech and Chong fame had a book signing for his new work, Cheech and Chong: The Unauthorized Biography, at Bryant Park in New York City today. Being tapped into marijuana culture, I'd figure that this gathering would be huge so I was somewhat concerned at the short time time period he would be there from 12:30 to 1:45, in the afternoon. I was worried I wouldn't get my book signed nor would I get to meet Tommy Chong. Fortunately, I suppose, this gathering was pretty small especially for a free event.
I waited all week for this event. I had everything planned out. I'd ask a question, engage Tommy Chong, get a picture with him, shake the man's hand, and definitely get my book signed and maybe even break my 2+ month old marijuana sabbatical. For me, it would be like meeting any other person. I live in New York City. I never even looked twice when I saw a celebrity. It didn't bother me. I was immune to groupie-ism, or so I thought.
I watched Tommy Chong enter the location - a little old man, no that tall, wily white hair, and a wrinkled face. He wasn't any different than a million old men I've seen in my lifetime. He sat down and I watched the old dog speak. He was asked questions by Josh Gilbert, director of the documentary, AKA Tommy Chong. He spoke about marijuana laws, government, how he spent his time in jail, and so on. He fielded some questions from the audience ending with a woman who asked how she should approach her 16 year-old son that was smoking marijuana. Tommy Chong ended his long answer with, "Just love him!"

It was now book signing time. I was going to get to meet the man. I was ready. I hopped on the line, book in hand, determined to get the job. BUT. As I got closer to getting my book signed, my anxiety level climbed to heights never before seen in my mind. This pioneer on so many fronts - music, television, comedy - was sitting there ready to sign whatever people had for him to sign.
All of that other stuff had to go out of the window. I didn't even know who I would get to take the picture of myself and Tommy Chong. How would ask this guy if he wanted to have a smoke session, IN FRONT OF ALL THESE PEOPLE? How could I engage Tommy Chong in conversation? I am just one person in a long line of people waiting to have their items signed.
I got up there and Tommy Chong says, "Hey there big guy!"


He says my name and asks me if I am Italian. I'm stuck. I've never been asked if I was Italian, before. Normally, I get Puerto Rican in which case, I'd say, "Yes, but I am more Black than Puerto Rican. I am Quarter Rican." It's a line I've used a million times over. But, I said I was Puerto Rican. WHOA! It was like I got in front of Tommy Chong and forgot my own fucking identity. He asked me if I had ever been to Puerto Rico. I thought of that one hellish time I was stuck there when my plane was canceled. I guess my hatred of that moment took over. I told Tommy Chong, "No!" He said, "You should visit. It's beautiful there!" I responded, "Yeah, I only pass through!" He chuckled.
Throughout that interaction, I don't even remember when I asked the man to take the picture with my camera. It was as if I was on autopilot. I got the bare minimum done - book signed and picture taken - and I got the fuck outta there. The rest of my day, I was high. The meeting with Tommy Chong was almost as good a fat blunt of Jack Herer - almost!

Anyway, I am only up to chapter 6 in the book.
But, Tommy Chong has already lead a wild life. He had three children by three different women. You'll have to read for yourself how he pulled all of that off without a typical Jerry Springer moment. He'd been deep in Motown music, something I never knew. And one moment in that time period in his life is this amazing metaphor in chapter 4, page 38:
"Tina was a wonder - a pure African sex goddess with energy and edginess that complemented her husky voice. When Tina sang, the mic became a big, hard cock and it was your cock that she was breathing hot, sultry lyrics into, at times pressing her beautiful lips against the substitute penis."

Sunday, August 10, 2008

On August 3, 2008 at approximately 1056 hours, the United States Park Police is investigating a death, in Columbia Island Park adjacent to the George Washington Memorial Parkway.

A 44 year old female was seen jogging along a path in Columbia Island. Witnesses later observed the female lying face down next to a bench, unconscious and not breathing. Citizens began CPR and notified 911. Arlington Fire Department and U.S. Park Police Units arrived on scene.

The female was transported by Arlington Fire Department to Arlington Hospital where she was later pronounced. The identity of the decedent is being withheld until proper notification of next of kin.

The United States Park Police is investigating this incident. Anyone with additional information about this incident is asked to contact the Criminal Investigation Branch at (202) 610-8738.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

On 8/02/08 at approximately 5:37 am, the United States Park Police responded to southbound Baltimore Washington Parkway ramp to New York Avenue for a pedestrian that was struck by a motor vehicle.

The United States Park Police are investigating the crash. Initial reports reveal that a male pedestrian was struck by an SUV and then dragged by a second vehicle a distance. The victim was pronounced at the scene.

Any person who may have witnessed this accident is encouraged to contact the United States Park Police Criminal Investigations Branch at (202) 610-8737.

Friday, August 1, 2008

The expansive grounds of the Walter Reed Hospital held a very special family event on July 12th 2008 in the courtyard of the Malone House (so conveniently located on campus and serving as a hotel for the families of our veterans). What an honor it was to become a member of the family that day, and especially to share this honor with my horse, Jack, and my United States Park Police Horse Mounted Patrol colleague, Ret. Ofc. James “Bullet” Watson. They both joined me as an invitee to share a warm atmosphere with the recuperating heroes and their families.

You can always tell when a horse is happy. Since Jack is a 9-year-old quarter horse, he is old enough to appreciate youth and he thoroughly enjoyed introducing the children to the life of a police horse! And, in his capacity as a police horse, he recognized the many soldiers who came to acknowledge his presence, and he certainly appreciated them bringing him water. I could not help but imagine the life of the cavalry horse, so grateful for the soldiers’ attention and care. Yes, Jack was happy but he did have to get used to the Blues band. He is more accustomed to country music and Big Broadcast radio!

Bullet, a retired Marine as well as retired police officer, expressed his heartfelt sense of humility in the presence of the next generation of recuperating veterans. He appreciated his own military life and the life of the veterans, and their families, and Operation Homefront. We both felt it to be an honor and a privilege to be invited to this event. It offered us an opportunity to thank the soldiers in our own small way for their tremendous service and sacrifice.

The uplifting environment emphasized to me the importance of the families as a whole adjusting in tandem with the individual soldiers. It made me realize that families and veterans alike could experience and benefit from a huge dose of equine-assisted recreational therapy. I want to share with the many soldiers and families a therapeutic riding program we have going with the Rock Creek Public Stables right near Walter Reed Hospital – it’s called the Ride Well Program. It’s specifically designed for recuperating soldiers and offers great opportunity for establishing balance, sensory-processing integration, self-confidence, and regaining large motor skills, objective thinking, and verbal skills. And it’s just plain fun. We also welcome recuperating soldiers to come to the Park Police Stables nearby where we offer ground work with the police horses, which is excellent for fine motor skills rehabilitation and reclaiming muscle memory.

For any family of a recuperating soldier, for any recuperating soldier, the United States Park Police Horse Mounted Patrol welcomes your interest in the Ride Well Program with open reins! We welcome able-bodied volunteers, in fact strong volunteers in case a recuperating veteran needs help getting on a horse. We offer riding in Rock Creek Park and learning about horses when you are not riding them. And every child is welcome to become a Junior Park Police Officer!

If anyone is interested in joining the Ride Well Program as a participating rider, or a volunteer, a helper in any way, please call Janet Counts, Facility Manager, Rock Creek Horse Center, at 202-362-0117, ext. 7.

By US Park Police Horse Mounted Officer Barbara Blendy with HOOFS Volunteer, Pamela White