The more I delve into the Obama administration, and the more I restudy the things said by Barack Obama during the campaign, the more frightened I become, not for myself, but for the future of my beloved America and the future of my grandchildren.
What I am discovering aligns perfectly with what Glenn Beck hints at and it is a rather scary future, yet none of the MSM is even reporting on it, so I have to ask; "Just who are the real enemies of America?"
It is understandable that the MSM remains silent, after all, they are in bed with Obama and at least one of their reporters, Chris Matthews gets a tingle down his leg whenever Obama speaks, but what really bothers the hell out of me is the fact that Bill O'Reilly (Mr. "I'm looking out for you") treats everything that Glenn Beck says, concerning Obama and his administration, like a joke every time he has Glenn on as a guest. O'Reilly, who calls himself a libertarian, seems to find it necessary to give Obama the benefit of the doubt, always claiming that it is possible that Obama doesn't really know what his appointees are doing. Hogwash! Obama knows exactly what his appointees are doing and what their pasts are. He was part of their past.
As Glenn Beck says, "WE MUST QUESTION WITH BOLDNESS". Here are some of the questions we should start asking:
1. Why do we need a civilian defense force?
2. Who is posing a threat to us?
3. Who will this force be made up of?
4. Who is the real enemy?
5. Does the president know of a coming event? If not, who builds an army against an unrecognized enemy?
6. Why don't the media get off their butts and look into these radicals in the White House? And into this civilian army?
Watch and listen to the following and see if you don't agree. As I have said many times, WE CANNOT AFFORD TO WAIT UNTIL 2012!
Glenn Beck Radio Show; Obama declares 9/11 a National Day of Service:
Rush Limbaugh on Glenn Beck Yesterday - 8/26/09:
Stifling Conservative Talk Radio & Television - 8/26/09:
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