Friday, July 31, 2009

Since I have a lot to do tonight, I thought I would just post a couple of interesting videos.

Now,with the first one, before any liberal, atheist airheads start jumping all over me, let it be known that I did not make the video and I am not saying that Obama is who the video is implying. That is up to you the viewer to decide. All I am saying is....."Hmmmmmm."

This second one speaks for its self.

A new website from United States Mint has recently appeared, providing information and videos about the 2009 Ultra High Relief Double Eagle Gold Coin.
The site allows for an interesting 360 degree rotating tour of the coin with integrated facts. Separate sections of the site on the Design, Heritage, and Technology offer videos that I have not seen posted anywhere else.

I am not sure exactly when the site was launched. I stumbled across it within some search engine results. Even though the site is already live and functional, I don't believe the US Mint has publicly announced or promoted the site. It is not linked or referenced from any of the existing pages about the UHR on the US Mint's main website.

This is the first time I have seen the US Mint create a separate website for any purpose. I think the timing could have been better- they could have launched the site prior to the coin release and mentioned it within some of their promotional materials. With the coin already six months into release, it will be interesting to see how the US Mint starts using the site.

If you have some time this weekend, check out the new site at

The US Mint made another update to the product schedule yesterday. The update includes release dates for products during the month of September and the appearance of three new products that had not appeared on the previous version of the schedule.

2009 Lincoln Bicentennial One Cent Proof Set

This product was added to the schedule with a release date of August 26, 2009. Presumably, this is a separate proof set containing only the four 2009 Proof Lincoln Cents. These coins would likely have the special composition of 95% copper used on the proof cents already released. I will post confirmed details and pricing once they are available.

The addition of this product seems like poor planning or a decision made after the fact. There were likely many 2009 Proof Sets ordered specifically to obtain the special 2009 Proof Bronze Lincoln Cents. This is supported by the large number of auctions and print advertisements already offering separate 2009 Proof Lincoln Cents Set. In order to offer these sets, full proof sets had to be purchased and broken up.

Typically, when the US Mint offers a component set which will be included in a larger set, it is offered before the larger set.

This also serves to further break down the annual proof set into another separate component. The US Mint already offers a separate Presidential Dollars Proof Set and separate DC & US Territories Proof Set.

Lincoln Coin and Chronicles Set

This produced was added to the schedule with the release date listed as "Fall". Based on details previously released by the Mint, each set will contain the four 2009 Proof Lincoln Cents (95% copper) and the 2009 Proof Lincoln Bicentennial Silver Dollar Commemorative. The set will further include a reproduction of the Gettysburg Address, an image of Lincoln with signature, and certificate of authenticity. The set will have a limit of 50,000 units. See my previous post on the Lincoln Coin and Chronicles Set.

Due to the popularity of the 2009 Lincoln Cents, the higher prices of the Lincoln Silver Dollars on the secondary market, and the low authorized mintage for the set, a quick sell out for this product is expected. Although ordering details have not yet been released, it seems almost certain that the US Mint will have a household ordering limit. In my opinion, they might set this at one per household.

Braille Education Set

This product was added to the schedule with the release date listed as "Fall". Previous press releases from the United States Mint concerning the Louis Braille Bicentennial Silver Dollar coins had mentioned that a special set would be available. One released stated that it would be available "later in the spring."

Based on the product name, the set may provide educational information about the Braille System of writing for the blind and visually impaired and incorporate one or both versions of the commemorative coin. I will post confirmed details and pricing once they are available.

September Product Schedule

In addition to the newly listed products discussed above, release dates for previously listed products were added to the schedule as follows:
9/3/2009 Sarah Polk First Spouse Gold Coins
9/3/2009 Sarah Polk Bronze Medal 1 5/16”
9/8/2009 American Samoa First Day Coin Cover
9/17/2009 Presidential $1 Coin & First Spouse Medal Set - Sarah Polk
9/28/2009 U.S. Virgin Islands Bags and Rolls

The full product schedule can be viewed on the US Mint's website here.
A little more than a month after the release of the last coin in the series, the Julia Tyler First Spouse Gold Coins will be released by the US Mint. The coins will go on sale August 6, 2009 at 12:00 Noon ET.

This will be the eleventh release of the First Spouse Gold Coin series. Notably, this will be the second coin released for the Presidency of John Tyler. During his presidential term, he had both a first and second wife. His second wife, Julia Tyler served as First Lady for eight months during the years 1844 to 1845.

The obverse design of the coin features a portrait of Julia Tyler designed by Joel Iskowitz and sculpted by Don Everhart. The reverse design of the coin features Julia and John Tyler dancing at a White House event. The reverse was also designed by Joel Iskowitz and sculpted by Don Everhart. Each coin is struck with a comoposition of 24 karat gold and contains one-half ounce of gold.

The coins will be priced under the US Mint's pricing policy for gold and platinum numismatic items. This policy uses the average London Fix price of gold for a one week period to determine the prices of the coins. If the average price of gold remains within the current $900 - $949.99 range, then the uncirculated version of the coin will be priced at $616.00 and the proof coin will be priced at $629.00.

A household ordering limit of ten coins per option per household will initially be in place. The same ordering limit has been used for each release of the series this year. The limit is still in place for the Letitia Tyler coin, but has been lifted from the Anna Harrison coin. The total authorized mintage for the Julia Tyler First Spouse Gold Coin is 40,000 units across both options.

On the same date, the US Mint will also release a bronze medal featuring the same design as the gold coins with the removal of some inscriptions. The 1 5/16-inch bronze medals will be priced at $3.50 each.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Before you read this, I must ask that all please sit down and empty your mouths of any food and drink, as I do not want to be responsible for any of you falling down or choking, when your eyes feast upon the information contained in this blog posting.

Okay, all set? Then here we go.

I am going to give you a peek inside the Obama/Pelosi National Health Care Bill, that this administration would like to shove down our collective throats.

What I am presenting here are just a few tidbits of how the government wants to control our lives, and these are just some of radical stuff tucked away inside this bill. If everyone on line would read this, I really don't see how this garbage could possibly pass.

Barack Hussein Obama wants to ram this gigantic health care bill down our throats before anyone realizes what is in it. What doesn't he want us to see? The following are some quick examples.

Page 22 of the Health Care Bill mandates the Government will audit books of all employers that self insure.

Page 30 Sect. 123 of the Health Care Bill states that a Government committee (
yeah, good luck with that one) will decide what treatments/benefits a person may receive.

Page 29, lines 4-16, states that our health care will be rationed!

Page 42 states the Health Choices Commissioner will choose your health care benefits for you.

Page 50 Sect. 152 states, health care will be provided to ALL non U.S. citizens residing within the U.S. Including illegals.

Page 58 states the Government will have real-time access to each individual's finances and a National ID health card will be issued.

Page 59, lines 21-24: The Government will have direct access to your bank accounts for electronic funds transfers.

Page 65 Sect. 164 is a payoff subsidized plan for retirees and their families in Unions & community organizations (
can you say ACORN?).

Page 72, lines 8-14: The Government will create a health care exchange to bring private health care providers under government control.

Page 91, lines 4-7: the Government mandates linguistic appropriate services (
Translation services for illegal immigrants).

Page 95, lines 8-18: The Government will use groups, i.e. ACORN & Americorps, to sign up individuals for the Government Health Care program.

Page 85, line 7: The Government Health Care Plan will have specific benefits for each plan level. AARP members will have their health care rationed.

Page 102, lines 12-18: Medicaid eligible individuals will be automatically enrolled in Medicaid. No choice.

Page 124, lines 24-25: No company can sue the government on price fixing. No "judicial review" against Government Monopoly.

Page 127, lines 1-16: The Goverment will set how much a doctor can earn.

Page 145, lines 15-17: An employer must automatically enroll employees into a public option program. NO CHOICE.

Page 126, lines 22-25: Employers are mandated to pay health care for part-time employees AND their families.

Page 170, lines 1-3: Any non resident alien shall be exempt from individual taxes (
Americans will have to pay).

Page 195, States that officers & employees of the Health Care Administration (
the Government) will have access to all American's finances and personal records.

Page 203, line 14-15: "The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax."

Page 239, line 14-24: Under the Health Care Bill, the Government will reduce physician services for Medicaid. this will affect seniors, low-income and the poor.

Page 241, line 6-8: All Doctors, regardless of their specialty, will be paid the same.

Page 253, line 10-18: The Government shall set the value of the doctor's time, and professional judgment.

Page 265, Sect. 1131: The Government shall mandate and control productivity for private health care industries.

Page 317, line 13-20: The Government shall tell doctors what and how much they can own when it comes to ownership and investment.

Pages 317-318, lines 21-25, 1-3:The Government shall mandate if, when and how much a hospital may expand.

Page 354, Sect. 1177: The Government can and shall restrict enrollment of persons with "special needs."

Page 425, lines 4-12: It shall be mandated that those 65 years and over are to attend 'Advanced Care Planing Consultations', every five years. These are to be for end of life planning, giving the elderly their options on how to off themselves.

Page 425, lines 22-25, & Page 426, lines 1-3: The Government shall provide approved lists of end of life resources. In other words, guiding seniors on different alternatives for offing themselves.

Page 427, lines 15-24: The Government mandates program for orders for end of life. In other words, the government has a say in how you die.

Page 429, lines 10-12: "Advanced Care Consultation" may include an ORDER for end of life plans. That means an ORDER from the Government to end a life.

Page 472, lines 14-17: Payment to Community based Organization. This is a monthly payment to community-based organization, namely ACORN, to be used for health based initiative programs, such as the right to enter people's homes to check on their weight and whether they are living a healthy life-style. The Government also mandates that Government Health Workers enter the homes of parents of all new born's to dictate to the parents on how to raise their children.

This is only the tip of the iceberg. If it passes, this bill will drive unemployment, taxes and the deficit through the stratosphere, dramatically reduce our access to health care, allow bureaucratic nimrods decide when it is time for us to die, and will guarantee that no one in their right mind goes to medical school...And as for the damage this will do to our individual liberties - let's just say that any doubts about our messiah Obama being a radical socialist/communist will have been put to rest. If this monstrous nightmare bill isn't Obama's Waterloo, then it is America's.

Now for This:

National Health Care that pays for abortions and gives health care to illegal immigrants, but kicks senior citizens to the curb. Yea that's the ticket.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


The Following was shamelessly lifted from Doug Ross @ Journal


A.) "A
sk Not What Your Country Can Do For You, Ask How You Can Illegally Contribute To My Campaign."

B.) "Your Long National Nightmare Is Not Over."

C.) "It's Mourning Again In America."

D.) "Keep America Weak Through Surrender And Taxes."

E.) "Vote For Obama; Satan Compels You!"

F.) "Building A Bridge To September 10th."

G.) "I'm With Worf."

H.) "Vote For Obama. It's Easier Then Thinking."

I.) "Don't Ask, 'What Has He Done: Ask What Has He Said He Has Done."

J.) "Isn't it Time You Were Disappointed Again?"

K.) "Read My Lips: No New Tax Cuts."

L.) "Why Work? Vote Obama."

M.) "Change This, B^*ches!"

N.) "Your Friends At ACORN Say: Vote Obama And No One Gets Hurt."

O.) "Help Keep Racial Tensions Alive, Vote Obama."

P.) "Help Eradicate Capitalism In Our Time."

I have to thank my good friend Dena over at
Blasting Caps and Dynamite
for the following:


Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I sincerely hope you are getting the picture as to the extreme danger that each of us, and the entire country, are facing under the Obama administration and this present Congress. I am going to continue beating this drum until people get sick and tired of hearing it and decide to stand up and do something. The only problem is, that the longer you procrastinate, the more violent the action to get rid of these enemies of the Constitution and the American way of life, is going to be, and that is just plain fact.

Many people are just beginning to wake up to the fact that the "Hope and Change" that Obama promised is NOT what they expected. There are many who were under the delusion that by electing a black man (actually a half black man) to the presidency of the United States, would somehow put to rest some of the not so pretty aspects of our country's past, but I am afraid that people heard Obama on the campaign trail, but they weren't listening to what he was saying, or they just brushed it off. Remember that on more then one occasion during the long campaign, either Obama himself or members of his campaign team let it be known that those white Americans won't vote for Obama were bigots and racists, and don't forget there are those who reap great benefits, both politically and financially, by crying racism at the drop of the hat, and it is no secret that Obama has associated himself with just such people for years.

However, he found it to be to his advantage in appealing to larger number of voters by putting himself forward as a "post racial" candidate and spouting many other platitudes that are popular with We the People. We all remember those "tickle our ears" statements concerning campaign financing, not rushing legislation through Congress without first having it posted to the internet to give the people time to peruse it, about transparency in government. But as soon as he was sworn in, all of that was quickly forgotten by him.

Those who feign shock at Obama's disrespect for the Cambridge, Massachusetts police department, calling them "stupid" for arresting Prof. Henry Louis Gates, are among the many who are oblivious to the implications of the 20 year association that Obama had with the "Rev." Jeremiah Wright. And if they honestly believe that Obama was in the dark about what Wright's racist anti-American rants meant, will believe any thing, even to the detriment of their own rights and freedoms. Barack Obama knows full well what the public wants to hear when it comes to race - as with all of the platitudes he spouted. But we are now seeing that his actions and policies are now just the opposite of his sweet talking rhetoric.

It should not be a surprise to anyone that he believes that the Cambridge police were racially profiling in the Gates incident. After all, Obama pushed the racial profiling issue every chance he had while he was an Illinois state senator because he knows that the racial profiling issue tends to garner many more votes, and to get those votes, politicians like Obama could care less if they end up polarizing our society. And black professors like Gates who operate black studies departments in our colleges and universities have a vested interest in promoting racial paranoia.

You cannot have "community organizing" without racial tensions, because that is their stock in trade. The MSM paid far too little attention to Barack Obama as a community organizer, though they should have been on high alert and warning people that Obama was racist to the core.

Nobody really knows just what exactly a community organizer dose, but I can sure as heck tell you what they don't do, "they don't organize communities!" What they actually do is promote resentments and paranoia within the black community and focus those feelings against the white communities, from which they hope to extract benefits or revenge. So, do you honestly believe that Obama, who spent many years activily promoting racial polarization, was actually going to bring us all together in one big kumbaya moment?

Obama's present actions, just as his past ones, reveals the same racist story. Open your eyes people, the very fact that Obama appointed Eric Holder as his Attorney General, who called America a "nation of cowards" for not discussing racial issues, gives us a great glimpse into the future of what we can expect from Holder and Obama.

You don't believe it? How about the fact that Holder refused to prosecute a group of young black thugs who gathered at a voting site holding menacing clubs and nightsticks, for the sole purpose of intimidating white voters, which is blatant violation of Federal Laws. This alone tells much about Eric Holder and the man who appointed him.

Then of course, there is Obama's first nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court, who, like Obama himself, is someone who comes from a background of years connected with an organization that is dedicated to promoting racial resentments and a strong sense of racial entitlements. To be open and honest, as well as NOT politically correct, this IS the reason why the majority of black Americans have and still do, flock to and support the Democrat Party despite the fact that it was the Republicans who fought to end slavery, and it was the Democrats who voted AGAINST Equal Rights, and that the Democrat Party is the most racist and immoral political in America. They have been brainwashed for years, that they are victims and are entitled to things. If there are any black Americans out there who support the Democrats, and happen to be reading this post, ask yourselves why it is, that after all these years, it is only black leaders like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Barack Obama, that have all of the money and prestige while the average black American is still struggling?

Barack Obama has the glib tongue and suaveness of Satan himself and so many normally smart Americans have been hoodwinked and hornswaggled by him. And while he was very open about many of his programs and what sort of nightmare he has in store for America, the majority of people either intentionally ignored him or only heard what Obama wanted them to hear. Well, we all had better wake up or we will face the worst nightmare that this country has ever seen.

Watch and listen carefully to the following:

Most Rev. +Gregori

Monday, July 27, 2009

The following may come as a shock to many, coming from a bishop, but I will not make any apologies because the future of my country, along with the freedoms and the future of my grandchildren are at stake.

Barack Obama needs to be stopped now!

Barack Hussein Obama's true colors are coming to the fore. The man is a racist to the core with a deep rooted hatred for America and he is out to destroy America as we know it, and by GOD, we MUST STOP him now, and it doesn't matter by what means.

It is about time that Americans pull their heads out of what ever place they have them buried, and take a good look at what the hell is occupying the White House. This man is a danger to our country and our freedoms. just take a good look at the type of people that he surrounded himself with in Chicago, and the type of low-life America hating, race-baiting dirt bags that he calls his "friends", scum like Prof. Gates, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Fr. Flagger, Bill Ayers, etc.

You don't sit in a "church" for twenty years, listening to a white hating, American bashing pastor spewing venom against his own country, unless you believe and agree with what is being said.

This snake-in-the-grass ran his campaign on "Hope and Change", but nobody bothered or dared to question just what the "change" was that Obama had in mind. Unfortunately, we are beginning to find out, and it is not a pretty picture. For those who are completely clueless and in the dark, may I suggest that you try to find some old news footage of Nazi Germany and you will have a clear image of what this community organizer has in store for us.

Obama has plans for a "Civilian Security Force" that will bigger and better funded then our military. A.C.O.R.N. is to play a huge role in this security force. For those who don't know, many A.C.O.R.N members were trained by Obama in community organizing and voter registration. A.C.O.R.N has been involved in and is under investigation for voter registration fraud in almost every state in the union, and they were heavily involved in causing the "housing bubble" burst, because it was A.C.O.R.N who lobbied Congress to put pressure on banks and mortgage loan companies, etc., to make unsecured mortgage loans to low-income individuals (including illegal immigrants) to buy homes even though they could not possibly pay them back.

At that time, Obama was a member of the U.S. Senate and he agreed with the lobbyists. Then, along with Sen. Chris Dodd, Obama was filling his pockets with money from AIG, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Time and again, President G.W. Bush warned Congress that they had better pass legislation that would have prevented the collapse, but every time the Republican members of Congress submitted such legislation, the Democrats, both in the Senate and the House blocked it, while over in the House, the "Honorable" Barney Frank, who helped to block the Republican Legislation, was carrying on a homosexual love affair with a "high up" from Fannie Mae.

Now, just imagine what it would be like to have A.C.O.R.N members running around the country with the power of a National Security Force? They will be no better then Hitler's "Brown Shirts", perhaps even worse.

And if that is not enough, according to a blurb on FOX NEWS last week, they said that the Obama administration is considering giving A.C.O.R.N some $8 million dollars of taxpayer money to use for "health initiative" programs, among which would give them the right to go into people's homes to check on how fat they are and if they are eating the proper foods as mandated by the government.

A.C.O.R.N is also involved in stifling people's free speech rights as you can see from the following video:

The American people, in their unimaginable blind stupidity, voted for a pig in the poke. They wanted so much to believe Barack Hussein Obama was somehow better from other ultra-liberals, that they just took him on blind faith.

They completely ignored his anti-white writings in his books. They ignored his silent acceptance of hysterical anti-American, anti-white diatribes by his minister, Jeremiah Wright. They ignored his refusal to explain years at a time of his life as a student. They ignored his ultra-left record as a "community organizer", an Illinois state legislator, and as a U.S. Senator.

The American people also completely ignored Obama's refusal to produce any of his academic records as a student and teacher, and his complete lack of scholarship when he was being touted as a scholar.

Now, the American people are starting to wake up to the truth. Barack Obama is a super leftist, who is NOT a fan of this country, and is far too cozy with the terrorist leaders in the Middle East that goes beyond innocent naivete, but all the way into active destruction of our interests, those of our allies, and our future.

Americans have begun to wake up to the fact that the stimulus bill was nothing more then a huge bribe to Democrat special interest groups, and in no way an effort to help all Americans.

Americans are finally realizing the truth that ObamaCare basically means that every time you are sick or injured, you will have a clerk from a department similar to the Department of Motor Vehicles telling your doctor what he can and cannot do, and if you are over 65 years old, you will be required to accept information on your end of life choices rather then receiving medical care.

Obama seems to be in a panicked rush to shove all of his high priced liberty stealing programs down American's throats because he is well aware that Americans are getting wise to him, and will stop him if there is any delay in his taking away of our freedoms.

Perhaps Glenn Beck has it right:

Most Rev. + Gregori
There are a number of US Mint related news items worthy of a quick mention:

Today at 12:00 Noon ET, sales of the American Samoa Quarter Bags and Rolls began at the United States Mint. Two-roll sets are priced at $32.95, 100-coin bags from either the Philadelphia or Denver Mint are priced at $32.95, and 1,000-coin bags from either Mint are priced at $309.95.

To coincide with the release, sales ended for the previous Guam Quarter Bags and Rolls. These products had initially went on sale May 26, 2009. The 1,000-coin bags were unavailable for approximately one month, but the other products were available continuously during the period.

The last reported sales statistics (as of July 19) indicate 37,106 two-roll sets sold, 12,777 100-coin Philadelphia bags, 12,071 100-coin Denver bags, 1,475 1,000-coin Philadelphia bags, and 1,399 Denver bags sold. With the exception of the 1,000-coin bags, these numbers are below the sales figures for the prior Puerto Rico Quarter bags and rolls.

As previously posted, the ordering limit for the 2009 Ultra High Relief Double Eagle Gold Coins increased today. After imposing a household ordering limit of one for nearly six months, the limit has now been raised to ten coins per household.

CoinWorld is reporting that the US Mint is striking more 2009 Jefferson Nickels, despite "officially" announcing the end of production three months prior. The Denver Mint has reportedly struck 7.4 million additional coins in June and July. This adds to the previously produced 39.36 million 2009-D Jefferson Nickels.

In a separate story, the US Mint has provided some new information regarding the status of the 2009 Gold Buffalo Coins. Before the latest news, let's back track through their previous statements.

Back in June, the US Mint indicated that only the proof version of the coin would be minted for 2009 and bullion coins would not be produced. A few weeks later, this statement was corrected when the US Mint indicated that the bullion coins were not canceled and would be produced as "required by law." This week, the US Mint is indicating that the proof version of the coin might not be minted for 2009 after all. With these latest statements, we are brought to the exact opposite of the US Mint's initial statements.

Late last year and early this year, there were constant issues about the US Mint's lack of communication and their failure to respond to questions about the status of products, shipping, and other issues. In the past few months, the US Mint has been communicating a whole lot more, but often reversing positions to the exact opposite of their previous statements. Unreliable communication is not an improvement from lack of communication.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


You are the TRIER of the FACTS in the following case;


Who or what is Barack Hussein Obama, is he an American born citizen or does he hold dual citizenship with the U.S. and Great Britain, or is he citizen of Indonesia?

Is he a Christian as he claims or a Muslim? Does he stand for American values and interests or is he out to destroy America?

Obama has demonstrated some rather troubling behavior that leaves one wondering if he may not be planning a surprise total public split with Christianity and put out a bombshell announcement that he is in fact a Muslim, which would explain his disrespecting of Israel and cozying up the Muslim countries in the Middle East.

I shall lay out the facts and each of you is to examine the facts in an unbiased fashion and then render your decision.

Let me start with:

ISSUE A: Just where exactly was Barack Hussein Obama Born?

FACT #1: Barack Hussein Obama claims that he was born in the State of Hawaii, but to date he has absolutely refused to prove this claim by producing is original vault (long form) birth certificate. The Governor of the State of Hawaii claims that such a long form Birth certificate for Barack Obama is on file with the State, but Obama refuse to grant permission for it to be made public. Why? Under those circumstances, how do We the People know that it does exist? Somebody saying so does not make it true.

FACT #2: What Obama did produce was a copy of a Certificate of Live Birth, which is NOT the same as a Birth Certificate. The State of Hawaii allows for parents of children born on foreign soil to file for and receive a Certificate of Live Birth.

FACT #3: There is an article in a Hawaiian Newspaper that lists the birth of Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. to Mr. and Mrs. Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., but a newspaper notice is not proof that he was born in Hawaii.

FACT #4: Barack’s paternal grandmother, along with his half-brother and half-sister have stated, on more than one occasion, that he was born in Kenya. Reports reflect that Obama’s mother traveled to Kenya during her pregnancy; however, she was prevented from boarding a flight from Kenya to Hawaii at her late stage of pregnancy (which, apparently, was a normal restriction, to avoid births during a flight). By these reports, Stanley Ann Dunham Obama gave birth to Obama in Kenya, after which she flew home and registered Obama’s birth. There are records of a “registry of birth” for Obama, on or about August 8, 1961 in the public records office in Hawaii, but that is NOT the same as a long-form Birth Certificate. Also, Barack’s mother Stanley Dunham was, at the time of his birth and the laws in place at that time, too young to pass U.S. citizenship to Barack. Also, at the time of his birth, if he was born in Kenya, Kenya was under colonial control of Great Britain, which would then have made him a dual citizen of both Great Britain and the United States.

FACT #5: The Constitution of the United States does not provide for a dual citizen to hold the office of the President, only natural born citizens.

ISSUE B: Barack Obama’s Passport:

This issue can also be easily resolved by Barack Obama answering one very simple question:

What passport did he use when he was shuttling between New York, Jakarta, and Karachi?

How did a young man who arrived in New York in early June 1981, without the price of a hotel room in his pocket, suddenly come up with the price of a round-the-world trip just a month later?

Then once he was on a plane, shuttling between New York, Jakarta, and Karachi, what passport was he producing when he passed through Customs and Immigration?

FACT #6:

Question: Did Obama travel to Pakistan in 1987, at age 20?

Answer: Yes, by his own admission.

FACT #7:

Question: What country’s passport did he travel under?

Answer: There are only three possible answers:

1. He traveled with a U.S. Passport;

2. He traveled with a British passport, or

He traveled with an Indonesian passport.

FACT #8:

Question: Was it possible that Obama traveled with a U.S. Passport in 1981?

Answer: No. It is not possible. Pakistan was on the U.S. State Department's "no travel" list in 1981. That means that American citizens were NOT allowed to enter Pakistan by both U.S and Pakistani law.

Conclusion to this particular Issue:

When Obama went to Pakistan in 1981 he was traveling either with a British passport or an Indonesian passport.

If he was traveling with a British passport that would provide proof that he was born in Kenya on August 4, 1961, not in Hawaii as he claims. And if he was traveling with an Indonesian passport that would tend to prove that he relinquished whatever previous citizenship he held, British or American, prior to being adopted by his Indonesian step-father in 1967.

ISSUE C: What religious beliefs does Barack Obama hold to, if any?

This issue is important, because the citizens of the United States have a right to know on just whose side Obama is on. Is he on the side of Freedom, defending the Constitution of the United States and our way of life, or is he beholden to Islam and Sharia Law.

FACT #9:

Something took place shortly after Obama took office, under the radar screen of most Americans. There was barely any mention of it by the MSM. What was it?

Barack Obama funded $20 million of taxpayer money in H.R. 1388 which was passed by the House, to pay to settle Hamas Refugees to the United States.

Barack Obama, through an executive order, has ordered the expenditure of $20.3 million in “migration assistance” to the Palestinian refugees and “conflict victims” in Gaza, and very few of our elected officials on Capitol Hill, or members of the media took any notice that Obama’s order provided not only a free airline ticket, but also housing and food allowances to individuals who have displayed their overwhelming support to the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in the parliamentary election of January 2006.

FACT #10:

Let’s take a look at some of Barack Obama's most recent actions since his inauguration:

1.) His very first call to any head of state, as president, was to Mahmoud Abbas, leader of Fatah party in the Palestinian territory.

2.) His first one-on-one television interview with any news organization was with Al Arabia television.

3.) His first executive order was to fund/facilitate abortion(s) not just here within the U. S., but within the world, using U. S. Tax payer funds.

4.) He ordered Guantanamo Bay closed and all military trials of detainees halted.

5.) He ordered overseas CIA interrogation centers closed.

6.) He withdrew all charges against the masterminds behind the USS Cole and the "terror attack" on 9/11.

Oh, but there is more:

FACT #11:

You all remember the trip that Obama made to France, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia, don’t you? Well if you remember, Michelle, Obama’s wife, traveled with him, but she suddenly headed back to the U.S. from France as her husband continued on to Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Why?

Well, according to some Arab/Americans, they claim that Michelle couldn't go

Saudi Arabia, Turkey, or Iraq. Why not, after all, Laura Bush went to Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Dubai with her husband, President George W. Bush?

The answer, according to these Arab/Americans, "Obama is a Muslim, and by Muslim law, he would not be allowed to bring his wife into the countries that accept Sharia Law."

They also said that that's the same reason he bowed to the King of Saudi

Arabia, and it was a signal to the Muslim world.

FACT #12:

After Stanley Ann Dunham (Obama’s mother) divorced Barack’s biological father, she took up with and married an Indonesian citizen, whose last name was Sotoro. Sotoro was not only an Indonesian citizen, he was also a Muslim. Ms. Dunham herself was an avowed atheist and a Marxist/Leninist.

After Dunham married Sotoro, they all moved to Indonesia, where little Barack Obama, A.K.A. Berry Sotoro, attended school. Now according to Indonesian Law (at least at that time) ONLY Indonesian citizens were allowed to attend school. Well, lo and behold, Obama’s school records from Indonesia show that he HELD Indonesian citizenship and that he was a Muslim after being adopted by step-daddy Sotoro.

FACT #13:

When Obama returned to the U.S. from Indonesia, around the age of ten or eleven, he could have reclaimed his American citizenship (if he ever had it to begin with) at the age of eighteen by taking the oath of allegiance before any federal court judge or member of the United States State Department. There is NO record of his having done so.

FACT #14:

Despite Barack’s claim of being a “life-long devout Christian”, all evidence shows that his only connection to anything even remotely Christian, came about in 1989 when he joined the church of Jeremiah Wright in Chicago. This was a rather radical “Christian” church headed by a pastor who preached hate against the U.S.

Obama attended this church for twenty years until he started to campaign for the office of President, then like everyone else in his life, who could not be of any more use to him, he kicked Jeremiah Wright under the bus. He then claimed that he was seeking another church in Washington, DC, but the truth is, that since the day he was inaugurated, neither he nor any member of his family has graced the inside of any Christian Church.

FACT #15:

Barack Obama, since his inauguration, has shown a full hearted support for abortion, including late-term (partial-birth) abortions, fetal stem-cell research, and he openly supports gay and lesbian rights groups.

He declared June as Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Awareness Month, and he refused to honor the National Day of Prayer. He did allow for the annual Easter Egg Hunt on the White House Lawn, but it was primarily for Gay and Lesbian “families”.

And when he gave a speech at the Catholic George Town University in Washington, DC, he ordered all the Christian religious symbols, behind his podium, to be covered up.


I have laid out all of the facts for you, now it is up to each of you to decide the following:

A.) Does any of the above show that Barack Hussein Obama (A.K.A., Barry Sotoro) possesses any Judeo/Christian ethics?

B.) Is Barack Hussein Obama (A.K.A., Barry Sotoro) a Christian, a Muslim or an atheist?

C.) Of what country is Barack Hussein Obama (A.K.A., Barry Sotoro) a citizen, and even if he now holds U.S. citizenship, is he constitutionally qualified to hold the office of president, by being a natural born citizen of the U.S.?

D.) Does the evidence show that Barack Obama has the best interests of the United States at heart, or is he looking out for the best interests of Islamic nations?

Please give your unbiased opinion to each of the above and feel free to give any of your personal thoughts.

This Court is now recessed until you have delivered your verdicts.

The Honorable Judge Munchkin