Monday, August 31, 2009

The 2009 Sarah Polk First Spouse Gold Coin will go on sale at the US Mint September 3, 2009 at 12:00 Noon ET. This will be the fourth release this year for the 24 karat gold coin series crated to honor the First Spouses.The obverse of the coin features a portrait of the First Lady. The reverse features a scene of Sarah Polk working side by side with her husband in the White House. She had devoted...
MORE RANTINGS FROM AN ANGRY OLD FART.SO FOX NEWS IS FAIR AND BALANCED? YEA SURE!After viewing the video I posted yesterday about the MSM and the Obama birth certificate issue, a couple more times, I became even more irate and disgusted to the point that I decided to pen a letter to the Fox News Network and let them know just what I think, and where they can put their "Fair and Balanced".Just encase...

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Isn't it nice to know that even in the face of personal tragedy and grief, we can always count on the Kennedy family to maintain a decorum of propriety?Caroline Kennedy's daughter, for instance, shows real class when she 'saluted' the people of Massachusetts during the funeral motorcade of her deceased uncle, Sen. Ted Kennedy. We can all learn a lot from this young lady, who perhaps, may someday run...
Madame and I have done quite a bit of work since she stepped away from the Governor's desk. We've written a whole slew of Facebook notes over the past month or so. Oh boy, have they had a huge impact: altering a Senate health care reform bill, encouraging millions to watch Glenn Beck giving him sky high ratings, and causing the Great Opologizer to get all wee-weed up.It's amazing to me how much 11...

Saturday, August 29, 2009

In the words of Obama himself; "If you want to know how I will govern you only have to look at the people I surround my self with." Well, lets do just that. Almost his entire cabinet is made up of liars, tax cheats, shop-lifters and other assorted flotsome and jetsome of human society, most if not all right out of the Clinton administration.His "Czars" or special advisers are all leftist communist terrorist scumbags left over from the 1960's and 70's now operating in various groups under the umbrella...

Friday, August 28, 2009

2010 AND BEYOND:This evening, on his show, Glenn Beck laid out a plan of action for We the People to take to fight back against those who seem dead set on transforming our beloved nation into a socialistic/communistic nightmare, and his plan does not require the use of guns. I am all for giving Beck's plan a try. Watch the two videos below and make up your own minds.Beck 8/28/09 – Part IBeck 8/28/09...
Credit to Anne from C4P for making this video.I have so much posted on my Outlook calendar for today!First, my favorite website declared today Sarah Palin Day, as today marks the anniversary of Madame being introduced as John McAnonymous's running mate in the 2008 Presidential election! I must clarify, I call Senator McCain, John McAnonymous. Madame is a lot more gracious than I am. She calls him...
The US Mint's initial sales of the James K. Polk Dollar Rolls have very been strong. The first report since the rolls went on sale August 20, 2009 show levels already approaching the full production for the prior two Presidential Dollar roll releases for this year.According to the latest stats published by Numismaster, the US Mint has sold 27,949 Philadelphia Mint rolls and 27,238 Denver rolls.Earlier...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

AMERICAN CRISIS; WHO IS THE REAL THREAT, GLENN BECK, RUSH LIMBAUGH, OR THE PATRIOTIC CONSERVATIVE AMERICAN CITIZENS?The more I delve into the Obama administration, and the more I restudy the things said by Barack Obama during the campaign, the more frightened I become, not for myself, but for the future of my beloved America and the future of my grandchildren.What I am discovering aligns perfectly...
If there is one thing (and I think there only may be one thing) that Madame and the Great Opologizer agree on, it is their love of Blackberries. Not the fruit, but the smart phone. I have been deemed the LOTUS, as Madame and I have done quite a bit of work together lately, but when Madame was governor, the BOTUSes (or is it BOTUSI, I don't know the plural form) did a lot of the work. The BOTUSes...
The ProblemIn this war on drugs, it has become apparent to me that stupidity and greed have always been at the forefront. The smart guys are the drug dealers. They make billions yearly while entire police departments and federal authorities pat themselves on the back because they found a ton of marijuana or raided a marijuana grow op(eration).It's sad because they pose in these photos with huge smiles...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

People, it is about time that we all wake up and realize that things are going from bad to worse in this country and we are truly being set up for a type of government that will bring horrors that most people in America have only read about in history books, and things are moving extremely fast, almost at breakneck speed.There are a lot of people who don't like Glenn Beck for whatever reasons, but...
There are some things that just stick in my craw and it is now time to empty it:First, there is the phenomenon of Ted Kennedy, ALL DAY, EVERY DAY until he is planted.I'm sorry, but I just cannot shed any tears or offer false platitudes over his passing. All I have been hearing all day long is how wonderful Teddy was and how great the Kennedy Family is. The Kennedy family is a prime example of all...
The US Mint has indicated that the ordering limit for the 2009 Ultra High Relief Double Eagle Gold Coin will be raised once again- this time to 25 coins per household. The increased limit will go into effect on August 31, 2009 at 12:00 Noon ET.When the UHR initially went on sale, the US Mint had set the ordering limit at only one coin per household. The purpose of the limit was to "ensure that all...
The US Mint has put the Two Roll Set for the second redesigned 2009 Lincoln Cent back on sale. The set had been taken off sale on August 12, 2009 after selling 300,000 units.This is one of several times this year when the US Mint has taken a product off sale, marked the product page as "Sold Out", moved it to the "No Longer Available" section of their website, and then quietly put the product back...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

As today marks the 89th anniversary of the passage of the 19th amendment, I thought I would recount a trip that I got to take with Madame 45 to New York earlier this summer. Meg "the Enforcer" Stapleton is originally from Auburn, NY, the same town that William Seward, the purchaser of Alaska, is from. We made a trip to Auburn to celebrate Alaska's big 5-0. Prior to that event, we had the chance to...
There are three videos that make up tonight's show. To learn what is happening to America today, please watch all three parts. This will shock you, but it will also enlighten you:ALL THE PRESIDENT'S MENTuesday, August 25, 2009"This is probably the hardest week of broadcast in my life. I have been trying to figure out what is going on with my country since President Bush argued -- with a straight face...
On Tuesday, August 25, 2009, at approximately 7:37 a.m., a United States Park Police officer with nineteen years of service was injured while on a traffic stop in the safety shoulder of the Baltimore Washington Parkway southbound lanes, south of Route 197. The officer was standing outside the violator’s vehicle speaking to the operator when his cruiser was struck by a truck that had left the southbound roadway, traveled onto the safety shoulder, and rear ended the Force cruiser pushing it into...

Monday, August 24, 2009

Hey folks. I finally got the glass pieces I needed to complete the conversion of the Bong Spirit vodka bottle to fully functioning bong.Link: Converting BongSpirit to BongMarijuanaActually, it's 99.9% complete. I still need a grommet to place in the hole for a more secure fitting. It's tight but it still moves around just a tiny bit. Anyway, it's working perfectly now. Here are some pictures: ...
Over the weekend, while the Great Opologizer and his family went off on vacation, some distressing news came across my Twitter from Drudge. Reuters reported that the White House's 10 year deficit projection was off by $2 trillion and was actually a whopping 9 trillion dollars, rather than $7.108 trillion! Madame does not like the dizzying debt that our nation is accruing! She feels that Washington...