"Some men who speak with authority at work know enough to bow to a higher authority at home."

I was contemplating taking a break from my computer this evening, that is until I read a posting on my blogger friend, SubVet's blog site "Blowing Sans #1.".
This particular posting is about a group of Pro-Lifers who were arrested near a high school. They were on a public sidewalk quietly holding signs, distributing literature and peacefully engaged in dialogue with students.
I agree with all that SubVet says, but there was one thing that that sent a bug up my proverbial butt and really got me to thinking, and that was when he said; "C'mon, the cops are just doing their job."
Excuse me if I am wrong, but it seems to me that to say that the cops are just doing their jobs is a 'cop out'.
The police are supposed to up-hold the law and if they know that those they are arresting have broken NO laws, then they should refuse to make the arrest. That seems to be the real problem in America today, no body, especially those who take an oath of office in which they swear to up-hold and defend the Constitution of the United States, do NOT have the moral fortitude to live up to that oath. they kowtow to those who are their superiors even when they KNOW those superiors are wrong and need to be relieved of their positions. Remember the Nazis, they all said; "I was just following orders." It made no difference how immoral or illegal those orders were, they blindly obeyed.
It is this same line of thinking that is allowing the immoral left to take over and destroy America today. Those on the right have compromised their moral values to such an extent that we allowed pro-aborts, homosexuals and every other immoral group free reign, and we have allowed, those whom we elected to represent us in Congress, to vote to enact legislation that they themselves have no idea what the hell is even in the legislation (this new "Porkulus" Bill is agood example) because they allowed immoral moonbat special interest lobbyists to write the bills for them. Why do we allow these legislators to remain in office and collect hefty salaries when they don't even do their jobs?
Every body just sits back and "follows orders", as we silently watch our rights and freedoms be eroded because nobody has the guts to stand up and shout loud and clear, "ENOUGH! THIS IS WRONG AND WE ARE NOT GOING TO FOLLOW AND OBEY LIKE SHEEP BEING LED TO THE SLAUGHTER!" Instead we meekly say, "Its the law, or I am only obeying orders."
Where is our moral compass when we allow this to go on day-after-day, week-after-week, month-after-month, and year-after-year?
Let me remind you about something important, because America will stand or fall depending on what WE the PEOPLE do or don't do.
When those whom we elect into office, acting in the name of our government, begin to violate all rules of ethics and moral behavior, and even begin to violate the Constitution of the United States, they have broken the trust with 'WE THE PEOPLE'. It is then only natural that 'WE THE PEOPLE' should pull back the power (our honor and allegiance) that was given by us, through our votes, to them.
Unchecked power is the basis of tyranny. It is the duty of WE THE PEOPLE to use the power of the voting booth to stem the tide of oppression and tyranny, to prevent bloodshed by peacefully removing from power those who abuse it. But, if that fails we have the RIGHT to OVER THROW a TYRANNICAL GOVERNMENT with what ever means possible!
"Woe to those who decree unjust statutes and to those who continually record unjust decisions, to deprive the needy justice, and to rob the poor of My people of their rights. . ." Isaiah 10:1,2
"Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and fearful master." George Washington.

I was contemplating taking a break from my computer this evening, that is until I read a posting on my blogger friend, SubVet's blog site "Blowing Sans #1.".
This particular posting is about a group of Pro-Lifers who were arrested near a high school. They were on a public sidewalk quietly holding signs, distributing literature and peacefully engaged in dialogue with students.
I agree with all that SubVet says, but there was one thing that that sent a bug up my proverbial butt and really got me to thinking, and that was when he said; "C'mon, the cops are just doing their job."
Excuse me if I am wrong, but it seems to me that to say that the cops are just doing their jobs is a 'cop out'.
The police are supposed to up-hold the law and if they know that those they are arresting have broken NO laws, then they should refuse to make the arrest. That seems to be the real problem in America today, no body, especially those who take an oath of office in which they swear to up-hold and defend the Constitution of the United States, do NOT have the moral fortitude to live up to that oath. they kowtow to those who are their superiors even when they KNOW those superiors are wrong and need to be relieved of their positions. Remember the Nazis, they all said; "I was just following orders." It made no difference how immoral or illegal those orders were, they blindly obeyed.
It is this same line of thinking that is allowing the immoral left to take over and destroy America today. Those on the right have compromised their moral values to such an extent that we allowed pro-aborts, homosexuals and every other immoral group free reign, and we have allowed, those whom we elected to represent us in Congress, to vote to enact legislation that they themselves have no idea what the hell is even in the legislation (this new "Porkulus" Bill is agood example) because they allowed immoral moonbat special interest lobbyists to write the bills for them. Why do we allow these legislators to remain in office and collect hefty salaries when they don't even do their jobs?
Every body just sits back and "follows orders", as we silently watch our rights and freedoms be eroded because nobody has the guts to stand up and shout loud and clear, "ENOUGH! THIS IS WRONG AND WE ARE NOT GOING TO FOLLOW AND OBEY LIKE SHEEP BEING LED TO THE SLAUGHTER!" Instead we meekly say, "Its the law, or I am only obeying orders."
Where is our moral compass when we allow this to go on day-after-day, week-after-week, month-after-month, and year-after-year?
Let me remind you about something important, because America will stand or fall depending on what WE the PEOPLE do or don't do.
When those whom we elect into office, acting in the name of our government, begin to violate all rules of ethics and moral behavior, and even begin to violate the Constitution of the United States, they have broken the trust with 'WE THE PEOPLE'. It is then only natural that 'WE THE PEOPLE' should pull back the power (our honor and allegiance) that was given by us, through our votes, to them.
Unchecked power is the basis of tyranny. It is the duty of WE THE PEOPLE to use the power of the voting booth to stem the tide of oppression and tyranny, to prevent bloodshed by peacefully removing from power those who abuse it. But, if that fails we have the RIGHT to OVER THROW a TYRANNICAL GOVERNMENT with what ever means possible!
"Woe to those who decree unjust statutes and to those who continually record unjust decisions, to deprive the needy justice, and to rob the poor of My people of their rights. . ." Isaiah 10:1,2
"Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and fearful master." George Washington.
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