Often, we are told by many in government positions, atheists and others that religious leaders have no right or business to speak-out or preach on political matters, and often those that do are threatened with arrest, the loss of their tax-exempt status and, sometimes, even with the confiscation of church property by the federal government, but i am hear to tell you that we not only have the RIGHT, but also the MORAL RESPONSIBILITY to do so.
Politics, on all levels, involves the wielding of power and authority, and the use of power and authority almost always has some degree of moral relevance and human consequences. We cannot claim to be Christians and say that we love God, while at the same time we ignore the plight of the least among us.
Even before his election, Barack Obama was considered to be the most radical, far-left liberal to ever sit in the U.S. Senate and the most rabidly committed abortion-rights advocate and presidential candidate that America has ever seen. Obama himself has stated that he considers it punishment if a woman has a baby she does not want. His campaign "removed any suggestion that killing an unborn child might be a regrettable thing."
In the face of such blatant evil, we do NOT owe such leaders honor, submission or cooperation. In fact, it is just the opposite; bishops, priests, ministers and pastors and all Christian leaders have a moral obligation to fight to change bad laws and resist grave evil in the public life of our nation, both by our words and our actions. We have an obligation and a duty to remind our flocks that in our Constitutional Republic, we elect servants who work for us, not messiahs whom we have to bow and scrape before.
Many Americans, including misguided Christians, elected Obama to fix the economic crisis, that he and his fellow Democrats had a hand in creating. That was the mandate. We did NOT give him or anyone else a mandate to retool American culture on the issues of marriage and the family, sexuality, bioethics, religion in public life and abortion, and we most certainly did NOT elect him to be our messiah. But that seems to be exactly what happened.
While campaigning on her husband's behalf last year, Michelle Obama declared; "We have to fix our souls. Our souls are broken in this nation." Oprah Winfrey, from her lofty bully pulpit of national television solemnly declared Obama to be; "The 'ONE'." At many of his campaign rallies, women in the throes of blissful ecstasy, swooned at the feet of "THE ONE", while Chris Matthews, an American news anchor and political commentator for MSNBC, and most likely in need of a cold shower, proudly proclaimed on air that every time he heard Obama speak; "It sent a tingle running down his leg."
Thus you see the formation of a 'messianic' cult being developed around Barack Hussein Obama. All he has to do is open his mouth and people begin to believe that he can walk on water and heal the ills of the world. The 'huddled masses' are more then willing, at the snap of his fingers, to bow and kiss his hand or plant their lips firmly to some other part of his anatomy.
The people of America are setting themselves up for a great disastrous fall that we may never be able to recover from. The very thought that Obama can save or heal our souls, or even lead us to the 'promised land' is something that I personally find to be offensive, ludicrous and downright frightening. we go to the polls to elect men or women to be the President of the United States; we don't go to elect a 'messiah', and the government exists, if one cares to read the Preamble to the Constitution, to establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common Defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty, . . . . it does NOT exist to save our souls. When my soul is in need of saving I turn to Jesus Christ. The last place I would go to seek salvation or solace would be the White House, the Halls of Congress or the Supreme Court.
What Barack Obama and the leftist liberals are peddling is a 'Religion of Stateism', making people believe that only government, preferably with himself and liberal Democrats at the helm, can deliver people from the consequences of their own bad decisions. He wants us to believe that we mere mortals lack the capability, through our churches and religious organizations, to help the less fortunate and to encourage them to be more self-reliant. All that is required, for us to become members of the "Religion of Stateism" and to partake as a communicant at the altar of the Church of Endless Handouts, is to sell our souls to the State so that the Obamessiah can heal it.
Like all tyrants, passed and present, Obama possesses the uncanny ability to inspire with his glib tongue, mastery of the art of rhetoric and his disarming good looks. However, if people stopped just listening to him and begin to 'hear' him, if they just lightly scratched the surface of his false veneer, there would be no way to deny the evil that lurks there. Once you see this man for who and what he truly is, it would send a cold chill down your spine.
As my father always used to say, "You can't make a silk purse outof a sow's ear." So, try as you might, there is no way that one can reinvent Obama's black record on abortion and other moral issues, even with his 'pie-in-the-sky' spiel about hope, change and unity. Remember, no matter how much gravy you put on horse turds, they will NEVER become Swedish Meatballs.
As Catholics and Christians, we must honestly examine our consciences, and be truthful with ourselves and each other. I know that in this present society under the influence of the demon of false messiah worship that borders on groveling, it is extremely difficult to do this, due to the fact that so many so-called Christian and Catholic writers, scholars, editors and activists have fallen under the spell of the liberal left and have become infatuated with Obama.
Obama has already started keeping campaign promises by restoring taxpayer funding for an international program supporting abortion and launching a plan to force physicians to provide various abortion advice and services -- no matter how much it violates their religious or moral beliefs.
Jesus said that we are to "Render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to render unto God what is God's." This means that we owe our civil authorities respect and obedience when it is APOPROPRIATE. And we MUST keep in mind that our leaders, be they Obama or anyone else, are NOT God. Even the State is subordinate and answerable to God.
Charity, justice, mercy, prudence, honesty -- these are Christian virtues, tolerance is NOT a Christian virtue. In a diverse community, tolerance has its place, but it is never a means to an end. In fact, tolerating grave evil within a society is itself a serious and grave evil.
There is fear and despair all across America today; retirees losing their life-savings and pensions, people losing their jobs and their homes, and all Obama has to offer us is trillion dollar spending programs placing not only us, but furture generations into a debt that no one can ever hope to pay off. While bankrupting our country, he is shredding the Constitution, trampling on our God given RIGHTS and FREEDOMS, and pushing us head-long into a Socialist/Marxist society. Promising us "HOPE" was just a carrot on a stick, because when people finally awake from that delusion, America will still be in a mess. True hope and salvation can only be found in Jesus Christ, NOT in Barack Hussein Obama.
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