"If women can have PMS, then men can have ESPN."

A rebellion against the rapidly growing dominance of federal control over the states and every aspect of our lives is beginning to take shape at the state level as the Obama administration is attempting to shove through Congress a nearly $1 trillion dollar deficit spending plan that is loaded heavily toward advancing a Democrat Socialist nanny state.
To date, eight states have introduced resolutions declaring state sovereignty under the Ninth and Tenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States.
These States are: Arizona, Hawaii, Montana, Michigan, Missouri, New Hampshire, Oklahoma and Washington.
In addition to these, another twenty states may enact similar resolutions this year, including Alaska, Alabama,Arkansas, California, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Nevada, Maine and Pennsylvania.
Oklahoma Republican State Senator Randy Brogdon said, "What we are trying to do is get the U.S. Congress out of the state's business. Congress is completely out of line spending trillions of dollars over the last ten years putting the nation into a debt crisis like we have never seen before." Obama's stimulus plan is the last straw in trying the patients in the brewing sovereignty dispute.
Brogdon went on to say, "This particular 111th Congress is the biggest bunch of over-reachers and under-achievers we've ever had in Congress. A sixth-grader should realize you can't borrow money to pay off your debts, and that is the Obama administration's answer for a stimulus package."
The Ninth Amendment to the Constitution reads: "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."
The tenth Amendment specifically provides, "The powers not delegated to the United States government by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
The various sovereignty measures that are moving through state legislatures are aimed at reasserting individual state authority by rolling back federal authority under the powers enumerated in the Constitution of the United States, with the states assuming the governance of the non-enumerated powers, as required by the Constitution.
What is particularly upsetting to too many state legislators are the ever increasing number of 'unfunded mandates' that have spread like flies in social welfare programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid, in which bills passed in the U.S. Congress dictate policy to the states without providing funding.
Also upsetting are the federal government regulations of firearm sales and the demand to issue driver's licenses with technology to embed personal information under the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative and the Real ID Act.
Republican Rep. Matt Shea, the lead sponsor of Washington's sovereignty resolution said, "We are trying to send a message to the federal government that states are trying to reclaim their sovereignty. State sovereignty has been eroded in so many areas; it is hard to know where to start. There are a ton of federal mandates imposed on states, for instance, on education spending and welfare spending. the Obama administration's economic stimulus package moving through Congress is a perfect example."
It has become obvious that the federal government has, over the years, been eroding state's rights while at the same time, limiting the constitutional rights and freedoms of WE the PEOPLE. Now with the so-called stimulus package being foisted on the American people, the federal government is poised to give us one final giant shove into a Socialist/Marxist form of government which will destroy forever the Constitutional Republic and our capitalist form of economy founded by our forefathers. Those that cannot see this are either woefully blind or they supporters of a cradle to grave nanny state, where they don't have to accept any personal responsibility for themselves or their families.

A rebellion against the rapidly growing dominance of federal control over the states and every aspect of our lives is beginning to take shape at the state level as the Obama administration is attempting to shove through Congress a nearly $1 trillion dollar deficit spending plan that is loaded heavily toward advancing a Democrat Socialist nanny state.
To date, eight states have introduced resolutions declaring state sovereignty under the Ninth and Tenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States.
These States are: Arizona, Hawaii, Montana, Michigan, Missouri, New Hampshire, Oklahoma and Washington.
In addition to these, another twenty states may enact similar resolutions this year, including Alaska, Alabama,Arkansas, California, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Nevada, Maine and Pennsylvania.

Brogdon went on to say, "This particular 111th Congress is the biggest bunch of over-reachers and under-achievers we've ever had in Congress. A sixth-grader should realize you can't borrow money to pay off your debts, and that is the Obama administration's answer for a stimulus package."
The Ninth Amendment to the Constitution reads: "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."
The tenth Amendment specifically provides, "The powers not delegated to the United States government by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
The various sovereignty measures that are moving through state legislatures are aimed at reasserting individual state authority by rolling back federal authority under the powers enumerated in the Constitution of the United States, with the states assuming the governance of the non-enumerated powers, as required by the Constitution.
What is particularly upsetting to too many state legislators are the ever increasing number of 'unfunded mandates' that have spread like flies in social welfare programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid, in which bills passed in the U.S. Congress dictate policy to the states without providing funding.
Also upsetting are the federal government regulations of firearm sales and the demand to issue driver's licenses with technology to embed personal information under the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative and the Real ID Act.
Republican Rep. Matt Shea, the lead sponsor of Washington's sovereignty resolution said, "We are trying to send a message to the federal government that states are trying to reclaim their sovereignty. State sovereignty has been eroded in so many areas; it is hard to know where to start. There are a ton of federal mandates imposed on states, for instance, on education spending and welfare spending. the Obama administration's economic stimulus package moving through Congress is a perfect example."
It has become obvious that the federal government has, over the years, been eroding state's rights while at the same time, limiting the constitutional rights and freedoms of WE the PEOPLE. Now with the so-called stimulus package being foisted on the American people, the federal government is poised to give us one final giant shove into a Socialist/Marxist form of government which will destroy forever the Constitutional Republic and our capitalist form of economy founded by our forefathers. Those that cannot see this are either woefully blind or they supporters of a cradle to grave nanny state, where they don't have to accept any personal responsibility for themselves or their families.
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