When a man decides to marry, it may be the last decision he will ever make.

It seems that our elected officials just can't help themselves.
It must be a genetic defect that leads them to a compulsive need to screw over their fellow Americans every chance they get, and there is no end in sight.

Every time we turn around, it seem that we are being handed the dirty end of the stick. Here are some of the latest screwings that we received from our "honorable" members of Congress:
Despite thousands of emails, faxes and phone calls by American citizens to their Congressmen and women;
All protections for U.S. workers have been stripped from the stimulus Bill last night. Illegal immigrants can be hired at the same rate as usual.
Speaker of the House Pelosi, Senate Majority leader Reid and the Obama White House were absolutely certain about one thing for the House/Senate negotiating committee on the Stimulus Bill:
"There were to be NO special restrictions to keep illegal immigrants from getting new jobs crated by the bill at a cost to taxpayers of $250,000 to $500,000 each."
The Democratic leadership of our federal government made it clear that there has been no change from eight years of a Republican White House that let the Chamber of Commerce call all the shots on immigration. Pelosi, Reid and Obama gave the U.S. Chamber of Commerce exactly what it wanted -- freedom for unscrupulous businesses to continue to hire illegal immigrants st the same rate as in the past, and to use the hundreds of billions of stimulus dollars, paid for by American citizens, to do it. They also made sure that banks can continue to discriminate against American citizens in favor of cheaper and more compliant foreign workers.
The pro-illegal immigrant Stimulus Bill will now go back to the Senate and the House where it is expected to pass. The only way this type of anti-American worker, closed door autocracy is going to be stopped is if all of you reading this do everything possible to spread this story so that all Americans know what happened. If you don't tell them, they won't know about it because the MSM has failed to report it.
Here is another shafting we have been given.
A group of liberal lawmakers met secretly . . . literally behind closed doors, and announced that they had reached a "deal" on the so-called Stimulus Package on Wednesday.
What you haven't been told is that Republican lawmakers (including members of the House-Senate Conference Committee) were EXCLUDED from this deal making session!
How, in the name of all that is holy, can you reach a DEAL on the largest spending bill in the history of the United States when the opposition isn't even allowed in the room?
In an attempt to shove this $1.3 trillion spending bill through in the dead of night without Republican input, the Liberal Democrats have used an underhanded power play. But that isn't the half of it, the stimulus package is turning into an Orwellian nightmare!
I don't know what is in this bill, you don't know what is in this bill, and worst of all, the majority of our elected officials, who are going to vote on it, DON'T KNOW WHAT IS IN IT!
That is NOT a deal, it is out and out TYRANNY!

It seems that our elected officials just can't help themselves.
It must be a genetic defect that leads them to a compulsive need to screw over their fellow Americans every chance they get, and there is no end in sight.

Every time we turn around, it seem that we are being handed the dirty end of the stick. Here are some of the latest screwings that we received from our "honorable" members of Congress:
Despite thousands of emails, faxes and phone calls by American citizens to their Congressmen and women;
All protections for U.S. workers have been stripped from the stimulus Bill last night. Illegal immigrants can be hired at the same rate as usual.
Speaker of the House Pelosi, Senate Majority leader Reid and the Obama White House were absolutely certain about one thing for the House/Senate negotiating committee on the Stimulus Bill:
"There were to be NO special restrictions to keep illegal immigrants from getting new jobs crated by the bill at a cost to taxpayers of $250,000 to $500,000 each."
The Democratic leadership of our federal government made it clear that there has been no change from eight years of a Republican White House that let the Chamber of Commerce call all the shots on immigration. Pelosi, Reid and Obama gave the U.S. Chamber of Commerce exactly what it wanted -- freedom for unscrupulous businesses to continue to hire illegal immigrants st the same rate as in the past, and to use the hundreds of billions of stimulus dollars, paid for by American citizens, to do it. They also made sure that banks can continue to discriminate against American citizens in favor of cheaper and more compliant foreign workers.
The pro-illegal immigrant Stimulus Bill will now go back to the Senate and the House where it is expected to pass. The only way this type of anti-American worker, closed door autocracy is going to be stopped is if all of you reading this do everything possible to spread this story so that all Americans know what happened. If you don't tell them, they won't know about it because the MSM has failed to report it.
Here is another shafting we have been given.
A group of liberal lawmakers met secretly . . . literally behind closed doors, and announced that they had reached a "deal" on the so-called Stimulus Package on Wednesday.
What you haven't been told is that Republican lawmakers (including members of the House-Senate Conference Committee) were EXCLUDED from this deal making session!
How, in the name of all that is holy, can you reach a DEAL on the largest spending bill in the history of the United States when the opposition isn't even allowed in the room?
In an attempt to shove this $1.3 trillion spending bill through in the dead of night without Republican input, the Liberal Democrats have used an underhanded power play. But that isn't the half of it, the stimulus package is turning into an Orwellian nightmare!
I don't know what is in this bill, you don't know what is in this bill, and worst of all, the majority of our elected officials, who are going to vote on it, DON'T KNOW WHAT IS IN IT!
That is NOT a deal, it is out and out TYRANNY!
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