Yesterday, I got the word from @afrobella on Twitter that Headline News was discussing and asking for opinions on California's attempt to fully legalize, regulate, and tax marijuana. And here's that letter:
I am not only a marijuana user but I also grow marijuana for my own personal use and I teach others how to grow for their own use as well. Marijuana is not the dangerous drug that many people claim it to be. It's a natural plant, not a man made chemical narcotic like cocaine or oxycontin.I would have posted this yesterday when I actually wrote it but I was truly hoping it would have been read on air. I had my camera all set up to record and I even dressed up my television for the hell of it. But, I forget, these programs usually use small comments and/or truncate the hell out of what was sent in like Jack Cafferty did before. HA! Don Lemon showed me love on air as well.
We've got to get away from the silly and irrational "comedy" of Harry Anslinger's reefer madness generation. The worst thing marijuana will do to anyone is make them sleepy and hungry. This lasts for no more than few hours, at most, after which you come back to a normal state of mind. It will not hamper your potential. Ask President Obama, Governor Schwarzenegger, or Mayor Bloomberg, all who've used and enjoyed marijuana in the past. It annoys me to hear people complain how marijuana ruined their lives when so many millions of people use marijuana on a daily basis in the US alone - politicians, celebrities, lawyers, doctors, and so on - and all lead successful lives.
I am not pushing marijuana on anyone. The way I see it, the less others use it, the more left for me which lowers costs in the long run.
On another note, don't expect marijuana to be that big of a boon to the economy. Many nations grow marijuana in bulk in Africa and Asia, not just South America. As the US is not prepared to supply the marijuana market on its own in the immediate future, we will turn to other nations to import the plant. Prices will hit rock bottom. Taxes that are too high, like $50 per ounce, will continue to drive the black market. We've got to play this game smart, not greedy. Greed is what caused our problems, remember. LEGALIZE IT!

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