"Remember, half the people in the world are below average."


Mr. Obama;
You were NOT elected to turn the United States into a Socialist/Marxist country. If you believe that you were elected to drastically change America, you are sadly mistaken. If you want the honest truth, you were elected by the majority of black Americans solely because of the color of your skin and because you promised them a welfare state. The majority of Hispanics voted for you also because you promised them government handouts. The majority of whites voted for you because of a guilt complex and out of fear of being labeled bigots.
It is about time that you, Pelosi, Chris Dodd, and Barney Frank pull your heads out of your collective butts and stop coning the American people into believing that it was the Bush administration tax cuts that caused the mess we are in.
The TRUTH is that this all started eight or nine years ago when the greedy speculators managed to drive oil prices sky high at the expense of the hard working American people. Then YOU, Chris Dodd, and Barney Frank helped make things worse through your greed and lust for power. The three of you were taking hugh sums of money from Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and AIG, all the while the Bush administration was warning you that the housing bubble was going to burst and that it would have a devastating effect on our economy. Even Bill Clinton had enough courage to admit this was the fault of the Democrats. As the Republicans kept trying to put forth legislation that would have prevented this financial mess, those of you in the Democrat controlled congress kept voting against it because you were too busy filling your pockets and Barney Frank even carried things one step further. Instead of voting to pass the legislation to prevent the Housing Market Collapse, he was carrying on a homosexual love affair with a high up of Fannie Mae. And don't forget, it was your brainchild, A.C.O.R.N, that lobbied Congress to pressure banks and loan companies to make mortgage loans to individuals who had no means to repay those loans, including illegal immigrants.
I don't recall anyone electing you to drop charges against those who attacked America or American interests. Your actions show that you have as much gonads as Bill Clinton or Jimmy Carter. Nor do I know of anyone who elected you to use American taxpayer money to give health care insurance to children of illegal immigrants, and you were NOT elected to dismantle the Constitution of the United States and to strip us of our constitutional rights. It appears that you are more concerned with the well-being of terrorists and illegal immigrants, then you are about American citizens.
Also, whether you like it or not, the United States IS a Judeo/Christian nation whose laws were based on Judeo/Christian principles. We ARE a Judeo/Christian nation that ALLOWS others to freely practice their own religious beliefs, even your Muslim buddies. Ours is a nation based on a free market "Capitalist" system and WE DO NOT WANT YOU or the rest of your Socialist/Marxist cohorts who have your lips firmly planted on the ass of George Soros to turn us into a Marxist nation. If you don't like living in a free capitalist nation, then please move to Cuba or China and leave us alone. You are destroying America and WE will NOT put up with it for too much longer.
Take this as a warning, people will soon get fed up with the treasonous crap coming out of the Democrat controlled Congress or your White House, and when that day comes, you can be sure that when we REVOLT in an armed revolution, you will be the FIRST one that we will put on trial for TREASON. If you really want to know who the real enemies of the United States are, I suggest that you look in the mirror. WAKE UP AND READ THE HANDWRTITTING ON THE WALL!


Mr. Obama;
You were NOT elected to turn the United States into a Socialist/Marxist country. If you believe that you were elected to drastically change America, you are sadly mistaken. If you want the honest truth, you were elected by the majority of black Americans solely because of the color of your skin and because you promised them a welfare state. The majority of Hispanics voted for you also because you promised them government handouts. The majority of whites voted for you because of a guilt complex and out of fear of being labeled bigots.
It is about time that you, Pelosi, Chris Dodd, and Barney Frank pull your heads out of your collective butts and stop coning the American people into believing that it was the Bush administration tax cuts that caused the mess we are in.
The TRUTH is that this all started eight or nine years ago when the greedy speculators managed to drive oil prices sky high at the expense of the hard working American people. Then YOU, Chris Dodd, and Barney Frank helped make things worse through your greed and lust for power. The three of you were taking hugh sums of money from Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and AIG, all the while the Bush administration was warning you that the housing bubble was going to burst and that it would have a devastating effect on our economy. Even Bill Clinton had enough courage to admit this was the fault of the Democrats. As the Republicans kept trying to put forth legislation that would have prevented this financial mess, those of you in the Democrat controlled congress kept voting against it because you were too busy filling your pockets and Barney Frank even carried things one step further. Instead of voting to pass the legislation to prevent the Housing Market Collapse, he was carrying on a homosexual love affair with a high up of Fannie Mae. And don't forget, it was your brainchild, A.C.O.R.N, that lobbied Congress to pressure banks and loan companies to make mortgage loans to individuals who had no means to repay those loans, including illegal immigrants.
I don't recall anyone electing you to drop charges against those who attacked America or American interests. Your actions show that you have as much gonads as Bill Clinton or Jimmy Carter. Nor do I know of anyone who elected you to use American taxpayer money to give health care insurance to children of illegal immigrants, and you were NOT elected to dismantle the Constitution of the United States and to strip us of our constitutional rights. It appears that you are more concerned with the well-being of terrorists and illegal immigrants, then you are about American citizens.
Also, whether you like it or not, the United States IS a Judeo/Christian nation whose laws were based on Judeo/Christian principles. We ARE a Judeo/Christian nation that ALLOWS others to freely practice their own religious beliefs, even your Muslim buddies. Ours is a nation based on a free market "Capitalist" system and WE DO NOT WANT YOU or the rest of your Socialist/Marxist cohorts who have your lips firmly planted on the ass of George Soros to turn us into a Marxist nation. If you don't like living in a free capitalist nation, then please move to Cuba or China and leave us alone. You are destroying America and WE will NOT put up with it for too much longer.
Take this as a warning, people will soon get fed up with the treasonous crap coming out of the Democrat controlled Congress or your White House, and when that day comes, you can be sure that when we REVOLT in an armed revolution, you will be the FIRST one that we will put on trial for TREASON. If you really want to know who the real enemies of the United States are, I suggest that you look in the mirror. WAKE UP AND READ THE HANDWRTITTING ON THE WALL!
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