Barack Hussein Obama Is Dangerously Demented And He Is Corrupting the VERY Soul of America:
America was once a land of hard-working, self-reliant individuals who believed in personal responsibility, but today they are slowly being corrupted and turned into mindless wards of the State by a dangerous egotistical, narcissistic and power hungry dolt whose socialistic big-spending policies are NOT designed nor intended to solve the fiscal problems facing this nation. They are intended for one purpose and one purpose only, to intrude into the social, political and private lives of every man, woman and child in America today, and to guarantee increased future votes for the Democrat Party.
People today are scared because of the collapse of the housing market, and Obama has been very adroit, with the help of the socialist Democrats, at blaming G.W. Bush for the collapse, when the truth is, it was caused by the Democrats under the Clinton administration and the Democrat controlled Congress during the last four years of the Bush administration.
After only a little over a month of being in office, Obama has taken us well down the road to setting up a modern cradle-to-grave nanny state which will, in the end, destroy the very moral fabric of the American people. So far, the liberals have managed, over the years, to incrementally bring us to that point. Obama's so-called stimulus package is a total sham and we are being corrupted by it. As Obama systematically dismantles the Constitution of the United States and amasses more and more power and control to the federal government, the character of the people is being corrupted, soon to the point of no return. All the things, the virtues that made America great; self-reliance, honesty, self-determination, altruistic concern for others, charitable giving rather then being compelled to give through high taxation to support government-mandated welfare programs, are fast becoming extinct.
Through his glib tongue, his mastery of the art of rhetoric, he has managed to seduce the majority of the American populace into raising him to the status of a 'messiah', the "ONE" (thank you very much Oprah). They swoon at the sight of him and some, like Chris Matthews of CNBC, claim that the very sound of his voice sends a "tingle" running down their leg. He has the demonic power of seduction, the ability to make people believe that he and he alone can save them from the distress that the country is facing from the employment, banking and housing crisis that he himself had a big hand in causing.
Obama's plans for turning America into a Socialist/Marxist country can only end in disaster for the United States. Human nature, as instilled in us by Almighty God, a nature that yearns for personal rights and to be free, that thrives on personal inititive and responsibility, is NOT conducive to socialist programs and policies that not only encourage, but force people to turn to the government for their sustenance in return for giving up their freedoms and human dignity.
Due to his Narcissistic Personality Disorder, there is a good possibility that at some point he may resort to some type of force to subjugate the American people and herd them into a state of depenence, but in the end, it will lead to the total collapse of American society.
Liberals have always preyed on human weaknesses and feelings of inferiority in the population, and Obama has more then demonstrated that he is a master at this game. He has been successful at: creating and reinforcing perceptions of victimization, playing the 'race card' and pitting one class against another, exciting primitive feelings of envy, placating infantile claims to entitlement, indulgence and compensation for preceived slights, and in getting people to reject the soverignty of the individual and subordinating themselves to the iron will of the government.
The policies of Obama and the Democrat controlled Congress, of promoting dependence on the government for our 'daily bread', is just the tip of the ice berg. What is going on is a profoundly sinister political move to increase the number of individuals who will vote for the Democrat party, by providing them with increased governmental welfare handouts, making them more and more dependent on the government, thus guaranteeing that they will continue to vote Democrat.
The immigration policies of the Democrats, which Obama whole-heartedly endorses, is geared toward the exact same end -- to provide legalization and benefits (Free or low-income housing, free medical and dental care, food stamps and free education, all at the expense of the American taxpayer) for illegal immigrants because they know that approximately 70% of them will vote Democrat. This is why the federal government refuses to do their constitutionally mandated duty to protect our borders. Why would they want to stop illegal immigration when they are seeking more voters? If these policies are allowed to continue unabated, there would be a very real possibility that Obama could maneuver himself to be elected "President for Life", and you can bet your life he will have the votes to do it.
If you think it was bad under G.W. Bush, who expanded government power beyond all reasonable bounds, through the federalization of education, the "militarization" of our local police forces, and the drastic intrusions into our private lives, all in direct violation of the Constitution of the United States, you haven't seen anything yet, because it WILL get worse under Obama.
May God help us all.
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