Saturday, January 24, 2009

What Have we Done to Ourselves?

I may be wrong, but it appears that White Americans are about to become second class citizens in our own country!

"Lets face it, we are certainly not dealing with Christians or even people who have some knowledge of Christ. Obama and his minions (Obamians?) are pagans in the strictest sense of the word - nonbelievers. Obama was most likely raised as a Muslim during his childhood and the 'church' he attended as an adult is as blasphemous parody of a Christian church."

The above is a quote from a comment left by Sig94 on the blog site of SubVet: Blowing San #1

Will Whites become second class citizens under the Obama administration?

Read the following then you be the judge.

Do any of you remember Robert Reich, the little twerp who served as labor secretary during the Clinton administration? Well, this little "piss ant" is urging Congress to allocate billions of dollars of the proposed economic stimulus plan to "other than white male construction workers."

"There are ways in which the money can be, criteria can be set so the money does go to others, the long term unemployed, minorities (maybe even illegals), women," Reich said.

Rep. Charles Rangel, an Afro/American Democrat from New York chimed in suggesting federal money (our tax money) be directed to specific groups of people

"The federal government," Rangel said "must remove the discretion about where the funds go, or what projects would be involved, even to the point of eliminating any input from governors or state legislatures."

Then Rangel stated: "The 'middle class' would be unlikely to create any opposition to funds directed toward minorities. One thing you can depend on, you don't have to be worried about what the middle class is going to do. Things are so bad, they have to put food on their tables, get clothes for their kids, and get them in school."

Michelle Malkin said Reich's statements and those of Rangel expose "the lie that the Obama administration is actually interested in revitalizing basic infrastructure for the good of the economy."

"No, what Team Obama really wants is to ensure that the least skilled, the least qualified workers get jobs based on their chromosomes and pigment," Malkin said.

This amounts to true income redistribution. Welcome to the
Soviet States of Ameяiкa.

Obama spent part of this past week lobbying members of Congress to support his nearly $1 TRILLION new spending package on Capitol Hill, and as part of this effort he summoned together the leaders of Congress. Obama injected a real dose of reality for those handful of Republican pundits on TV who really believed Obama wanted to work with them and hear out their ideas and beliefs. Instead, he explained that he "didn't need to hear us out, because I won and you lost." Fox News reported that the "I won" comment came after Rep. Eric Cantor, R-VA, said Republicans believed that cutting income taxes would do more to stimulate economic growth than providing a $500.00 per person payroll tax refund for individuals earning less than $200,000. Obama said, according to those present, that it was an important philosophical divide between Republicans and Democrats and that it had already been settled - and would remain settled - because he won the election.

Obama made it clear by explaining that Republicans need to stop listening to Conservatives like Rush Limbaugh and become more like the Democrats in the policies they support (how many times have I been saying that the Republicans and the Democrats have been morphing into one? You can bet that the Democrats have found a dear friend in McCain).

Get used to it folks, race has become an issue starting with day one of the Obama administration, and you can guess just which race is going to be discriminated against.

Democratic Party Stratigist Donna Brazile, a black woman, admitted that she swiped Obam's complimentary blanket from his inauguration ceremony and then joked it was not a criminal offense because, "We have a black president ... this was free."

There was also outrage over the inauguration benediction by Rev. Joseph Lowery, the 87-year-old black civil rights pioneer, asking God to help mankind work for a day when "white would would embrace what is right." This smart ass remark brought a big smile to Obama's face. So much for him being the president of ALL the people. Then, at one of the inaugural balls, a black hip hop rap singer said; "No more f#$&ken white lies, our president is black, so F$#K the whites." Now do you care to tell me who the prejudice bigots really are?

I am warning you folks, keep your guns and your religion handy, we are going to need them very soon. I also advise those of you who own firearms to keep them in a safe place and handy, and when the feds come knocking on your door to confiscate them, DO NOT GIVE THEM UP!


I received the following from a blogger friend, who shall remain anonymous by their request. I thought you might get as much of a kick out of it as I did:


Well, we're movin on up to the White House,

To a deluxe mansion in D.C.

We're movin on up to the White House

I'm finally Commander-in-Chief.

Fish don't fry in the kitchen, beans don't burn on the grill,

It took a whole lot of lyin' just to get to Capitol Hill.

Now we're up in the big leagues, gettin' our turn at bat.

For the next four years, it's you an' me baby,

There aint nothin' wrong with that.

Oh, we're movin on up to the White House,

I'm finally Commander-in-Chief.


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