POINT TO PONDER: The Bill of Rights (void where prohibited by law).

Excuse me, but I thought that the Democrats were against cruel and unusual punishment, and the "DEATH PENALTY"?
Apparently they have changed!
New Hampshire State Representative, Delmar Burridge - (D) is sponsoring a bill that would force people convicted of homicide to face execution by a five man firing squad.
Burridge's bill, H.B. 37, provides for the execution by firing squad for anyone who causes the death of another person by the use of a fire arm while engaged in the commission of a felony. Under this bill, the commissioner of the department of corrections will be required to select five peace officers to carry out the execution of defendants who have been convicted of capitol murder.
"A firing squad is more humane, reliable and quick. And it perfectly matches the crime with the punishment," Burridge said last week.
Okay, so you want to match the punishment to the crime do you, well then suppose a man is convicted of rape, do you propose that his punishment should be that he be raped? And who would you suggest be appointed to carry out this task?
First of all, I am in favor of the death penalty for those who commit violent crimes that result in the loss of life, but I believe that you cannot get any more humane then lethal injection, after all, isn't that how we put down our sick or injured pets and other animals? When was the last time you put a sick pet in front of a firing squad?
Second, Don't you think that a five man firing squad is a waste of man-power, not to mention a waste of ammo? I mean, if you really want to get creative, why not follow the Chinese modle? All you have to do is have the condemned kneel down with their head slightly bent, and have ONE executioner using a rifle, fire ONE bullet into the back of the condemned's head. There, fast, easy, albeit a bit messy, and then you can have the added bonus of sending a bill to the family of the executed and have them PAY for the bullet.
Burridge, your idea stinks and I hope that you didn't stay up all night thinking it up. Far too many of our police today have been militarized to such a degree that many of them tend to get carried away during an arrest and have been video taped brutalizing suspects. Sad to say, this has led many Americans to lose respect for the police and to even fear them. Now you want to make the situation worse by training the police to be executioners. What's next, "Your papers please," and perhaps secret torture chambers?

Barack Obama's illegal alien aunt, enlisted the aid of an immigration lawyer to try and win asylum and stay in the United States. Fifty-six year old Zeituni Onyango, is the half-sister of Obama's deceased Kenyan father. She is scheduled to attend an immigration hearing in Boston on April 1,2009.
Onyango has been living in the U.S. illegally, refusing to leave and return to Kenya, since being orderd out in 2004 after a judge rejected her request for asylum.
Auntie Zeituni, who received a "small stipend" for working six hours a week as a volunteer resident health advocate in the apartment complex where she lives, was still able to make a $260.00 campaign contribution to her nephew's presidential bid.
Here is where things begin to get interesting. An order had been issued to Immigration and Customs Enforcement to pick up and detain Onyango, but then U.S. Officials became concerned about implications of detaining her just days before the election.
ICE spokeswoman Kelly Nantell said the order was lifted by the end of November.
Now things become curiouser. Shelli Baker of Boston's WROL 950 AM Radio,reported that she went to Onyango's Boston apartment accompanied by Philip Berg (remember him? He is the Pennsylvania attorney who field one of the many federal lawsuits questioning Obama's constitutional eligibility to hold the Office of President, one of several cases the Supreme Court has refused to hear) after the election of Obama. Ms. Baker said that Zeituni did not answer the door, but something curious took place.
Baker said, "I knocked on her door, and a nice young African-American greeted me. He was very happy when he saw my camera. I asked him, 'Can you tell me, is she (Zeituni) still here?' And he said, 'No, she went away with some men in a car about a week ago. It got too hot about these elections with her nephew.'"
Baker then asked the man if Onyango would be back, and he replied, "I think so." Then Baker decided to ask the man a strategic question: "Are you all rejoicing that the nephew, who was born in Kenya was elected?" His response was, Oh yes, We had a party about that."
On December 17, 2008 an immigration judge stayed the order to deport Onyango and reopened her case for asylum on December 30, 2008. Can you guess where this is headed? My guess is that she WILL be granted asylum, even though there absolutely no evidence that her life would be endangered if she returned to Kenya. She is not a political prisoner, she will not be imprisoned, tortured or executed, so why would she need to be granted asylum? On what grounds? She will be granted asylum simply because her nephew ("THE ONE") is the president. And you can bet ALL of the Democrats and some Republicans will back her up.

Excuse me, but I thought that the Democrats were against cruel and unusual punishment, and the "DEATH PENALTY"?
Apparently they have changed!
New Hampshire State Representative, Delmar Burridge - (D) is sponsoring a bill that would force people convicted of homicide to face execution by a five man firing squad.
Burridge's bill, H.B. 37, provides for the execution by firing squad for anyone who causes the death of another person by the use of a fire arm while engaged in the commission of a felony. Under this bill, the commissioner of the department of corrections will be required to select five peace officers to carry out the execution of defendants who have been convicted of capitol murder.
"A firing squad is more humane, reliable and quick. And it perfectly matches the crime with the punishment," Burridge said last week.
Okay, so you want to match the punishment to the crime do you, well then suppose a man is convicted of rape, do you propose that his punishment should be that he be raped? And who would you suggest be appointed to carry out this task?

Second, Don't you think that a five man firing squad is a waste of man-power, not to mention a waste of ammo? I mean, if you really want to get creative, why not follow the Chinese modle? All you have to do is have the condemned kneel down with their head slightly bent, and have ONE executioner using a rifle, fire ONE bullet into the back of the condemned's head. There, fast, easy, albeit a bit messy, and then you can have the added bonus of sending a bill to the family of the executed and have them PAY for the bullet.
Burridge, your idea stinks and I hope that you didn't stay up all night thinking it up. Far too many of our police today have been militarized to such a degree that many of them tend to get carried away during an arrest and have been video taped brutalizing suspects. Sad to say, this has led many Americans to lose respect for the police and to even fear them. Now you want to make the situation worse by training the police to be executioners. What's next, "Your papers please," and perhaps secret torture chambers?

Barack Obama's illegal alien aunt, enlisted the aid of an immigration lawyer to try and win asylum and stay in the United States. Fifty-six year old Zeituni Onyango, is the half-sister of Obama's deceased Kenyan father. She is scheduled to attend an immigration hearing in Boston on April 1,2009.
Onyango has been living in the U.S. illegally, refusing to leave and return to Kenya, since being orderd out in 2004 after a judge rejected her request for asylum.
Auntie Zeituni, who received a "small stipend" for working six hours a week as a volunteer resident health advocate in the apartment complex where she lives, was still able to make a $260.00 campaign contribution to her nephew's presidential bid.
Here is where things begin to get interesting. An order had been issued to Immigration and Customs Enforcement to pick up and detain Onyango, but then U.S. Officials became concerned about implications of detaining her just days before the election.
ICE spokeswoman Kelly Nantell said the order was lifted by the end of November.
Now things become curiouser. Shelli Baker of Boston's WROL 950 AM Radio,reported that she went to Onyango's Boston apartment accompanied by Philip Berg (remember him? He is the Pennsylvania attorney who field one of the many federal lawsuits questioning Obama's constitutional eligibility to hold the Office of President, one of several cases the Supreme Court has refused to hear) after the election of Obama. Ms. Baker said that Zeituni did not answer the door, but something curious took place.
Baker said, "I knocked on her door, and a nice young African-American greeted me. He was very happy when he saw my camera. I asked him, 'Can you tell me, is she (Zeituni) still here?' And he said, 'No, she went away with some men in a car about a week ago. It got too hot about these elections with her nephew.'"
Baker then asked the man if Onyango would be back, and he replied, "I think so." Then Baker decided to ask the man a strategic question: "Are you all rejoicing that the nephew, who was born in Kenya was elected?" His response was, Oh yes, We had a party about that."
On December 17, 2008 an immigration judge stayed the order to deport Onyango and reopened her case for asylum on December 30, 2008. Can you guess where this is headed? My guess is that she WILL be granted asylum, even though there absolutely no evidence that her life would be endangered if she returned to Kenya. She is not a political prisoner, she will not be imprisoned, tortured or executed, so why would she need to be granted asylum? On what grounds? She will be granted asylum simply because her nephew ("THE ONE") is the president. And you can bet ALL of the Democrats and some Republicans will back her up.
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