Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Today's Giggle by Munchkin:

How to Bathe Your Cat

1.Thoroughly clean the toilet bowl (this step is optional).
2. Add the required amount of shampoo to the water in the bowl.
3. Lift both lids.
Get the aforementioned cat, stroking it gently to calm it as you carry it to the bathroom.
5. Now, in one quick and smooth motion, shove the cat into the toilet bowl and put down both lids (you may have to stand on the toilet seat to prevent the cat from pushing it's way out and escaping). As you are doing this, make sure that no part of your body comes into close contact with the cat's claws as they will be grasping for anything in sight to grab on to.
6. Next, flush the toilet at least three times as this will create a "power wash and rinse" which I find to be quite satisfactory.
7. This is the tricky part, have someone open the bathroom door and the back door, they must also make sure that there are no people or dogs anywhere between the bathroom and the back yard.
8. Stand, as much as possible, behind the toilet bowl and quickly raise both lids. The cat will rocket out of toilet like a bat-out-of-hell, straight through the house and out the back door into the garden where it will dry itself.




The Supreme Court will once again take up the Obama eligibility issue; they will evaluate claims that the president-elect is not constitutionally qualified;

There is a conference scheduled at the U.S. Supreme Court for this coming Friday, but of course, it will be held behind closed doors, far from the prying eyes of the American people -- during which the Supremes will once again take up the case that could put to rest the on-going question about whether President-elect Obama qualifies to occupy the Oval Office under the Constitution's requirement that he be a "natural born" citizen.

Twice before, the Supreme Court Justices have decided to ignore these important questions, dismissing two other cases, claiming that the individuals who brought the cases "had no standing" to bring the lawsuits. EXCUSE ME! I find such a ruling to be ludicrous because this whole issue has to do with the Constitution of the United States, which directly involves every citizen of the United States, so if the American citizens don't have STANDING to file these suits, then who the hell does?

The lingering questions continue to leave a cloud of suspicion and concern over the impending inauguration of a man whom we know little to nothing about, and whose own relatives have reported that he was born in Kenya, Africa, NOT in Hawaii as Obama claims. Obama has decided, for whatever reason, not to release a bona fide copy of his original birth certificate in its complete form. We are just supposed to take his word for it that he was born in Hawaii, when he refuses to show proof in face of all the controversy to the contrary.

Janet Porter, a columnist with WORLD NET DAILY, raised some rather significant consequences that could/will result should this matter continue unanswered:

A. "What if an impostor from another country ran for the presidency of the U.S. and won? What if the MSM blocked any news of his birthplace and citizenship? What if the MSM censorship even blocked paid advertising which attempted to expose it?"

B. "What if no one had the courage to challenge or verify it? What if he was inaugurated illegally? What if the military had to answer to a commander-in-chief who was illegitimate? What if every law, treaty and order he signed was invalid?"

Ms. Porter said that her organization,, was turned down, not only by CNN, but also by the Fox News Channel (so much for 'fair and balanced') in its effort to purchase advertising to publicize the dispute.

Ms. Porter stated; "As requested, we backed every sentence of the ad, and it still was rejected. What does that say about freedom of speech when we not only cannot count on the media to cover the story, but we can't even buy time to publicize what may be the biggest story of the century."

Multiple lawsuits have been filed around the country alleging that Obama does not meet the "natural born citizen" clause of the U.S. Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, which reads; "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of the President."

It is alleged that Barack Obama was NOT born in Hawaii, as he insists, but in Kenya, Africa. The lawsuits contend that the woman identified by Obama as his American mother, was too young at the time of his birth, to confer American citizenship to her son under the law at the time --- especially if that birth took place in a foreign country and the man identified as his biological father, Barack Obama Sr., was a citizen of Kenya, which was subject to the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom at the time of Obama's birth, thus making him a dual citizen of the U.S. and Great Britan. The framers of the Constitution excluded dual citizens as qualifying as natural born.

Several other details concerning Obama's past, have added new layers of questions to his eligibility and citizenship, including his family's move to Indonesia when he was a child, after his mother divorced his biological father and married a citizen of Indonesia, who adopted Obama, thus making him a citizen of Indonesia (Indonesia does not allow dual citizenship, which means that Barack was striped of any U.S. citizenship he may have held). Add to this, Obama's travels to Pakistan in the 1980's, when such travel was forbidden to American citizens. He traveled there on an Indonesian passport, which he could not have obtained unless he was an Indonesian citizen. Also, we cannot forget the conflicting reports from Obama's family concerning his place of birth.

On Friday, January 9th, the Supreme Court will consider Philip J. Berg's Petition for Writ of Certiorari. Berg has continually asserted that; "If Obama is allowed to be sworn in as president of the United States, there will be substantial and irrevocable harm to the stability of the United States of America and to its citizens, because if Barack is not a 'natural born citizen' as required by the United States Constitution, then all of his actions as president would be null and void."

All of this controversy could easily be cleared up and go away if Obama would just produce the full and valid copy of his birth certificate. Barack himself is fueling the controversy by refusing to do so, and by fighting the issue in the courts and ordering the State of Hawaii and the two universities he attended to seal all of his records. This refusal alone should make every American citizen concerned and very suspicious, because after all, what do we really know about Obama. It requires far more than good looks and a glib tongue to be president of the U.S.

After all, in his oath of office, the president MUST swear "to uphold and protect the Constitution of the United States," so how on earth can Obama satisfy this requirement if he is violating the 'natural born' requirement?

If you are as concerned as I am over this, and want to have the eligibility question answered honestly, completely, and openly once-and-for-all, wont you please join the more than 200,000 other concerned citizens by clicking here and signing the petition demanding proof of eligibility now, and urge the U.S. government and the U.S. Supreme Court to do their duty in making sure that the Constitution of the United States is up held and obeyed.


Safwat Haigazi, an Egyptian Islamic cleric, demanded the death of Israelis who are attacking positions in the Gaza Strip, from which Hamas terrorists are launching rockets and missiles into Israel.

Haigazi stated; "Allah is with us, and there is nobody with them. Allah is our God, and there is nobody with them. we say to them: We are not equal. Our dead go to Paradise, while your dead go to the hellfire," during an appearance on Egyptian television.

This so-called cleric went on to say; "We say to them that while our martyrs are celebrated in Paradise, your dead find themselves in the hellfire. we say to you, dispatch those sons of apes and pigs to the hellfire, on the wings of Qassam rockets." This wonderful religious leader of the loving and peaceful religion of Islam then added; "The Jews, who are as smooth as vipers, and who lick their lips as does the speckled snake, will never live with us in peace and harmony. They deserve to be killed. They deserve to die. They are the ones at whom the Qassam rockets should be fired. You should not care if you hit a man, woman or child. . . ." This atrocious statement came just one day after Hamas leader Mamoud Zahar promised that his violent and disgusting organization would kill Jewish children anywhere in the world.

Despite these violent and disgusting statements, the U.N., along with many European countries, continue to condemn Israel for its incursions into the Gaza Strip, with no mention what-so-ever of Hamas' continued launching of rockets and missiles into Israel, killing innocent men,women and children.

The U.N., much of Europe, and even many Liberals right here in the U.S. want to completely ignore the fact that Israel vacated the Gaza Strip, turning it over to total Palestinian control. What did the Palestinians do? Did they build up their agriculture? Did they build up their sewers and other infrastructure? HELL NO!! Instead they elected Hamas, a terrorist organization, to be their political authority. Hamas wasted no time in spending millions of dollars to purchase arms and ammunition, along with missiles and rockets to launch into Israel, while their own people went hungry and their infrastructure went to hell.

Time and again, both Hamas and Hezbolla violated the cease fire agreements they signed with Israel, often before the ink even dried on the agreements, and then it is Israel that is condemned for defending themselves. How anyone can condemn Israel while keeping a straight face is beyond me.



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