As I have stated in a previous blog, as far as Congress and Obama are concerned, We the People are completely irrelevant. What we want does not matter in the least to them.
Things appear to really be getting out of hand with this administration and Congress with a number of issues, but most importantly the health care issue.
I heard this morning, on the Fox News Network, that the White House is now threatening private health insurance companies if they continue to send out letters to their customers, especially senior citizens with what the White House calls lies and falsehoods.
A spokesman for HUMANA told Fox that what the health insurance companies are doing is nothing more then letting senior citizens and others know the TRUTH, which is that despite what Obama and members of Congress are telling the people, the government IS going to cut MEDICARE by roughly $150 million (possibly more) while raising the amount that seniors are going to have taken out of their monthly Social Security to cover their Medicare.
HUMANA rightfully claims that seniors, who have paid into Medicare all of their working lives, and are still having to pay huge amounts taken directly out of their Social security checks every month for Medicare (I have to pay $96.00 a month right off the top of my Social Security, and another $48.00 a month for a supplemental health insurance to cover what Medicare does not cover, along with a $20.00 co-pay for each doctor visit and a $5.00 co-pay for prescriptions) have a RIGHT to know the truth of what Obama and the Democrat Congress is going to do to them if and when they pass a health care bill.
Another thing that is in all of the various versions of health care bills floating around the House and the Senate, which also includes the Sen. Baucus Bill, is a provision that makes it MANDATORY that ALL Americans obtain health insurance or face heavy fines, yet they keep telling us that this is not a government take-over of health care.
No matter what Obama and the members of Congress tell us, no matter which health care bill is passed, it WILL be a government take over of health care and it will cost us dearly.
The federal government has absolutely NO CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT or POWER to make it MANDATORY for us to buy into any health insurance policy, nor to fine us if we choose not to. Nor does the federal government have the CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT or POWER to be involved in any kind of health care program or take over.
This administration is working overtime to trample on the Constitution of the United States, and in the process, Obama along with all the members of Congress are violating their oaths of office, and this has got to STOP, not in three or four years, but NOW!
If I may, I would like to offer one possible solution. If there are any readers of this blog who either are or know of a good Constitutional Lawyer, who would be ready, willing and able to fight this in the Supreme Court of the United States, if and when Congress passes a health care bill, then perhaps we can make donations and/or run fund raisers to pay for this endeavor.
The time of just talking and marching is NOW OVER, it is time for some REAL action. We have allowed the government to get away with their usurpation of power and blatant violations of the Constitution for years, and if we do not stop it now, we will have nothing left. This is not an idle threat, it is FACT!
If any of you have a better idea, please let me know. Nothing else seems to be working.
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