Racial Profiling
First of all, what's racial profiling.Racial Profiling Misused
Racial profiling basically states that certain races are prone to committing certain crimes.
However, the problem with racial profiling is that it is based on statistics or past history. Statistics is just a representation of data collection.
Therein lies the problem with racial profiling.
See, African Americans and Hispanics are more likely to be arrested and end up incarcerated, statistically. This is because, statistically, African Americans and Hispanics are more likely to commit crimes. Therefore, statistically, it makes sense that African Americans and Hispanics are targeted by police more often.
Where are these statistics coming from? Who's collecting and compiling this data?
Well, statistically, White people are the data collectors. Statistically, White people are the data compilers. Statistically, White people are the ones doing the arresting and incarcerating. And, statistically, White people are the ones who report this data.
Am I wrong? Statistically, no. Statistically, I am right. Whites do collect, compile, and report these statistics - statistically, of course.
So, what? Does it matter that Whites collect, compile and report statistics?
Hell yeah!
Statistically, this nation, of mostly Whites, has been anti-non-white! From the very day the pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, Whites have been the scourge of non-whites in North America from sea to shining sea. Statistically, that's true.
If you can deny that reality, please try to do so, statistically.
At any rate, since before the inception of this nation, African Americans and Hispanics have been targeted by Whites the most, statistically.
Targeted for what? Eh, let's not get into that.
And sure, many other people have been targeted, statistically. Ask the Japanese, Native Americans, Arabs. Or, check the statistics.
Statistics would show that the statistics for the criminal behavior based on race or ethnicity is severely skewed. By what? Racism.
Hey. You can't take one statistic and not the other. That's not how statistics work. Ah, but that is how racial profiling is being used by a mostly White majority, statistically.
Have a look at this chart...Are you tired of statistics, yet?Hey, statistically, Whites make up over three-quarters of the marijuana users in the United States. However, statistically, African Americans and Hispanics make up more than 70% of those arrested and incarcerated for marijuana use. Check the statistics.
Statistically, it would seem that local, state, and federal authorities don't do any racial profiling. If they did do any racial profiling at all, then wouldn't it make sense, statistically, that more Whites would be targeted, arrested, and incarcerated for marijuana offenses.
Also, if racial profiling is based on statistics, which set of statistics is being used. Think about it. If we're going by marijuana usage, then Whites should be targeted more. However, if we're going by crime statistics, the targeting, arrests, and incarceration of Blacks and Hispanics would make sense.
But, do current crime statistics - based on racism, statistically - justify the current state of racial profiling? Absolutely not!
I support racial profiling - REAL racial profiling - based on statistics that are not inherently skewed by the racist attitudes of those in power.
Does this mean that I want to see more White people arrested for marijuana offenses?
HELL NO! I want marijuana to be as legal as tobacco and alcohol for all of us.
However, if local, state, and federal authorities are going to racial profile people in general, wouldn't it make sense they follow statistics that aren't created through racism? Then again, that assumes they are actually racial profiling based on statistics and not just blatant racism.
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