Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I haven't seen this on anyone else's blog yet, so I guess I am the first:Last night on the Fox News Channel (On the Record with Gretta Van Sustern), Gretta and one her guests were discussing how angry France, Germany and Britain are with Obama, especially France's Sarkozy.The French President is absolutely furious at Obama because it seems that Obama had his people tell the European Leaders to NOT...
The United States Park Police is investigating several thefts from vehicles that were parked in the Good Luck Road parking area of Greenbelt Park.These offenses occurred from April until August of 2009.The investigation has located several store videos of people making purchases with credit cards stolen from these parked vehicles. The identity of these suspects is not known.The United States Park...
The United States Mint has provided more information about the upcoming 2009 Lincoln Coin and Chronicles Set. Way back in April, I had provided details about the offering, but the release date and ordering limits were not known until this week.The Lincoln Coin and Chronicles Set is a five coin set with some unique items. Everything comes in a slip-covered, leather-like tri-fold case.The following...
Is the demand for the US Mint's 2009 Ultra High Relief Double Eagle Gold Coin tapering off?The latest sales figures indicate that 96,275 coins have been sold as of 9/27/2009. This represents sales of 1,811 coins for the preceding week. For the past several weeks before, the UHR Double Eagle had been selling more than 2,000 coins per week.The prior week reporting period contained some changes that...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I'm not at liberty to say if this picture is in the book, but it's on Barnes and Noble's siteMadame's book was put on Barnes and Noble's website and on today for pre-sale. It is already climbing the bestsellers list like a New York Times reporter climbing a tree after being chased by a bear when digging for non-existent dirt in Alaska. Going Rogue: An American Life has already reached...
49 of OUR FIFTY STATES NEVER SAW CERTIFICATION OF ELIGIBILITY CONCERNING BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA:A commentator at the Canada Free Press, who earlier exposed that the Democratic National Committee used two separate forms to affirm Barack Obama's constitutional eligibility to be be president has heard back from readers and researchers - and now reports that Democrats failed to certify their candidates...
So, recently, I've been coming across this article on marijuana forums.War breaks out within the marijuana legalization movementHere's my comment to the article on the Examiner site:This war is fake, made up. It's meant to disrupt and disturb efforts of the marijuana legalization movement with totally outrageous claims and fear mongering.In my opinion, it sounds more like a government initiated program to disrupt the funding to marijuana legalization efforts of groups like NORML, MPP, and others...

Monday, September 28, 2009

Picture from 1,000,000 for Sarah Palin 2012Facebook groupIt has been so hard storing all of this information and excitement on my hard drive without uploading it so that you all can read it. However, I now can share just a bit about Madame's book. Going Rogue: An American Life is the title of her 400 page book! You see, Madame made her book just the right length. You could read her book three times...
OBAMA HAS NEW PLANS FOR CONTROL OF OUR CHILDREN: There is a new battle looming on the horizon that we may soon have to take on. There is no bill in Congress for this yet, but it may be coming soon, so be prepared.Coming so soon on the heels of Obama's speech to the children of America, using the public school system to do it, it was announced on the Fox News Network as well as on my local news channel...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

I just got done SKYPEing with TOTUS. Although we work for people on complete opposite sides of the political spectrum, TOTUS and I are very good friends. Unfortunately, TOTUS has been very busy, so we haven't had the chance to talk much lately. He and the Great Opologizer (TOTUS calls him Big Guy) have given a lot speeches in his first 9 months in office. TOTUS told me he has gotten pretty tired with all of the work he's been doing, and with the repetition of what the President is saying. He...

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Physicians are talking about a Million Med March on Washington to be held at noon Thursday, October 1, 2009."I'm tired, mad as hell and just not going to take it any more," says Richard Chudacoff, MD, a gynecologist from Las Vegas. "I am going to Washington, DC, at noon on Thursday, October 1, 2009, I will be on the Mall with a few other physicians."Dr. Chudacoff, along with other medical professionals,...
I want to show how much influence and power the US tobacco industry has over the government and the people of the United States and how it affects marijuana legalization efforts.Candy and Fruit Flavored Cigarettes Now Illegal in United States"The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced today a ban on cigarettes with flavors characterizing fruit, candy, or clove. The ban, authorized by the new...

Friday, September 25, 2009

!---->If not for someone drawing my attention to The Soho Experience: What Is There to Do?, I would never have know about the existence of the SOHO cast iron historic district in New York.Cast iron? A district full of factories producing cast iron products or workshops turning out cast iron sculptures? No, neither. It is a roughly rectangular district in New York comprising 26 blocks and about 500...
My screen beamed with pride today as a I surfed on over to Madame's Facebook page to discover that she had surpassed 900,000 followers! That number is more than Tiny Fea, David Letterboy, Chris "Tingles" Matthews, John McAnonymous, and Joyless Behar combined! Hmm.... I'm bad with remembering names, and I might have suffered some typographic dyselexia in that last sentence. So, please excuse any errors....
There are some who refuse to believe me when I said that despite our 'Tea Parties', Town Hall meetings, the 9/12 March on Washington, D.C., our elected people in Congress, along with Barack Obama, have refused to listen to WE THE PEOPLE, and they are continuing to refuse to listen. Well, check out the following from WORLD NET DAILY:"Senators are negotiating on Senator Max Baucus' ObamaCare 6.0 proposal...
The 2009 Kennedy Half Dollar bags and rolls originally went on sale at the US Mint on January 22, 2009. Now is a good time to revisit the offering since the number of coins sold by the US Mint is approaching the total number of coins they have produced to date.Since 2002, the US Mint has not minted the Kennedy Half Dollar for circulation, but instead produced a limited number of coins for collectors....

Thursday, September 24, 2009

'DIVERSITY' CZAR DECLARES THAT "WHITES MUST STEP DOWN SO THAT POSITIONS OF 'POWER' CAN GO TO PEOPLE OF COLOR AND TO GAYS."It is people like Mark Lloyd (shown at left) and Van Jones, with their radical leftist racial ideas that are perpetuating racial tensions in America today.Why should anybody have to step down so that somebody else can have a position of "power"? Whatever happened to working your...
Madame's latest Facebook post showed her appreciation for the Jewish community:Todd and I would like to offer our best wishes to the Jewish community as they celebrate the High Holy Days. With the celebration of the Jewish New Year this week and the observance of the Day of Atonement next week, we are reminded of the hopeful commitment to renewal and peace exemplified by the Jewish tradition and the...
I am happy to announce the launch of a new coin related website Coins TV! is the official website of the video series "Spare Change: Coin Collecting Guide." The site contains all previous episodes of the series and will be updated as new episodes are released.Each video typically focuses on a specific coin series, providing a historical or legislative background, coin design information,...
Did you guys think I was lying about dumb ass cops and the media that help them spread their garbage in my last post?Read: Marijuana, the New Gold RushHere's another one to sink your teeth into. Let's go...Marijuana operations shut downIt seems cops in Texas have found the ultimate marijuana grow operation in the world to date. Even I've never heard of marijuana grown this way. You won't believe what...
Again we reflect on an Officer who gave his life serving with the United States Park Police.September 25 marks the anniversary of the loss of Officer Michael Petrella.Officer Petrella was killed in a motorcycle accident on Memorial Bridge in Washington, DC, during a period of rain. His motorcycle struck the side of a car next to him. He was transported to George Washington Hospital where he succumbed...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

At the airport. Look, Madame even has a present for Katie Couric in her left hand! If you look closely, you can see that First Dude 45has me on his shoulder! (H/T The Palination)I've spent much of the past 36 hours safely secured under the seat in front of Madame on our flight to and from Hong Kong, and I'm...