WHAT A MESS! It seems that the whole internet is going crazy.
First, I got an email last week from the group that sponsored my "abouna@churchmail.com" email account telling me that they were shutting down that service for good. Then, a couple of days latter, I received an email message from HaloScan which I had my blog comments through, telling me that they were being taken over by a different group and that I would have to pay a yearly fee for the new service. Then all of my comments disappeared this afternoon.
Now, as if all that wasn't enough, I was wondering why I haven't received any emails at my "abouna@orthodox.com" since Wednesday evening, not even spam. Then I received word from several friends that every time they tried sending me emails to that account, they kept bouncing back as having been rejected by that server. I contacted that server via email to find out what the problem is, but they have not responded after three requests. I have a feeling that I have become "Persona Non Grata".
As a result, I have had to resort to using blogger's generic comment service, and as of today my new email will be:
Sorry for any inconvenience. Sure wish I knew what exactly is going on.
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