Dear fellow bloggers and friends, I had hoped that I could have held off on the following post until after Christmas so as not to mess up everybody's holiday, but because I received word from three sources that the probability of this being true is between 90% to 99%, I felt that I had better get it posted as soon as possible so that each of you can decide for yourselves and make whatever plans you wish to make.
This has to do with a link I received in my email yesterday morning. After reading what was written on the website, I spent most of yesterday and today trying to ascertain the truth behind the article. As I stated, I received word from three sources that they are between 90 - 99% sure it is true.
After you read it, I would urge each of you to contact your Senators and Representatives as quickly as possible to find out what they know about it.
As the news came in that Obama and his Socialist Democratic Party seem to be contracting their efforts to subvert and destroy our country just seemed too good to be true. I believe that we have indeed slowed down their main socialist/Marxist expansion. This apparently was plan “A”.
My fellow patriots, I want you to realize just how grave the situation has become. You really need to click on the "CLICK HERE" button and read the article very carefully, and read it again and again and then you must decide what part you are going to play regarding the fate of the United States of America and the American people. Fellow Patriots what you are about to read is their plan “B”!
After reading what is on that website, I would then like you to read what I posted below, which will show you just how corrupt our elected Congressional representatives are. It is about what it took to BRIBE Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Corn Huckster State) to vote for the government health care bill.

I'll be blunt, the ‘health care reform’ legislation under consideration in the Senate is the most corrupt piece of legislation in our nation’s history, second only to the Federal Reserve Banking Act.
Yes, I understand that is a strong statement and there have been other abominations throughout our nation’s life. But never before did corrupt legislation threaten to radically and forever change the live’s of every American.
Here is the outright bribe extracted by Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Corn Huckster State) from Sen. Harry Reid. As a result of Nelson’s performance in his role of Hamlet in the health care deliberations, we will have two health care systems in this country; one for Nebraska and one for the other 49 states.
In its quixotic attempt to ensure everyone has health insurance, the Reid legislation greatly expands Medicaid eligibility. Because Medicaid is a program whose costs are split between the federal and state governments, this expansion in eligibility raise costs dramatically for states. States will be forced to either raise taxes or cut other services to accommodate the forced increase in Medicaid spending, Unless that state is Nebraska.
Under the language and terms contained in Nelson's bribe, the federal government will forever cover the costs of Medicaid expansion in the State of Nebraska. Taxpayers in every other state will forever be responsible for the expanded Medicaid program in Nebraska.
Sen. Nelson also secured an exemption from a new insurance tax for non-profit companies in his state. Mutual of Omaha and Nebraska’s Blue Cross/Blue Shield won’t have to pay a tax other companies will be required to pay.
There is next to nothing honest about the entire health care debate anymore, and I would urge you all to put pressure on your Congress men and women to vote this fraud down.
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