This is also the same feeling I have when I realize that the Obama administration is the most corrupt and the most inept administration that America has ever seen, and it seems that no matter what we try, we are stymied at every turn. Other adjectives that can sum up how I feel about this past year are:
disgusted, abhorred, mortified, irate, add your own if you wish...
I bet that if Obama and Michelle really did graduate form institutions of higher learning, they graduated SUMA CUM LOUDLY.
Take a look at what we have. As we near the end of Obama's first term in office we see his long list of corruption, lies and failures waving like a piss stained bed sheet for all the world to see.
Lets Start With The Economy:
How can any of us forget how Obama campaigned on the promise to help create jobs and fix the economy. What did we get? Obama ballooned the deficit to unheard of levels, he failed to create jobs and then lied through his teeth about it. He put into place the same policies he had criticized Bush for, then lied about them too, and by the end of the year not only is the economy worse off than it had been under Bush, but the national debt is far higher, the dollar is weaker and America’s economic prospects of improving any time soon, looks about as good as a snowballs chances in hell.
Obummer promised the working class families that he will help them; yea, he sure did, he loaded them down with with tons of generational debt, forced them to make mandatory payments to health insurance companies while keeping down job growth by promoting “green” projects over shovel ready infrastructure projects.
As Obama has shoveled untold billions of dollars into the coffers of Wall Street brokerage companies, green tech companies with no real business model, and insurance companies—the same working class families he has promised to help have been forced to take it in the butt and be lied to, and worse yet forced to bear the burden of his corporate welfare, without so much as the decency of a 'reach around'.
There was no money for school vouchers for Washington DC’s kids, but there WAS 192 million to spend on rum factories in the Virgin Islands, 20 million for the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the Senate, and almost half a billion for Tesla Motors, a company which has currently sold a measly 700 cars.
All Obama's 'stimulus package' did was primarily benefit Obama’s corporate backers and ladle out congressional pork earmarks with all the self-restraint of a swarm of flies heading non-stop to a steaming pile of horse manure.
The Democrat members of Congress, who had their lips permanently attached to Obama's hind quarters, preserved and protected felons like Congressman Rangel and Senator Dodd, then reached even deeper into their cesspool of immorality to attack Senator Lieberman for having the unmitigated gall to block their plan for a Public Option, a plan that even the Congressional Budget Office admitted we can’t pay for. This resulted in bringing political bribery and dirty tricks to a new low, throwing 100 million dollar earmarks around like confetti at an Italian wedding just to win the favor of Senators who were straddling the fence.
The War on Terror and Homeland Security:
As for Afghanistan, Obama's plan of multilateralism to create a new alliances using soft power looks like a carbon copy Bush’s Iraq policy, except it comes with a built in 18 month deadline that Obama helpfully announced to the Taliban ahead of time.
With all of his global gad-abouts on his "magical presidential apology tour" Obama has not achieved a single meaningful result for all that cost to the American people. We still have genocide in the Sudan, the Palestinians and Israelis still despise each other, China continues to repress its citizens, Iran and North Korea are continuing their nuclear programs, and the leaders of America's allies look upon Obama with disdain.
For all his rhetoric, our borders remain wide open and millions of illegal immigrants have been promised amnesty and citizenship as they are allowed to roam free, live off the largess of American taxpayers while committing horrendous crimes. Obama has demonstrated nothing more then his disdain for this country and his willingness to appease terrorists and the far left by treating the butchers of 9/11 like ordinary criminals, instead of the mass murderers they are. Just more con jobs and out-and-out cowardice if not treason.
How About Bipartisanship:
Remember Obama's lofty promises to bring in a new era of inclusiveness and bipartisanship? Yea, me too. Instead it turns out that the ONE can hardly stomach conservative Democrats, let alone Republicans, except for those who can easily be bought like cheap prostitutes. His White House carried on repeated smear campaigns against critics such as Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and Sean Hannity. Republicans were barred from all closed door negotiations of the Stimulus Bill and the Health Care Bill. Obama also demonstrates his blatant intolerance for any dissent from the party line, which has led to the poisoning of the national dialogue.
International Diplomacy:
Obama’s well publicized trips around the world have resulted in a lot of publicity and and plenty of humiliation for Americans as the man occupying what had once been the office of the leader of the free world, went bowing and scrapping to such foreign leaders as the Japanese Emperor and the Saudi King which was contemptible enough, but then he had to add insult to injury by being penned in on his visit to China, and being mocked in Turkey.
Every day he had to hold a press conference for one thing or another, flying all over the country as if jet fuel grew on trees, just so that his huge ego could be stroked by keeping himself constantly in the news, while at the same time, showing his contempt for our traditional allies when they came to visit America, turning those visits into diplomatic disasters.
All of this has resulted in the United States being more isolated then ever, and America’s enemies are openly taunting the White House at every turn. Then Obama had the gall to give himself a B+ grade showing just what a horse's ass he really is.
Just think, barring any sort of miracle, we have three more years of this crap to go. G_d help us one and all.
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