The following is some tough talk from a bishop, and I make no apologies. This is designed to be a wake-up call to ALL Americans, especially Christians. And, to those who may have a problem with a member of the clergy getting involved in "political" matters, all I can say is; "Get over yourselves". Stand up and be the men and women that God created you to be. STOP hiding be hind your false interpretation of the Scriptures to cover your lack of courage to do what you know is the right thing. Jesus never taught that we should lie down and go belly up to those who wish to enslave us. If you can't take it, read something else, because I am NOT politically correct, I tell it like it is.
Okay, no more Mr. "Nice Guy". It is time to STOP with the "Tea Parties", the Town Hall meetings. It is time to STOP wasting our time and energy making phone calls, sending faxes and emails. How many times do I have to tell you, they are NOT working. Neither Obama or the members of Congress are listening, they don't give a damn about WE THE PEOPLE.
It is NOT the CHRISTIAN thing to allow ourselves to be beaten down, enslaved and turned into indentured servants by our traitorous elected representatives, without standing up like proud men and women and FIGHTING back to save our God given RIGHTS and FREEDOMS. We not only have the RIGHT, but we also have the DUTY to over throw the traitors, yet we act more like whores allowing the government to continue abusing us and we don't even ask for a jar of Vaseline and a bag of sand.
Those in Washington, D.C. are nothing more then a bunch of self-serving traitors who will gladly sell us out to the highest bidder as long as their own pockets are padded, they have a cushy part-time job that pays more then a lot of full-time employees make, and they feel that their collective asses are immune from any prosecution. They are flushing the United States right down the crapper and we stand by and let it continue.
Now Harry Reid has come up with a new scam concerning Government health care. He claims that the public option will be placed under a "private non-profit" organization (yea sure) and that this organization will be able to negotiate with private insurers for the cheapest plans to cover those that will be brought into the government system, but that if such deals cannot be reached that will "trigger" more intervention by the government (government option). Sen. Lieberman, the independent who said that he would NOT support a government option under any condition, now says that he is pleased with this new Reid scam. How many times have WE told our elected officials we DO NOT WANT any form of Government run health care? HOW MANY TIMES? Make no mistake Democrats will push through the public option in back room committee meetings if this bill is passed. Obama and his liberal cronies will NOT settle for anything less then a "single payer" public option.
SINGLE-PAYER refers to one entity acting as administrator, or "payer." In the case of ObamaCare, a single-payer system would be setup such that one entity - a government run organization - would collect all health care fees, and pay out all health care costs. And as Obama himself said, he plans to put ALL health insurance companies out of business to institute the single-payer government run option that every American will be forced into. The liberals have made cuts to Medicare over the weekend, such as a key Medicare service aimed at invalids in an attempt to find the money to pay for ObamaCare. But in the end, the result will be less care for seniors along with rationed care for everyone else.
We told them through our "Tea Parties", we told them through our peaceful marches and at "Town Hall" meetings. We told them over and over again through faxes, emails and phone calls, and we even threatened them by sending "Pink Slips". Has any of this helped? HELL NO? They are still trying to hammer out a Government Run Health Care Plan. They laugh at us behind our backs and just keep on keeping on. Now, "Tea Party Express" has planned "Tea Party Express III" that will take place from March 27 - April 15, 2010. WHY? First of all, what makes them think that #III will make any more difference in the scheme of things then #I & #II did? And second of all, by the time March and April roll around, the government will have already implemented their health care plan and probably "Cap and Trade", and Lord knows what else.
Do you think that God is still blessing this nation? Ask yourself, "If I were God, would I bless a nation that has a government made up of liars, tax cheats, homosexual pedophiles, God-less communists, advocates of sacrificing innocent unborn children to Moloch on the alters of planned parenthood, and other morally and ethically bankrupt individuals?"
The biggest liar in Washington, D.C. today, is none other then Barack Hussein Obama himself. This total piece of garbage has lied from the day he started his campaign and he hasn't stopped yet. His biggest lie was telling the American people that he is a devout Christian, and so many people swallowed that crap hook, line and sinker. Just a few days ago, a White House spokeswoman stated that Obama wanted to spend a "Non-religious holiday with no religious symbols in the White House, but he was pressured by some White House staffers to allow a manger scene to be erected, which has been a White House Tradition." Does that sound like a devout Christian to you? Since the day he was inaugurated, how many times has he and the family been to a Sunday, or any other day, church service? NONE, ZILCH, NADA! Does that sound like a devout Christian? He wouldn't even honor the National Day of Prayer, but he did declare this past June to be the National Gay, Lesbian, transsexual and transgendered Day, and he opened the annual White House Easter Egg hunt to same sex couples and their "children". Again, does that sound like a devout Christian? Of course none of this should come as a surprise to anyone who was paying attention to what he said during the campaign, concerning the twenty years he spent listening to the anti-white, anti-American hate filled rhetoric spewed forth by his pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and how many remember the interview of Obama's daughters, when they were asked by the interviewer what they wanted for Christmas, do you remember their answer? I do. They said, and I quote, "WE DON'T CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS OR OUR BIRTHDAYS." Well neither do Muslims!
Obama lied through his teeth when he said that he supports our Second Amendment Right to keep and bear arms, but behind the scenes he is working with his Attorney General, Eric Holder, to figure out ways to do away with the Second Amendment. He runs all around the world bowing to foreign heads of State, telling them how much respect he has for our Constitution and the freedoms it affords us, yet here at home, he is doing everything in his power to undermine the Constitution, making a mockery of all those who fought and died in foreign wars in defense of our Constitution and our freedoms.
Obama talks about all of the "Green Jobs" that need to be created to put Americans back to work, but who are the ones actually benefiting from these "Green Jobs", not honest law-abiding hard working American citizens, they are going to prison inmates who have committed crimes against society. It isn't enough that taxpayer money is being used to give prisoners, law breakers, three meals a day, medical and dental care, exercise equipment, high school and college educations, but now they are getting jobs that should go to honest hardworking Americans. All of this is being accomplished through Federal Prison Industries (FPI), which is getting a good chunk of taxpayer money through the Stimulus package.
Meanwhile, one of Obama's favorite organizations, SCIU, is helping to craft legislation that will grant ever more power to unions to force more and more American workers into unions whether they like it or not, and according to one of SCIU's spokesmen, guess who makes up the greatest number of union protected workers in America? If you guessed illegal undocumented immigrants, you are CORRECT.
Obama is running rough-shot over Congress, rendering the Congress irrelevant and allowing ex cons, tax cheats, admitted communists, pedophile homosexuals, and other assorted lowlifes and human scum, to craft our laws which is the Constitutional power and right of the U.S. Congress. And Congress itself violates the Constitution by passing laws which they have no constitutional right or power to pass. On top of the trillions of dollars of debt that Obama and Congress have already run up, they are planning even more trillions of dollars of debt and they don't give a damn, because they WANT to completely destroy and collapse our economy so that we can be placed under the control of a One World Government. Did you know that the socialists at the climate conferance in Copenhagen are demanding TRILLIONS of dollars in "Climate Debt"? One UN report says that the U.S. and other countries owe $24 trillion in "climate debt" to the rest of the world, while another U.N. report puts the amount at $45 trillion dollars. Guess who is going to be paying if they have their way? That's right, We the People.
Even our Federal Courts are corrupt as hell, backing up every unconstitutional law and statute that the other two branches of government can dream up. And they refuse to hear the cases brought by WE THE PEOPLE to have Obama prove that he is constitutionally eligible to even hold the office of President, by ordering him to publicly produce his valid long form birth certificate and to make his school records publicly available. Our courts tell us we do not have standing to bring such cases.
Wake up people, as far as the federal government is concerned, you and I, your children and grandchildren are totally worthless and meaningless as bug you squish under foot. We don't need a "Tea Party III". As I have stated before, it is high time that WE THE PEOPLE rise up, arm ourselves and march on Washington, D.C. by the millions, while Obama is farting around, bowing and scraping in Oslo and Copenhagen, and surround the White House, the Capitol Building and the Supreme Court to prevent anyone from entering, and DEMAND an immediate END to this entire administration, have a temporary interim government installed until new elections can be held, and we MUST demand that immediate charges be brought against Obama, his entire administration and all present members of Congress, charging them with CRIMES AGAINST THE U.S. CONSTITUTION and the CITIZENS OF THE U.S., DERELICTION OF DUTY, MALFEASANCE and USURPATION OF POWER, MISUSE OF TAXPAYER MONEY, TAXATION OF AMERICAN CITIZENS WITHOUT REPRESENTATION, and the SELLOUT OF AMERICAN SOVEREIGNTY.
How much longer are you going to allow the abuse, rape and pillaging to continue? Have you no shame?
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