In the same way the Copenhagen Treaty is dragging us into a new world government or order, our "non-representing representatives" are tampering with our gun laws. Since they cannot take our guns through the front door, they are using international treaty to take them away. The American people are asleep and gun owners of America need to take heed. Make this video viral please and share it with all your gun loving friends ASAP!!
The citizens of the United States are fast losing control over THEIR government and the sovereignty of their nation. Now, it is up to us to take back that control and reestablish our Constitutional Republic that was established by the founding fathers. To accomplish this, WE need the right kind of political leaders running for office.
My proposal for supporting any future candidates, of any political party, for elected office shall be that they sign a pre-campaign oath to:
A.) Swear that they will overturn any and all implemented government health care bills, if and when one should be passed;
B.) Swear to overturn any and all unconstitutional federal "Hate Crimes" legislation, permanently;
C.) Swear to overturn any and all unconstitutional federal gun control legislation, permanently, as well as any and ALL laws, rules, regulations, and/or statutes that limit or restrict ANY of our rights or freedoms enumerated under the 'BILL OF RIGHTS' (the first TEN AMENDMENTS to the United States Constitution);
D.) Swear to enact legislation to get the United States out of the United Nations permanently and to get the United Nations OUT of the United States;
E.) Swear NOT to ratify or sign onto any international treaties or agreements that will in any way diminish the sovereignty of the United States;
F.) Swear to remove all Gay, Lesbian, trans-gender and transsexual influence, as well as ALL leftist liberal influence from our public school system;
G.) Swear to enact permanent federal legislation that will allow for the immediate removal from office of ANY elected or appointed representative, i.e., president, member of Congress, Supreme Court, presidential cabinet member, adviser, etc., who violates their oath of office and/or the Constitution of the United States;
H.) Swear that they will enact permanent legislation that will severely limit the lobbying influence of special interest groups and Political Action Committees (PACS);
I.) Swear to enact permanent federal legislation that will make it mandatory for ALL persons running for political office to fully disclose the source and amounts of campaign funds and prohibit ANY and ALL foreign campaign contributions;
J.) Swear to enact strict permanent federal laws making the usurpation of power by any branch of the federal government a crime against the Constitution of the United States, and to overturn ALL federal laws that infringe on States Rights;
K.) Swear to enact permanent term limits of ALL members of Congress, putting an end to career politicians;
L.) Swear to enact permanent legislation, making it mandatory to thoroughly vet any and all candidates running for the office of president, making it mandatory for them to make any and all records concerning place of birth and school, college and/or university records available to the public;
M.) Swear to enact permanent legislation making it mandatory that ALL crafting of legislation (with the exception of legislation dealing with national security) be done solely by the members of Congress, NOT by advisers, special interest groups, etc., and that they be done openly;
N.) Swear to enact permanent legislation that will make it mandatory for all Senators and Representatives to listen to the WILL of the people when the people speak as a majority for or against proposed legislation;
O.) Swear to enact permanent legislation that will put an end to amnesty and citizenship for illegal immigrants, an end to "anchor babies" (babies being born to illegal immigrants in the U.S. being granted automatic citizenship), and to enact permanent legislation making illegal entry into the United States, for any purpose, a felony under federal law;
P.) Swear to enact strict and permanent immigration laws and to secure our borders as per the Constitution of the United States;
Q.) Swear to enact permanent legislation that will ban ANY and ALL PORK and "earmarks" from all pending legislation and to ban any and all unfunded federal programs that place a financial burden on the individual States;
R.) Swear to enact permanent legislation that will make illegal for any federal funds being granted to states for public projects, federal aid, etc., to come with attached rules, regulations, statues, laws that give the federal government the right to interfere in a states sovereignty;
S.) Swear to enact permanent legislation that will make it grounds for immediate removal from office of any elected Congressmen/women who refuse or fail to live up to this oath. Remember, you work for WE THE PEOPLE and you represent US, and not the other way around.
Any candidate who refuses to sign this oath shall NOT be considered a viable candidate for the office he/she is running for.
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