After all of the crapola that has come out about ACORN, voter registration fraud, illegally shifting money around to be used for their partisan funding of everything Democrat, their involvement in the Community Reinvestment Act that helped to create the 'housing bubble' burst that led to the financial mess we are in today, and with those videos that came out showing how ACORN workers in several cities were WILLING to help set up "Houses of Prostitution" and bringing underage girls into the country for the purpose of prostituting them all with the use of taxpayer money, our illustrious and honorable members of Congress voted to defund ACORN. Wonderful, wasn't it?
Well, did you really think that the "Anointed One" would really allow that to happen did you?
It turns out that with through the efforts of Bwany Fwank and other liberal members of the Democratic Socialist Party, there is a bill in the House right now that will EXPAND the COMMUNITY REORGANIZATION AND REINVESTMENT ACT. So what does this mean? It means that once again, banks will be allowed to make questionable mortgage loans to individuals who cannot possibly afford to repay those loans (the very thing that caused the housing bubble collapse in the first place) AND the banks CAN Partner WITH ACORN and they will be allowed to make direct MONEY GIFTS to ACORN. In other words, the FUNDING of ACORN will continue WITH TAXPAYER MONEY.
Do you still think that all of our "TEA PARTIES", going to "TOWN HALL" meetings, and march on Washington, D.C., are working? Do you really believe that our elected officials are listening to us? Yea, sure.
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