Hey peoples, its me again, MUNCHKIN.
I needed a break from Daddy's grand kids chasing me around the house. Oh, don't get me wrong, I love children, especially if they are par-boiled first; lol.
Oh come on, I'm just kidding! Any how, I just thought that i would just sneak away for awhile and use Tan's computer (his is a 'lap-top', but I don't have a lap) and post about something that has been sticking in my craw (what ever that is), and that is the fact that more and more humans don't seem to have any self-respect. What I mean is, they don't seem to care what the heck they look like when they go out in public. Either that or they honestly believe that they look great.
If I were a human, I wouldn't even want to be caught in my own home wearing some of the crap people go out shopping in, I mean what happened to dignity?
To see what I am talking about, click on the bone. Warning! Some of the pictures are a bit nasty and vulgar, but in general they are funny.Take your time and enjoy.

I got this site from Karen's Blog; EASTERN RIGHT , it was posted by in her comment section by "Nanc" from OH BOO Moments . I felt they were just funny and stupid enough to post here for your amusement.
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