Well, those of us who still have a sane mind all see Barack Hussein Obama a cult of personality, an empty shell of a man who requires constant praise and adulation to keep him from pouting and pooping on the rug.
Some of us also see him as a bigamist. He is married to Mobama (Michelle) and to his long-time partner, his teleprompter. But, have you ever wondered what the Russian's really think of Barack? Well, for those of you may be interested, you can find out by clicking on the PRAVDA link:

The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) is planning on voting either today or tomorrow on the possible takeover of the Internet, as they wish to dictate what services and content individuals can receive over the internet.
Sen. John McCain sent the FCC a warning to keep their hands off the internet.
If you want your voice to be heard, please contact the FCC at the following:
PHONE: 1-888-225-5322
TTY: 1-888-835-5322
FAX: 1-866-418-0232
EMAIL: fccinfo@fcc.gov
Give 'em hell!
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