In the latest episode of "Curb Your Enthusiasm" on HBO, co-called comedian Larry David, in his mockery of the Christian belief in miracles, went way over the edge, and HBO defended it as "playful".
On the show that aired this past Sunday, David pissed on a painting of Jesus Christ, while a woman became ecstatic, believing the painting depicted Jesus crying.
Could you imagine if this crap was done using symbols of Islam and Judaism? Or how about the uprising if I were to piss on a picture of the morally bankrupt, pedophile, fudge packer, Harvey Milk. When the hell is this crap going to stop? Why is society so damn willing to accept the degradation of all things Christian, when they would NEVER think of doing such a thing to Islamic or Judaic religion?
In a statement made to Foxnews.com, HBO downplayed the controversy saying:
"Anyone who follows 'CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM' knows that the show is full of parody and satire." They went on to say: "Larry David makes fun of everyone, most especially himself. The humor is always playful and certainly not malicious."
Hey you turds over at HBO, there is absolutely nothing playful or funny about mocking somebody's religious beliefs, especially a religion that does NOT go around sawing off the heads of non-believers or killing their wives or daughters and calling it an 'honor' killing.
So keep your apologies and just fire that asshole Larry David and tell him to piss on himself.

Remember all of the scandals, the voter registration fraud and the videos taken of ACORN works in several cities, who were more then willing to help a couple of undercover journalists break several federal laws?
The Waters amendment passed by a vote of 35-33. I strongly suggest that all those who voted for this act, be immediately tested for drugs and investigated for corruption.
The following are the Representatives from New York State (my home state) who voted in favor of this asinine piece of legislation:
GARY ACKERMAN - NY 5th District; GREGORY MEEKS - NY 6th District;
JERROLD NADLER - NY 8th District; NYDIA M. VELAZQUEZ - NY 12th District; CAROLYN MALONEY - NY 15th District; DANIEL MAFFIE - NY 25th District.
New Yorkers, rise up and vote these un-American fools out of office.
But it gets worse yet, remember that Congress voted to defund ACORN, and we thought it was permanent? Guess what? Obama and the Socialist Democratic Party plan to give ACORN back their funding. Americans should be outraged that Obama and the Democrats are rewarding ACORN for being an organized criminal organization, OOPS, I forgot, the work for Obama and the Democrat Party. Silly Me!
Now for those of you have the interest and curiosity to read Pelosi's version of Government Health Care:
House HCR Bill
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