The "Liar-in-Chief", Barack Hussein Obama ia at it again, doing what comes naturally to him, LYING. According to Fox News today, Obama met with a group of doctors who had participated in the "million med march" on Washington, DC. The Medical professionals informed Obama that they supported health care reform but NOT a government run or a government take-over of the health care system. Obama more or less let them know that he could accept a bill that did not contain a public option (a government option). But behind the scenes, he has been busy making phone calls to and setting up White House meetings with members of Congress and using "strong arm" tactics to try and force them to pass a bill that CONTAINS a government option or at least a "TRIGGER" that will allow a government option in the near future.
The Senate Finance Committee bill (generally referred to as the Baucus bill, after Chairman Max Baucus) is like a modern day 'Robin Hood' and it IS a government option. It robs the elderly to cover the uninsured -- like snatching purses from little old ladies. The Bills in the House already cut future funding from Medicare by $500 billion dollars over the next decade. The Baucus bill would slash a similar amount, just when 30% more people enter the program as baby boomers turn 65. It also puts new limits on what doctors can do for patients on Medicare.
The law which established Medicare in 1965 prohibited the federal government from interfering in doctors' treatment decisions. Slowly, over time, Medicare regulations have begun to unravel those protection. Now the Cantwell amendment finishes the job. Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) managed to get inserted into the bill language that gives the Secretary of Health and Human Services the power to define quality, cost-effective care for each medical condition and penalize doctors who spend more on their patients.
Obama and his advisers vilify doctors for "over-treating" patients. Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, the brother of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and a key Obama health-care adviser, argues that the Hippocratic Oath is largely to blame for the "over use" of medical care.
In his view, doctors focus too much on the needs of their own patients; they should be taught to ask whether the money they are spending on a patient is worth it. To curb doctors' spending, the stimulus legislation launched a process of sending doctors protocols via computer on what the government deems "appropriate" and "cost-effective" care. Doctors who are NOT "meaningful users" will be punished financially.
CNN and FactCheck.org said that it was untrue that the government would be interfering in doctors' treatment decisions, but Dr. David Blumenthal, appointed in March to head the new system of computer-guided medicine, settled that debate. In the New England Journal of Medicine (April 9th), he confirmed that "embedded clinical-decision support" (his term for computers telling doctors what to do) would be used to reduce costs, and he predicted that some doctors might rebel against tight controls. The Baucus bill compleates the framework for tying doctors' hands when treating the elderly.
If Congress caves in to Obama and passes any health care bill that contains either a public option or a "trigger" to phase in a public option, then we must not only vote out those who voted for the bill, but we must also get a signed oath for those running for congressional office, that they will rescind the health care legislation IMMEDIATELY upon taking office.
If such a bill passes and if it is allowed to stand then not only will the government have complete and total control over doctors and other medical professionals, the entire health care system, but they will then gain complete and total control over every aspect of our lives because they could then that everything we do, use, eat or drink falls under health band welfare, and then they could then dictate what we can eat, drink, wear, use, etc. And then they can do away with the Second Amendment claiming ownership of guns as health issue.
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