Saturday, October 31, 2009

Madame's latest post came in light of the RINO candidate dropping out of the Congressional race in New York. She praised Dede Scozzafaba for being "unselfish". It's time to cross the finish line to victory so that Doug Hoffman can get to work for New York and the country, Madame says. And she knows a thing or two about crossing the finish line. She reminded people about the issues before Congress...
One person is dead following an overnight car crash on the Baltimore Washington Parkway. Jabari OUTTZ, a 32 year old Greenbelt, Maryland resident, died in a single vehicle car crash southbound on the Baltimore Washington Parkway north of New York Avenue. This crash happened on 10/31/09 at about 3:30 am.Mr. OUTTZ was a passenger in a vehicle that was travelling northbound on the Baltimore Washington Parkway. This vehicle crossed the center median of the Parkway and came to rest in the southbound...

Friday, October 30, 2009

Madame's latest Facebook post said Halloween day is going to be a "game changer" when it comes to the health care reform debate, and she urged everyone to tune into the GOP's weekly address. I couldn't tell if she used all caps in her post title because she accidentally hit my caps lock key or if she wanted to really, really emphasize her point. It doesn't really matter. Madame feels strongly about this!I'm concerned for Anderson Cooper though. The phrase "game changer" can be used as a sports analogy....
YES MY FELLOW AMERICANS, ONCE AGAIN WE TOOK IT UP THE BUTT!Remember the blog I posted on Monday titled: "OBAMA TRIAL SCHEDULED FOR JANUARY 26, 2010"? Well, it was true, BUT, it now seems that California Judge David O. Carter has succumbed to pressure and possible threats from Obama's Justice Department, because yesterday he dismissed the case.However, it appears that his decision paper was written...
Halloween is one of the biggest evenings for drunk driving offenses.If you choose to drive drunk, the United States Park Police would love to meet you!We will offer you several hours of interesting conversation, introduction to some high tech devices such as breath testing equipment, some fascinating reading material including copies of citations, notices to appear in court, and driver’s license suspension forms, and of course conversation that will include discussions about how your future driving...
The United States Park Police is seeking Ronald Edward BOST, Jr. who is wanted by the United States Marshal’s Service.BOST is wanted by the United States Marshal’s Service for a Probation Violation. He frequents Arlington County Public Libraries, the National Mall, Columbia Island, the Iwo Jima Memorial, and the George Washington Parkway.The United States Park Police suspect him for acts of racist...
Some preliminary details for the launch ceremony for the fourth and final 2009 Lincoln Cent design are available via a recent Coin World article.The ceremony will take place on November 12, 2009 at 10:00 AM ET. It will be held at the Ulysses S. Grant Memorial located at the base of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. Further details of ceremony events and attendees have not yet been announced.The...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Since Madame endorsed Doug Hoffman last week, it seems like a lot of people are jumping on the bandwagon. To be fair, others including Fred Thompson, Michele Bachmann, and Dick Armey endorsed Doug Hoffman first, but Madame is clearly driving the bandwagon.Tim Pawlenty, or as I like to call him the Minnesota Mullet, after claiming ignorance about the race decided to also endorse Hoffman after Madame...
EVERYTHING TO LEFTIST MORALLY BANKRUPT LIPTARDS IS A JOKE!SO-CALLED COMEDIAN, LARRY DAVID, URINATES ON PAINTING OF JESUS:In the latest episode of "Curb Your Enthusiasm" on HBO, co-called comedian Larry David, in his mockery of the Christian belief in miracles, went way over the edge, and HBO defended it as "playful".On the show that aired this past Sunday, David pissed on a painting of Jesus Christ,...
Today October 29, 2009 at 12:00 Noon ET, the 2009 American Gold Buffalo Proof Coins will go on sale at the United States Mint.Only one ounce proof coins will be offered, which is a sharp reduction from the number of collectible Gold Buffalo options offered last year. Even this single offering had been in doubt until the US Mint's announcement earlier this month.Each coin is minted in .9999 fine, 24-karat...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tonight is the first game of the World Series between the Phillies and the Yankees. I'm not sure who Madame is cheering for, but I'm cheering for the Phillies. I think the designated hitter is for wimps.I had a conversation with TOTUS tonight, and he told me that the Great Opologizer has his own special version of "Take Me out to the Ballgame" that he sings during the seventh inning stretch when he...
Legalization/TaxationThe fight to legalize marijuana seems to be making major inroads as politicians, greedy for funds of any kind, find ways to get those tax revenues without a direct increase to the taxpayer. While there are some politicians have a more honorable reason for promoting the legalization of marijuana, there are many others who have no interest in the welfare of their own friends, family, and community; they're in it for the money.At any rate, I could care less about their reasons...
“Please slow down, Deer.”No, that comment is not directed towards the driver from his or her companion. Deer are a hazard on all roads in the Washington Metropolitan area, but more especially in the fall. This is the Rut, or deer breeding season. Deer are very active and they tend to focus more on the next generation than on traffic safety!The United States Park Police sees an increase in collisions with deer on all of our roadways. Clearly there are large numbers of deer on the Parkways outside...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Madame's latest post on Facebook came to her while watching some basketball. Then, she began to talk about the gubernatorial races in New Jersey and Virginia. This is where she began to truly speak my language, "[t]here are big political races on the East Coast that are coming down to the wire - the results of which will impact policies and political actions that touch all of us in every state". Down to the wire-- that's something that an electronic device like me can really understand!She also...
NOW THE ELITIST SCUM BAGS WANT US TO STOP EATING MEAT!I have often said in the past, to keep your eye on England because what happens there will eventually come here to the U.S.According to Lord Stern, Britain's Climate Chief (Her Majesty the Queen's version of Al Gore), we must give up eating meat to save the earth.Stern said: "Meat is a wasteful use of water and creates a lot of greenhouse gases...

Monday, October 26, 2009

Halloween is soon approaching! In the past, Madame has dressed as Tiny Fea for Halloween. Oh, did my typographical dyslexia kick in again? I'm not sure what her plans are this year. I can't wait to see what Piper and Trig are dressing up as this year. They were so cute when they dressed up around Halloween at a rally last year!Hmm, I'd better decide what I'm going to dress up for Halloween soon too!?!...
FLASH -- FLASH --FLASH!United States District Court Judge David O. Carter Case #SACV09-0082 DOC (ANx) Captain Pamela Barnett, Et. Al. v Barack Hussein Obama, Et. Al.Date: October the 5th, 2009 Motion to dismiss this case: Motion Denied, Set for Trial.Affirmed: A fore mentioned Court Now Orders the Following Dates to be Made Final:1. Motion for Summary Judgment, November 16, 2009;2. Opposition for...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Why did the pig jump off the Empire State Building?Because he heard on the news that Swine Flu!Obama Declares National Emergency over Swine Flu Pandemic. BUT WHY?According to the CDC, swine flu infections have already peaked, and the pandemic is on its way out. Peak infection time was the middle of October, where one in five U.S. children experienced the flu, says the CDC.Even though the H1N1 pandemic...
I spent some time today on Youtube, and I have some clips to share with you.Today, Newt Gingrich, or as like to call him Fib Newton, was on Fox and Friends where they asked him about his support for a RINO instead of a conservative in the race for NY's 23rd district Congressional seat.Check it out starting at the 2:00 mark; it includes some satirical closed captioning:I don't have anything much to say except that I didn't know he would be so whiny about the fact that Madame and some others are supporting...

Saturday, October 24, 2009

It is a well known fact that Madame is a huntress. She can take down a caribou or a moose with the best of them. In fact, Field and Stream Magazine called her a hero. Sadly, I'm not allowed to go with her or the rest of the family when they go hunting. It's too cold, and they don't want me to malfunction.I must let you know that Madame is also a huntress in the metaphorical sense, too. She not only...

Friday, October 23, 2009

Its Back!FALL OF THE REPUBLIC - (FULL VERSION)This is an absolute MUST see video and I urge you all to make the time to view it. Since it is a long video, I am going to leave it up for a couple of days.After you have viewed this entire video, then I would like you each to sit and give real serious thought about what you have seen and heard and then tell me that we should not rise up in an armed revolt NOW while we still have a country to save. I am NOT calling for lip service, I am calling for REAL,...
There are a number of US Mint related news items that I wanted to cover before the weekend. I will do a combined post on the topics which include sold out products, an update to the Braille Education Set offering, Girl Scout coins, and a technical amended for the 2009 Lincoln Cent.Sold Out CoinsTwo products have sold out at the US Mint. The first is the Lincoln Coin and Chronicles Set. Although the...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Well, those of us who still have a sane mind all see Barack Hussein Obama a cult of personality, an empty shell of a man who requires constant praise and adulation to keep him from pouting and pooping on the rug.Some of us also see him as a bigamist. He is married to Mobama (Michelle) and to his long-time partner, his teleprompter. But, have you ever wondered what the Russian's really think of Barack?...
Madame posted a new kind of note on Facebook today. We didn't work on any health care reform or energy independence posts this time. Today, Madame took the time to type a promise--a promise she made when she stepped aside from the Governor's office. Upon announcing that she was resigning the governorship, Madame had this to say:And there is such a need to BUILD up and FIGHT for our state and our country....
The US Mint has released information on the upcoming 2009 Proof Gold Buffalo coins. The coins will be available starting on October 29, 2009 at 12:00 Noon ET.As known previously, only a single one ounce proof version of the coin will be offered. Last year, the US Mint had offered fractional versions of the coin (1/2 oz, 1/4 oz, 1/10 oz) and a full line of collectible uncirculated coins (1 oz, 1/2...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A while back, I decided to do a JPG centered post rather than a text centered post. After all, a JPG is worth a worth a thousand words. As Madame had me help in posting some kick butt Facebook posts at the end of last week and over the weekend, I'm still a bit tired. I decided to mix things up a little bit, and I've posted part 2 of " A JPG is Worth a Thousand Words".Madame's reading material:...
Although the proof version of the coin won't be released until October 29, the bullion version of the 2009 Gold Buffalo coin has been available since October 15.Because this is a bullion coin, it is not offered for sale directly by the United States Mint. Rather the coins are distributed through the US Mint's network of authorized purchasers. The AP's purchase the coins directly and then resell to...