Friday, July 17, 2009


Sometimes people just need to be slapped in the face with the truth, and I hope this post serves that purpose.

This entire administration appears to be hell bent on bankrupting the United States completely, while at the same time, the lunatic Obama treats our tax money like it is his own private bank account.

According to a recent report on the Fox News Channel, Barack Obama has traveled to more states and foreign countries in the six short months that he has been in office than any other president has in their first two years in office, this at a time when America is in dire financial straits, many Americans are losing their jobs and homes, and a majority who are working, cannot even afford to take a vacation to their local parks. His wife Michelle is no damn better either. What other First Lady of the United States do you know of who showed up at a Washington, DC soup kitchen to 'volunteer', wearing designer jeans and $600 sneakers?

It is bad enough that when the president has to travel overseas to meet with heads of state and/or attend a conference, the tax payers are required to foot the bill, but when Obama had to drag along his entire family, including his mother-in-law, for a family "vacation" last week when he went to Russia and Italy seems to be a real slap in the face of We the people. Then he is no sooner back in the U.S. when he hops aboard Air Force One again to fly to Chicago to attend a baseball game.

This bozo forced Congress to pass his stimulus package, or we would face dire consequences. This stimulus was supposed to vitalize our economy and save or create thousands of jobs. Instead, the economy is further down the crapper then it was, we have lost thousands of more jobs and nobody even knows where most of the stimulus money has gone. Now, we see Obama's puss on television every single day, taking every opportunity to give the bum's rush to force everyone of his pet projects down the throats of the American people, like it or not. He uses the same spiel for every one of his programs, "Let me make myself perfectly clear, we cannot afford to do nothing, the status quo is unacceptable....." Then he threatens us with all sorts of dire consequences if we don't get his crap passed right away. The big problem is, we cannot afford his programs or solutions either. With him, everything must be done NOW and he don't give a rat's ass if it bankrupts the country. So just what the hell is going on with this guy?

Because of Obama's desperate need to do everything NOW, Congressional plans to fund a massive health-care overhaul will have a huge job killing effect on places like New York City, creating a tax rate of nearly 60% for the state's top earners and forcing small business owners to lay off hundreds of workers. New York's top income bracket could reach as high as 57% -- rates not seen in over three decades -- to pay for the massive health coverage proposed by Obama and House Democrats this past week. This will mean that New York's top earners; small business owners and most dynamic entrepreneurs, will be facing new fees and penalties. What makes this whole thing stink even more is the fact that Obama and many other liberals want illegal immigrants to be covered by this National Health Care program.

Now add to all of this, Obama's "Cap and Trade" energy bill, which in Obama's own words "Will send energy costs through the roof," and if you remember, he also said that he will bankrupt the coal industry. Did you think he was kidding? Cap and Trade, if passed, will cost America at least two and a half million jobs and drastically raise the cost of goods and services, along with the cost of energy. This will force every man, woman and child in America to become indentured servants to the federal government for generations to come as they lose their homes and jobs. In the meantime, the majority of Conservatives take the attitude that, "Oh well, what can I do? I'll just hunker down and wait until Obama's term is up." Weeell eeexcuuuse me, but do you realize just how much irrepearable damage that Obama can do to this country in four years time, while we just hunker down? And just what guarentee do we have that we will still have a country by the time Obama leaves office?

Believe me, I am not exaggerating when I tell you that this entire financial mess was planned and executed years ago, and even though the Democrats were at the forefront of this, both political parties have been involved because both the Democrats and the Republicans are nothing more then puppets of the big money oligrachs such as Goldman-Sachs, AIG, George Soros, and many other big money Wall Street and international bankers. All of this came about because Conservatives didn't have the intestinal fortitude to stand up and stop it, and now Obama has picked up the ball and is racing like a bat out of hell to the goal line which will result in a One World Government.

Obama's Socio-Fascist government will rule what health insurance citizens can have and who is allowed to live and who must die. The bill that Obama is insisting on shoving down our throats and will cost us an arm and a leg to pay for it-has passed through the US Senate Health Committee. This bill will further bankrupt the USA -- to the tune of one and a half trillion dollars at a minimum-- and within a very short period of time and will force all private health care companies out of business.

You can kiss your health care plan and any good health you may currently enjoy--goodbye, because your health care and health care decisions will be taken away from you and placed in the hands of a Health Care Czar.

Speaking of Czars, have you counted how many Czars Obama has currently appointed? The last time I checked, the total was up to thirty-four. These Czars are unelected by anyone and are answerable ONLY to Obama. And this came about because Conservatives remain Apathetic and Complacent.

All of the above and more, WILL come to pass because the majority of Americans are totally clueless and spineless. I am more than willing to stand with and join any group that has the moral, spiritual and physical courage to rise up and do what really needs to be done. I am not talking about marching around carrying signs, chanting slogans or handing out tea bags. I am talking about real action.

It is one thing to place our trust and faith in God, but God also expects us to help ourselves, and from what I have seen, far too many Americans, including Conservatives, lack the will.

Oh yes, by all means, call your elected officials, go to the polls, etc., but also be prepared to take real action. Just because you make your phone calls, send your faxes and emails, sign petitions, march around carrying your signs and chanting your slogans, your elected officials DON'T listen to you. I have said it before and I will say it again, when you vote the scum out of office, who ever you vote in to replace them, become just as corrupted by the system or they are coerced into submission by the oligarchs who are the real controllers of our government, and they stop listening to you.

Everybody is under the misguided and false belief that it was Mahatma Gandhi's pacifism that won the day for the people of India, or Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s pacifism that won the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment for Black Americans. Pacifism may have played a part, but it was only a very small part. In their rewriting of history, liberals love to omit the fact that a vast majority of people in both the situation in India, and the struggle for equal rights in America, were out on the front lines fighting and giving their lives for the cause, which was the real reason that Gandhi, King, and others won.

Have you ever asked yourselves why the liberals always get what they want? They are not shy nor afraid to rise up, riot and raise hell until they get their way. We Conservatives NEVER win because all we do is march around carrying signs and chanting our tired old slogans, pray and hand out teabags. If the conservative way wins, then how come after we have signed hundreds of petitions, made hundreds of phone calls, sent thusands of faxes, etc., to protect our borders from illegal immigration, we still have illegal immigration. I receive emails from Numbers USA telling me that thanks to our efforts, we have won, but then two weeks later, I get emails from Numbers USA telling me that it is important for me to go to their website and sign a fax, make more phone calls, write more letters, because bills are being shoved through Congress to allow continued illegal immigration. After four or five years of my involvement with Numbers USA, that song is getting rather stale. If we had won, that would have been it and I shouldn't have to keep sending the same faxes, emails, making the same phone calls or writing the same letters over and over again.

If the Conservative pacifist way wins, then how come we still have abortion on demand and late-term abortions, how come our taxpayer money is once again being used to support and pay for abotions in foreign countries and to pay for poor women's abortions in this country? If our conservative methods of hunkering down and being apathetic and complacent work, how come gays and lesbians gain more and more ground every day? I am sorry if there are those who think that I am just being a pessimist, but I am just facing reality and speaking the truth, and if that bothers some people, all I can say is, "Tough titty said the kitty when the milk went sour." I make no apol0gies. I am NOT, NEVER have been, and NEVER will be politically correct when it comes to speaking the truth, nor will I sugar coat the truth.

We the people Must wake up to the fact that we have lost control of our government and it has been our apathy and complacency that allowed it to happen. Today, we have presidents who believe that America is theirs to do with as they damn well please and the hell with the people. We have allowed special interest groups to gain control of our political system and political parties. Today, it is NOT what We the People want, it is what the special interest groups want, what will benefit them and their bottom line. The wishes and demands of the minority groups trump the will of the majority, and we have allowed it to happen. All of this has led to the demoralization of America, the destruction of the family unit, a disrespect for life in America, and a total coarsening of our American culture which can be witnessed in how people talk to each other in the public venue and our complete lack of respect not only for each other, but for ourselves, and we allowed it to happen. We had better hurry up and take our country back before it is too late. America is NOT the private possession of Barack Obama or any one else to turn into a socialist state.

In short, and as distasteful as it may be, unless the citizens of this country are willing to take real action, no matter what the personal cost, then America is already lost, and our various conservative groups are just wasting our time. Conservatives have got to STOP just hunkering down, they have got to STOP being apathetic and complacent. Freedom comes at a cost, it is NOT FREE.

Listen to this Patriot:


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