Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Well, we all know by now that Nancy Botoxi is a liar, even her own party admits it, and we can only ask ourselves, "WHY?"

Actual definitions of words, actual facts and reality are meaning less to liberals and can be explained away as anything other then what they really are. Like Bill Clinton once said; "It all depends on what the meaning of 'is' is." Liberals actually believe that whatever sort of balderdash that passes their lips can never really be called a lie.

You see, in reality, liberals do not believe that there is an absolute TRUTH . To their way of thinking (if they even have a thought process) if something cannot be seen, understood, or intended to be absolutely true -- then nothing is true and everything to them is subjective, open to interpretation, and the only person who gets to decide what is true, is the person who is speaking at the moment.

This is why, to a liberal, a married man can engage in oral sex with someone who is not his wife and still not be committing adultery, abortion is not the killing of an innocent human life, and allowing a newborn to starve to death in a filthy hospital utility room is nothing more then allowing a woman the right to choose. Marriage is NOT the sanctified union between a man and a woman, water-boarding IS torture even though it leaves no scars or lasting damage, and you CAN give tax cuts to those who don't even pay taxes. Ever increasing and harsher gun-control laws is NOT trampling on our Second Amendment rights, etc.

This now brings me to Barack Hussein Obama's latest lie; "The number of Muslims in the U.S. would make America one of the largest Muslim countries in the world." Remember he stated that "America is NOT a Christian nation," now we are one of the largest Muslim countries in the world. What a horse's ass.

Obama's asinine statement is completely factually incorrect on so many levels and he made it the day before he is set to deliver a speech before the Muslim world in Cairo, Egypt, thus it appears to be one more bit of Muslim ass polishing on Obama's behalf.

The lies just seem to drip from Obama's mouth with such ease that when it comes to bull s%^ting the American people, he puts the Clinton's to shame. Obama has time and again denied that he is a Muslim. Even his campaign website contained the statement: "Senator Obama has never been a Muslim, was not raised as a Muslim, and is a committed Christian." Excuse me while I puke.

If this 'hoon' was a committed Christian, how come he hasn't graced the inside of any Christian church since the day he was inaugurated? And, according to Obama's public school records in Indonesia, Obama is listed as a Muslim and a number of his childhood friends have openly claimed that Obama was a regular mosque attending Muslim.

Still, Obama insists that he was raised by his "Christian" mother, another blatant lie. His mother was a 1960's atheist liberal commie activist, bed hopper who seemed to be intent on "making it" with men of every ethnic and racial stripe. If she had not died of breast cancer, she probably would have accomplished this feat.

How in heaven's name can anyone have any sort of respect for this man?


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