If you are confused about the term "CAP & TRADE," you are not alone. Would you believe that only 24% of likely voters understand the term correctly, according to a recent Rasmussen poll, so let me help you out.
The following is NOT a joke, so please read and become educated, so that you will know what is about to befall you financially.
In general terms, "CAP & TRADE" refers to a plan to regulate energy production and the use of fossil fuels across the entire economy. It is a HUGE new government MANDATE. The 'CAP' refers to government plans to cap or limit the amount of carbon dioxide and other "greenhouse" gasses that companies will be allowed to emit. It will hit energy companies the hardest, since half of our nation's electricity is produced with coal, and another 30% comes from other sources like oil and natural gas. All fossil fuels emit carbon dioxide when burned for energy.
The 'TRADE' half of the plan refers to the government mandates which force a company to trade or buy permits to emit more carbon dioxide if that company exceeds its 'CAP.' The permits will be issued by the government, so it is a TAX on energy production and energy use, which would be passed on to consumers -- that is you and me.
Representative John Dingell (D-MI) explained it best when he said, "No body in this country realizes that cap and trade is a tax, and it is a great big one!" He is absolutely right, "cap and trade" could result in more than $3,000 IN ADDITIONAL expenses to EVERY American family every single year, which is why many Americans who are in the know, refers to "cap and trade" as "CAP AND TAX."
But, don't just take my word for it. In January of last year, then candidate Obama told the San Francisco Chronicle: "So, if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it's just that it will bankrupt them because they are going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that is being emitted. ...you know, under my plan of cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."
Obama's budget, which just about every liberal in Congress voted for, calls for a "cap and trade" scheme that raises hundreds of billions of dollars in NEW TAXES. White House aids have told Senate staffers that the plan could raise as much as $2 trillion in new taxes.
Here we are in the middle of a recession and Obama along with liberal politicians on Capitol Hill are scheming to impose one of the biggest tax increases in history. And it will affect every single American who turns on a light, drives to work or consumes products of any kind, since just about every economic activity involves the use of fossil fuels!
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