Now more then ever, I feel that Obama, Pelosi and Reid will get their wish and Obama care WILL be passed and signed into law over the loud and clear objections of 75% - 80% of the American people. As of right now, Pelosi is is just five votes short of getting the bill passed and it seems likely she will get them and maybe more by Obama's deadline of March 18th, it seems that many of those serving in Congress change their so-called 'core values' more often then most people change their underwear. They are willing to fall on their swords if Pelosi so orders them. If I am right and this travesty of justice does happen, I am urging all those who are against a government take over of our health care system to get up off your butts, rise up and storm Washington, D.C., by force if you have to.
Those of you have sons, daughters, nieces, nephews or grandchildren, serving in the military, to ask them point blank, on which side will you stand in the final showdown. Will you stand with the Constitution or will you stand with the traitors in Washington? I believe that things WILL come to a head sooner rather than later.
Another thing that we MUST do is to have ALL candidates, running for the Senate, the House or the Oval Office, sign a BINDING oath that immediately (not a year or two later, but immediately) repeal the government health care and ALL other unconstitutional laws and Executive Orders that were signed and enacted by Obama. If they fail to uphold the oath We the People will do all in our power to remove them from office immediately, not when their term is up, and those who refuse to sign the oath will NOT be considered viable candidates. We MUST show our elected officials that we mean business and that we will NO LONGER stand by as we are lied to and abused by a tyrannical government.
If we all sit back and accept the Obama health care, consider what rights and freedoms you will lose next. This government health care has nothing what-so-ever to do with giving health care to every American, it IS all about control, especially control over the American people. If it is about health care for all Americans, then how come Obama slipped in a college tuition provision into the bill? Government health care was WRONG when proposed by the Clinton Administration and it is just as wrong today.
Can anyone tell me how we are to even remotely believe any thing that Obama and the members of Congress tell us, when Obama himself has been proven to be a LIAR extrodinaire, and Pelosi comes out and tells members of the House to "Just pass the bill then you can read what is in it." What the hell kind of moronic statement is that to make?
Twenty-five percent of Americans earning $200,000 a year would see their taxes rise under ObamaCare. An analysis by former CBO Director Douglas Holtz-Eakin reveals that Obama has lied again by pushing massive tax increases on every American, breaking his campaign promise not to raise taxes. The latest CBO report details Obama's 10 year tax scheme - Punish Americans with new taxes for the first four years with no health care benefits and cuts in Medicare to Seniors.
Here are some of the facts that Pelosi doesn't want House members to know before they vote for the bill:
*ObamaCare puts 7 percent of Americans on a government subsidy to help pay for mandatory health insurance.
*ObamaCare raises taxes on 25 percent of those earning under $200,000 a year.
*ObamaCare raises taxes on three middle-class families to pay for every family receiving a government subsidy.
*ObamaCare excludes 93 percent of Americans who are NOT eligible for a tax benefit under the bill.
*Tax and hurt seniors by taking $500 Billion from Medicare.
Just to show what liars we have serving in Washington, D.C., not only now, but in the past, check out the following:
Last month Democrats passed a "pay-as-you-go" budget policy because it was politically correct saying any new unbudgeted items added to the budget would be paid for with cuts. One month later they decided to ignore and violate their own new law and added a $10 billion benefits extension in new unbudgeted debt and vilified Sen. Jim Bunning of Kentucky for daring to make them pay for it first.
How about Social Security. I still have my original Social Security card issued to me many years ago when I was fourteen years-old. It states very clearly: "THIS CARD IS NOT TO BE USED FOR IDENTIFICATION PURPOSES". Back when Social Security came into existence, many Americans were afraid that the Social Security Card would eventually become a national I.D. Card. The government lied to the people telling them that they had nothing to fear and had the above mentioned directive printed on the cards.
By the time I was 19 years-old, I HAD to produce my Social Security card for just about everything I did. I couldn't open a bank account, get a drivers license, apply for a job, rent an apartment, etc., etc., with out producing my Social Security card.
Now, how about some truth as to why Social Security and Medicare are going broke:
First of all, Social Security/Medicare are dependent on the number of people in the work force. Knowing this, how come the government allowed legalized abortion that has killed off millions of potential workers, and how come Congress pushed for and passed all of the 'Free Trade' agreements that ended up sending thousands of American jobs to third world countries, putting thousands, if not millions, of Americans out of work?
Second, instead of placing the Social Security funds in a separate account, as they led us to believe, the money was placed in the general funds and the Congress and president did not hesitate to dip in and use those funds for whatever they dreamed up, replacing the money with worthless IOU's.
All during the campaign, we listened to Obama's lies that it was G.W. Bush's fault that our economy went south, and he also said that the reason we were losing jobs was because of the rising cost of health care, and we cannot do anything to improve the employment situation until we have government run health care. The majority of Americans swallowed this crap hook, line and sinker.
The truth is, it was the liberals, including Obama himself when he was in the Senate, who caused the housing bubble burst and the collapse of our economy. It was Obama's fair haired child, ACORN, that lobbied Congress to pressure banks and mortgage companies to make unsecured loans to low-income people, including illegals, which is exactly what then Senator Obama and Senator Chris Dodd, along with many others did, and in return for their actions they raked in thousands of dollars from AIG, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, etc.
Then, due to the 'free trade' agreements and the collapse of the housing bubble, the more jobs we lost and the more people who ended up on unemployment lines, the less people there were to pay into not only Social Security/Medicare, but also there were less people working who were paying into health insurance, ergo, the costs kept rising. Then there were all of the frivolous lawsuits being brought against doctors, hospitals and other medical institutes, while Congress refused to any thing about tort reform, so as doctors had to pay higher and higher malpractice insurance rates, this forced them to raise their prices which led health insurance companies to raise their rates.
All partnerships, from business partnerships to marriages, from friendships to the partnership between the people and their government, must be based on TRUST. To maintain that trust requires HONESTY between the parties. If one party in the partnership breaks faith with the others, the partnership cannot remain intact. If it is a business partnership, that business will dissolve, if it is a marriage, and trust has been lost, divorce will result, friendships will end. The same holds true for government.
Now Obama and our Congress want to change the rules in the middle of the game to shove Obama care so far up our collective butts, that it will take a surgeon to remove it, that is if the government decides that we can even see a surgeon.
For years, our elected officials have chosen to lie to us over and over again, and the lies became worse with each new administration. Our "voluntary union" of the several states forming the Constitutional Republic of the United States, could only last if there is trust between the governed and the government. This trust is being strained to the breaking point due to the dishonesty of those whom we elected to govern in our name. The Federal Government is and has broken faith with We the People, and it can only end in disaster. We the People DO have the RIGHT to dissolve our government if and when it becomes tyrannical, and that day is not far off.
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