Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I was walking back home from the store when I noticed something and thought I should take a picture:
Yes, those are simple plants, growing in the corner between the base of a building and the sidewalk. There isn't much sunlight on this particular block. Beyond that, there isn't much soil for the roots either. As far as a water source, the closest this plant will get is rain water. For most people, this plant shouldn't even exist.

Yet, there it is. Life.

I wonder if the proponents of prohibition understand this level of resilience and strength.

Sure, the building's superintendent will probably scrape out those plants as he cleans up the sidewalk. Law enforcement is no different. They'll scrape out whatever marijuana plants they can find. As both the super and law enforcement know, it's a plant and it'll be back.

Even if you tear up the foundation of the building and tear up the sidewalk, the plant will be back. It's not going anywhere. If you think about it, to get that sidewalk and build that foundation, plants were already destroyed.

That's the marijuana movement folks. We're just like that plant. You feel we don't belong. You feel we should be eliminated. You'll get a few here and there. But, even without the light, without a true foundation, and without a source of food, we're still here. Even if you get every last root, we'll be back with the wind.

70+ years later, we're still here, old plants and new plants. We're all still here.

Nope. Prohibition won't win. You folks simply don't understand the resilience and strength of a plant.


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