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America Your Fathers Call Out to You!
The average Americans have only themselves to blame for what is happening to our country. For years, Americans have sat back and allowed the far left Liberal progressives (Marxist/Communists) to infiltrate and take over every aspect of our society, starting with our public school system. Then they moved on to our churches, rotting them out from the inside.
They knew how to play with words, twisting and warping meanings, now we have "diversity", "alternate life-styles", etc., even the word "family" has taken on a whole new meaning.
Instead of standing up to the godless left, Conservatives and others on the right, were lead to believe that we must "compromise" with the left, but over the years that compromise has meant that those on the right had to give up more then those on the left. We have NOT learned that one cannot compromise with evil, we will NEVER win.
Now, Barack Obama is performing the coup-de-gras to our nation. Americans are just now beginning to wake up and realize that the day they elected Barack Hussein Obama to be president, was the day they signed America's "Death Warrant". As I have stated many times, during the campaign, people heard Obama talking, but they did NOT "LISTEN" to what he was saying. If they had, they would have known that he spelled out very clearly what his plans were and what he was going to do. Even his wife, Michelle, was right up front.
While campaigning for her husband, Michelle stated, "When my husband is elected, he will MAKE people do things they don't want to do." She also said, "We MUST change our history and our traditions." When Barack was campaigning, he told 'Joe the Plumber' that he wanted to "redistribute the wealth". I guess most people didn't seem to know that redistribute the wealth means taking it from those who worked hard and earned it and giving it to those who didn't. And how many remember during one of the debates, he looked right into the camera and said, "If you want to know how I will govern the country, look at the people I surround myself with." His entire administration is now composed of Liars, tax cheats, perverts, etc.
He told America of his plans about "Cap and Trade", an energy bill that he plans to push through. He came right out and said, "It will make peoples energy bills go through the roof." What was there about that statement that people did not under stand? Yet they went ahead and elected him.
So many people are shocked at Obama's disrespect for the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, but it should come as no surprise because in one of his books, Obama clearly stated that "If the political winds take an ugly turn, I will side with the Palestinians." He bowed before the King of Saudi Arabia and has been sucking up to Muslims right from day one that he came into office.
So, at least to me, what is befalling America is far from being a shocker. Anyone who has at least two brain cells to rub together could have seen this coming. However, this is nothing, I honestly believe that there is worse to come. Remember Obama's "Civilian Defense Force?" He said, "It will be just as big, just as well armed and just as well funded as the military." As I write this, that force is being put together, the funds for it were approved by the liberal Congress in 2009. What do you suppose is the purpose of this 'private army' that will be answerable ONLY to the President? Use your imaginations.
I hate to say it, but I am beginning to lose my respect for Sara Palin. The MSM, including the FOX NEWS CHANNEL, are calling Sara Palin the unofficial head of the TEA PARTY movement, then why in God's name is backing John McCain in his bid for re-election to the Senate instead of supporting Hayworth? Something stinks on ice here.
Last night, she was even praising Mrs. McCain. Apparently, she either doesn't know, or doesn't care that Sen. McCain supports "Comprehensive Immigration", and both his wife and his daughter are huge supporters of Gay Rights.
America Your Fathers Call Out to You!

The average Americans have only themselves to blame for what is happening to our country. For years, Americans have sat back and allowed the far left Liberal progressives (Marxist/Communists) to infiltrate and take over every aspect of our society, starting with our public school system. Then they moved on to our churches, rotting them out from the inside.
They knew how to play with words, twisting and warping meanings, now we have "diversity", "alternate life-styles", etc., even the word "family" has taken on a whole new meaning.
Instead of standing up to the godless left, Conservatives and others on the right, were lead to believe that we must "compromise" with the left, but over the years that compromise has meant that those on the right had to give up more then those on the left. We have NOT learned that one cannot compromise with evil, we will NEVER win.
Now, Barack Obama is performing the coup-de-gras to our nation. Americans are just now beginning to wake up and realize that the day they elected Barack Hussein Obama to be president, was the day they signed America's "Death Warrant". As I have stated many times, during the campaign, people heard Obama talking, but they did NOT "LISTEN" to what he was saying. If they had, they would have known that he spelled out very clearly what his plans were and what he was going to do. Even his wife, Michelle, was right up front.
While campaigning for her husband, Michelle stated, "When my husband is elected, he will MAKE people do things they don't want to do." She also said, "We MUST change our history and our traditions." When Barack was campaigning, he told 'Joe the Plumber' that he wanted to "redistribute the wealth". I guess most people didn't seem to know that redistribute the wealth means taking it from those who worked hard and earned it and giving it to those who didn't. And how many remember during one of the debates, he looked right into the camera and said, "If you want to know how I will govern the country, look at the people I surround myself with." His entire administration is now composed of Liars, tax cheats, perverts, etc.
He told America of his plans about "Cap and Trade", an energy bill that he plans to push through. He came right out and said, "It will make peoples energy bills go through the roof." What was there about that statement that people did not under stand? Yet they went ahead and elected him.
So many people are shocked at Obama's disrespect for the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, but it should come as no surprise because in one of his books, Obama clearly stated that "If the political winds take an ugly turn, I will side with the Palestinians." He bowed before the King of Saudi Arabia and has been sucking up to Muslims right from day one that he came into office.
So, at least to me, what is befalling America is far from being a shocker. Anyone who has at least two brain cells to rub together could have seen this coming. However, this is nothing, I honestly believe that there is worse to come. Remember Obama's "Civilian Defense Force?" He said, "It will be just as big, just as well armed and just as well funded as the military." As I write this, that force is being put together, the funds for it were approved by the liberal Congress in 2009. What do you suppose is the purpose of this 'private army' that will be answerable ONLY to the President? Use your imaginations.

I hate to say it, but I am beginning to lose my respect for Sara Palin. The MSM, including the FOX NEWS CHANNEL, are calling Sara Palin the unofficial head of the TEA PARTY movement, then why in God's name is backing John McCain in his bid for re-election to the Senate instead of supporting Hayworth? Something stinks on ice here.
Last night, she was even praising Mrs. McCain. Apparently, she either doesn't know, or doesn't care that Sen. McCain supports "Comprehensive Immigration", and both his wife and his daughter are huge supporters of Gay Rights.
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