Here we go again -- some American progressives are freaking out over Obama's announcement about off-shore drilling.Now, maybe I'm biased here -- I live in one of the few places in North America which was NOT devastated by the recession and it was Saskatchewan's resource development and related economic activity that was a key factor in maintaining employment here over the last two years. And I grew up on a farm, where we made our living exploiting the land, so to speak.So I have just never understood...
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

We went a bit rogue today and wrote a piece for the National Review Online instead of on Facebook. I love it when we mix it up a bit! It means I get to use a different font!The Great Opologizer stated today that he was going to expand off-shore drilling. Of course, he is choosing to not drill in parts of Alaska. Hmm...You know that wasn't going to sit well with Madame. Energy independence is like...

There are only six games remaining in the Herd's regular season, and we could possibly have two or more weeks of playoff hockey. Antler Banter is back on Wednesday, and the Moose had two big games this week on Monday and Tuesday. We'll look at those two battles against division-rival Abbotsford, and we'll update the standings and what the Moose have to do to ensure a playoff berth. For all of your...
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

With the unfortunate passage of Obamacare last week, Madame's decided to shift gears this week by focusing on endorsements, holidays, and today, foreign policy!For those softy southpaws who want to claim that Madame is inciting violence, take a look at this post. Madame is calling for peace, but perhaps much like the Great Communicator, she is calling for peace through strength. In this case, strength means tough sanctions on the Iranian leader, Imanutjob, who is still engaging in nuclear development.Madame,...

ONE DOCTOR'S OPINION:Pictured below is a physician by the name of Dr.Starner Jones. His short four-paragraph letter to a Jackson, Miss. newspaper accurately puts the blame on a "Culture Crisis" instead of a "Health Care Crisis". It's worth a quick read:Dear Mr. President: During my shift in the Emergency Room last night, I had the pleasure of evaluating a patient whose smile revealed...

OIL - you better sit down.Here's an interesting read, important and verifiable information :About 6 months ago, the writer was watching a news program on oil andone of the Forbes Bros. was the guest. The host said to Forbes, "I am going toask you a direct question and I would like a direct answer; how much oildoes the U.S. have in the ground?" Forbes did not miss a beat, he said, "morethan all the...

The latest US Mint sales report has just been posted over at Coin Update News. The report includes the opening sales figures for the 2010 Boy Scouts of America Centennial Silver Dollar. As expected, the opening numbers were strong, but there is still some way to go before a sell out.Through March 29, 2010, the US Mint reported combined sales of 214,673. This total is made up of 144,732 proof coins...

It took a little longer than one may have expected, but the Saint Mary's Huskies can finally say they are CIS men's hockey champions. The eighth-ranked team in the CIS defeated the University of Alberta Golden Bears on Sunday night in overtime to win the biggest championship in Canadian University hockey. There were a number of stories that followed the Huskies this season, but everything worked out...

Yesterday, two things occurred that I would like to report. First, the 2009 Proof Gold Buffalo Coin sold out at the US Mint. Second, my wife and I welcomed our second child!First the coin related news...The 2009 Gold Buffalo One Ounce Proof Coin went on sale October 29, 2009, priced at $1,360 each. Later pricing adjustments would bring the offering price as high as $1,460 with the last available price...
Monday, March 29, 2010

The Jurist summarizes the dynamic about the Sask Party's Finance minister Gantefoer sticking its toe into the HST water and then rapidly pulling back:. . . there's good news in the fact that the Sask Party wants to let big business do the actual work in selling the HST. After all, the Wall government tried the same strategy when it came to nuclear power, and was forced to back down once it realized that it's people rather than dollars who ultimately get their say at the polls.Emphasis mine.I heard...

Madame had another two fold Facebook posting today. First, as Commandress-in-Chief in waiting she announced the endorsements of three American heroes who are running for Congress: Lieutenant Allen West (FL-22), Captain Adam Kinzinger (IL-11), and Major Vaughn Ward (ID-1). You know how much American veterans mean to Madame. After all, she took a lot of heat for endorsing Senator McAnonymous from those who may not understand the virtue of Madame's loyalty, in spite of McAnonymous's RINOish ways.However,...

The conclusion of Keep Your Head Up, Kid - The Don Cherry Story was on tonight, and naturally I was glued to the television set as the story transitioned from Don Cherry the player to Don Cherry the coach. I really enjoyed the entire story as produced by the CBC, and I felt that the story was told honestly and openly without raining on anyone's or any team's parades. I'm still working on an answer...
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Oops, and I thought we were done for the day, but Madame had other things in mind. She had an awesome time in Searchlight yesterday. She gave a big thumbs up to the event. I think she had a great time tea-ing it up in Harry Reid's backyard!Madame even shared some pictures from the event:CNN said that there were dozens of people at the event, but even another LSM outlet, Politico, said there were 20,000...

Tonight, the CBC featured Part One of Keep Your Head Up, Kid - The Don Cherry Story in prime time. The story, filmed across parts of Canada, highlights the career achievements of Donald S. Cherry from his time as a boy in elementary school right up to his career as a icon on Hockey Night In Canada. The two-part mini-series runs tonight and tomorrow, so we'll look at tonight's episode a little bit...

Madame managed to provided the perfect balance of serious sanctity and snarky sarcasm today. As today is Palm Sunday, Madame and BOTUS provided a nice tweet honoring our Savior. As the media has been all up in arms (pun intended) claiming that Madame is inciting violence, Madame put the proverbial smack down on the media today with a Facebook post using "violence inciting" satire. It's just to good to not do the ol' copy and paste:March Madness battles rage! My family and I join millions of Americans...
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Time to catch my breath! Madame has been quite busy the past two days, so let me embed some video for you to see what we've been up to. It was like it 2008 all over again with Madame campaigning for Senator McAnonymous yesterday and today. She shines on the stump and does an especially good job of calling out the hecklers:Let me say that she also did an excellent job in Senator "I don't" Reid "the bills" backyard, speaking in Nevada today. It almost seemed like she was on the 2012 campaign stump....

I always have a good time sifting through photos of various hockey-related events, especially old historical photos. There's always great stuff to see in the photographs, and there's usually some cool stories associated with the photo. In any case, the collection of photos I have here today come from various sources and will take us back through several decades of hockey. There are some that will...

To view the video, please click off the "Ave Maria" music widget on the right hand side of the page.PAGE 1America Your Fathers Call Out to You!PAGE 2SHOCKING OR NOT?The average Americans have only themselves to blame for what is happening to our country. For years, Americans have sat back and allowed the far left Liberal progressives (Marxist/Communists) to infiltrate and take over every aspect...
Friday, March 26, 2010

Jonathan Bernstein analyzes Obama's recent speeches and draws some conclusions:What Obama is saying here is that politics, rightly understood, is the very core of what makes this nation a nation. Not individualism, not religiosity, and certainly not ethnicity or the land itself, but politics. . . . We, in the United States, do not accept history, or live through history -- we have the capacity, Obama (and Biden) say, to make history, through collective action, whether it is in the Revolution, the...

I had a ridiculously busy day at work today, but the weekend is finally here. It seemed to take forever to get here, but the weekend is finally here. There's lots of of hockey being played this weekend as playoff races in the NHL and AHL are determining who is going to the big dance. The KHL Playoffs are into their semi-finals. The NCAA men's hockey tournament started today and continues over the...

Today March 26, 2010, the United States Mint began sales of the Millard and Abigail Fillmore Presidential $1 Coin and First Spouse Medal Set.This is the first release of the year for the product type, which includes an uncirculated Presidential Dollar and First Spouse Bronze Medal. The sets are priced at $11.95, up from last year's price of $8.95. The sets had been priced at just $7.95 each from 2007...
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Andrew Sullivan writes a perceptive piece about the Catholic church pedophilia scandals and the perception within the priesthood that sexually abusing children was a a sin not a crime.imagine you are a young gay Catholic teen coming into his sexuality and utterly convinced that it's vile and evil. . . If this is the 1950s and 1960s, it's into the Church you go. You think it will cure you. In fact, it only makes you sicker . . . They have never had a sexual or intimate relationship with any other...

To view the video, please click off the "Ave Maria" music widget on the right hand side of the page.Obama Goes Out Of His Way to Humiliate Netanyahu:Once again, that address is: His Excellency Ambassador Michael Oren Ambassador of Israel to The United States c/o Embassy of Israel 3514 International Dr. N.W. ...

An Arctic "Cross Hare"Well, the LSM and softy southpaws is all up in arms (pun intended) about Madame's Facebook post from yesterday where she put crosshairs on Congressional districts that she was targeting for conservatives to win back from Softy Southpaws who voted for Obamacare. These people are getting wee-weed up for no reason. She was simply saying that she was aiming, completely non-violently,...

It's Thursday, and you don't usually find Antler Banter on your doorstep on this day, but here we are thanks to a couple of midweek games this week. Manitoba tangled with the Grand Rapids Griffins on the weekend before welcoming the Hamilton Bulldogs to Winnipeg for a couple of games. The Moose got some help courtesy of Mike Gillis' signings this week, and released a couple of players to get these...
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