Once again, our elected officials in Washington, D.C., especially the leftist liberals, are thumbing their noses and giving the middle finger to the American People, as Obama took to the podium and his trusty teleprompter to announce his NEW Socialized Health Care Bill.
Once again, we have proof that he lied to us again. He called for a "Health Care Summit" to be held on Thursday, February 25th, to include the Republicans, for the purpose of "hammering out a bipartisan" health care bill. The summit is even supposed to be televised. So how come he comes up with HIS health care bill four days before the summit if he wants Republican input?
According to the Liberal 'rag and mouthpiece', THE NEW YORK TIMES, Obama's NEW health care plan is largely a mirror image of that which was passed by the Senate in December, with a few concessions made to the House version. To make matters worse, Obama's bill is being written in such a way that it can by-pass any Republican filibuster in the Senate by attaching it to a budget bill, there-by shoving it down our collective throats.
Obama has proved himself to be a DAMN LIAR and I believe he is also a TREAT to the freedoms of America.
If this crap gets passed and signed into law over the objections of the majority of the American people, then we MUST turn up the heat on all candidates running for office, and demand that the very first action they take upon assuming office is to vote unanimously to REPEAL it, and we must NOT accept NO or any excuses for an answer. If Congress can vote something into law, they damn sure can vote to repeal it, and if Obama vetoes it, they can override his veto. If it passes and we allow it to stand, what will be next?
All we want is health care REFORM, NOT a 'fundamental change of our health care system'. Health care reform dose not mean a government take over.
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