Tuesday, February 16, 2010


On Monday, February 15, 2010, my friend Karen Howes over at "Eastern Right" , posted a blog titled "Stop treating Mohammedanism as a religion". Today I received the following videos in an email from a friend in North Carolina.

Geert Wilders, a Dutch Lawmaker and the producer of the documentary video "FITNA", which is an expose of the truth of Islam expounds on what Karen stated in her post. At the present time, Geert is under indictment by his own government, charged with inciting hatred against Muslims in Holland. He is also being sued by Muslims and they have called for his death, all of this because he dared to tell the truth in his documentary.

Listen to Geert's warning, pay close attention to what he is saying, then take action to force our elected officials to implement Geert's solution.

So far, only the French government is taking steps to implement many of Geert's suggestions. Those who choose to ignore Mr. Wilders' warning and suggestions, and those elected officials who insist on hiding behind "Political Correctness" and "Diversity" to keep from admitting the TRUTH, do so at their own peril and the peril of their nation.

I wonder if there is a correlation between the take over of Europe by the Muslims and what the Obama administration is doing here, running our nation into the ground, while Obama sucks up to the Muslims? Can we afford to wait and find out? It is your call!


Part 1:

Part 2:


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