Thursday, December 18, 2008

WARNING: This post contains some strong language!

I am so damn angry today that I will not be placing a "TODAY'S GIGGLE"on my post.

I am mad as hell because I want to know when the shafting of the American people is going to end. It is bad enough that our elected officials in the federal government want to dig deep into our pockets, for generations to come, to bail out the banks, insurance companies, mortgage brokers, as well as auto and other industries for the financial mess and meltdown that they and the corporate CEO's caused in the first place.

Now, New York State Governor Patterson, the governor of my home State, wants to stick it to the citizens of NY State by getting his hands into our pockets too. Because of the failure of Wall Street which led to thousands losing their jobs, which meant a loss of tax revenue for the State, Patterson has proposed a State Budget that contains 88 new and/or higher taxes to levy on the citizens of this State. So what the federal government doesn't steal from us, the governor will.

Patterson plans to raise the tax on soft drinks and alcohol by 18-23%, he wants to raise the State's sale tax, and the taxes on cable television, satellite TV, internet use, along with the tax on telephones. He wants to raise the tax on auto registration, and driver's licenses by $10 - $20, and he even had the audacity to say that he would like to force people to purchase new license plates for their cars to help raise more money for the State. He also wants to cut money from Medicaid, schools and various charitable organizations. I have been a life-long resident of New York State long enough to know that once new taxes and tax hikes have been instituted in this State, they are never removed or reduced.

So can anyone tell me when this crap will end? How come every time the politicians and company CEO's screw up, it is always the little guy who has to suffer and pay for it?

I'm sorry, but just about every single member of Congress (both Houses), every president since and starting with Woodrow Wilson, and just about every single Supreme Court Justice starting with those on the bench in 1913, are guilty of dereliction of duty, malfeasance and, more than likely, treason.

According to Constitution of the United States, we have three co-equal branches of government, these being the Executive branch (the Office of the President), the Legislative branch (both House of Congress: Senate and the House of Representatives), and the Judicial branch (the Supreme Court), which are to act as a system of "checks and balances" on each other, but instead, they have acted in concert with each other to violate and shred the Constitution and to make sure that the citizens of this nation are screwed, blued and tattooed, bamboozled, conned, deceived, deluded, duped, flimflammed, hornswoggled, misled, outfoxed and snowed (thank you Gayle over at the 'Dragon Lady's Den')!

First off, on December 23, 1913, the members of Congress effectively turned the government of the Unite States from being a Constitutional Republic to becoming a Democracy, which the founding fathers had warned against. On that same date, they enslaved every man, woman and child in this country by turning us from a free people into indentured servants when they unconstitutionally and therefore illegally enacted and passed the Federal Reserve Banking Act and the Internal Revenue Act. When this scam was enacted, the federal government, in essence, put up the property, labor and savings of the American people, as collateral for any and all debts incurred by the U.S. Government and the Federal Reserve Banking System.

Congress enacted this illegal fraud, the President signed it into Law, and the Supreme Court has backed this scam ever since.

Every time the Supreme Court usurped their powers by legislating from the bench, which they constitutionally prohibited from doing, the Congress and the Presidents (in office at the time) did absolute nothing to stop it or to rectify the situation. When Presidents have usurped their powers and authority, and over-stepped their constitutional bounds by shredding the Constitution a little at a time, neither the Congress nor the Supreme Court did a thing, and it has been we the people who have had to suffer and pay for these treasonous acts.

When the Republicans in a Democrat controlled Congress drew up legislation that would have prevented the collapse of Wall Street insurance and mortgage institutions and the financial mess we are in today, the Democrats refused to get the legislation passed. Why? Because Senators like Chris Dodd and Barack Obama (the current president-elect) were taking huge sums of money from AIG, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, etc., while Rep. Barney Frank was carrying on a homosexual love affair with a big wig from Fannie Mae, so they refused to pass the legislation that would have prevented this mess.

Then you have the fact that it was the A.C.O.R.N. organization that lobbied and put pressure on Congress to craft legislation that would allow banks and motgage companies to give loans to low-income people to buy houses (and lets not forget that these loans were also made to illegal immigrants as well), even though it was known that these people could not possibly repay these loans.

And remember, it was Obama who helped set up A.C.O.R.N and trained their voter registration workers (remember all of the voter registration fraud committed by A.C.O.R.N in several States?) and it was presidential candidate Barack Obama who gave A.C.O.R.N $800,000 out of his presidential campaign funds, and not one branch of the federal government did a damn thing.

I am totally pissed off over the fact that the very ones who have caused the mess we are in, the very ones who have violated their oaths of office and the Constitution of the United States, the very ones who have bankrupted and destroyed the very companies and corporation that they were hired to run, are allowed to walk away with their heads held high and nice fat retirement packages and bonuses, along with the opportunity to make millions more through speaking engagements, then they have the unmitigated gall to tell us, the American citizens, that it is our patriotic duty and obligation to come together in this time of crisis and that we need to make sacrifices to bail their sorry asses out of the mess that they have put us in and continue toput us in. What huge crock of Bull Shit! All these bastards deserve is speedy trial for treason, malfeasance and dereliction of duty, and then an even speedier execution.

This crap has got to stop, and only we the people can stop it!

Another thing that is starting to stick in my craw is why does president-elect Obama feel that he has to hold daily televised news conferences to announce the name of a new cabinet member he has appointed. I have never seen any other president-elect do such a thing. Why can't he just make ALL of his appointments and then announce them all at one time? He is just proving himself to be the narcesstistic pain-in-the ass that he is. He isn't happy unless his face is on our TV sets every damn day. I sure as hell hope he don't do it after he is sworn in.


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