Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Today you get three blogs in one:

Watch My Right-hand, Never Mind What My Left-hand Is Doing:

Could it be that the "Swine Flu" is a manufactured diversion, just a tactic to keep us occupied on the possible pandemic so that we don't pay any attention to what Obama and his cohorts are doing in Congress? 'Swine Flu' scare at the same time Congress is finalizing the budget for National Health Care! Hmmmm!

While everyone's attention has been kept on the Obama administration and the possible 'Swine Flu' pandemic, by the MSM, no one was watching that the Democrat congressional leaders and the White House were busy little bees over the weekend, hammering out the final details of the proposed $3.5 trillion FY 2010 budget bill, with NO Republican input, in a push toward final approval of the 2010 budget proposal by Wednesday.

Isn't it curious that the media stayed focused on the swine flu "epidemic" but hardly mentioned the $1.2 trillion dollar health care budget contained within the overall package?

Nationalized Health Care for Democrats has been a dream since the days of FDR, and health care is one of the drivers of government spending in Obama's budget, the liberals decided to use a process called "reconciliation" to ram through the budget bill in the Senate, (reconciliation waives the need for a super majority vote of 60; instead a majority vote will do) so there is no chance that Republicans will be able to derail the bill. Also disturbing is that debate will be limited without the possibility of any amendments. Sounds like another power grab, don't it?

A Traitor In Our Midst:

Sen. Arlen Specter finally shows his true colors. We all knew, or at least suspected that Specter was a RINO, now he has publicly switched political parties, joining the Democrat party today. Personally, I do not feel that this should be allowed, because that is taking away the voice of the people who elected him. When a candidate is elected to the Senate or the House of Representatives as Republican or Democrat, then that is what they should remain until the end of their term, if they don't feel that they can remain in the party that elected them, then they should resign their seat in Congress and have their State Governor appoint a replacement from the party that won the election, to finish out the term. To allow a sitting congressman/woman switch parties after they have been elected is NOT fair to the voters who elected them, because I believe this amounts to voter nullification.

Now This:

Can anyone answer the following question:

Does the President of the United States have the constitutional right and power to change the form of government of the country from a Constitutional Republic to a Socialist/Marxist state?

When I was a little kid in school, I was always taught that ours is a government by the people, for the people, and of the people. I was also taught that our elected officials worked for us and not the other way around. If all of that is true, and if we elect our presidents, senators and representatives to represent us, then what right, what power in the Constitution of the United States does Obama or any other president have to turn the United States into a Socialist/Marxist nation?

If there is no such power granted in the Constitution, that would make such an act a VIOLATION of the Constitution and a CRIME against the people of the United States, so why isn't Congress or the Supreme Court doing something to stop it? Can anyone answer this?


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